Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

636. It Would Be Nice If Marshal Marine Blew Himself Up

The vigorous "Battle of Good and Evil" in New World finally came to an end with Uncle Marine's retreat. Audiences from all over the world who watched this battle squatted in front of the big screen and watched the fight between the pirates and Marine for three days and nights, and finally they were able to relax. After a while, during the three days and three nights of the war, too much fighting hit their brain nerves. Almost every minute and every second, there were scenes of people being hacked to death in a pool of blood, let alone ordinary people. Many pirates who have been lawless since their debut have had their souls shocked by such scenes.

They have been lawless since their debut. Although they have chopped down a lot of people, compared with the fact that people fell down every second in this scene, it is nothing compared to the fact that they are not worth mentioning. Even those who have some understanding after watching this live broadcast, He also realized the true meaning of how fragile life is. He planned to find a gold basin with auspicious dates to wash his hands, and then go back to the 610 Office to find an electronics factory to redeem his talents. He would not have lived in this world in vain for a hundred and eighty years. Once.

The sea is really... so dangerous!

When they first debuted, what they yearned for the most was New World, which was the legendary paradise for pirates. However, how many pirates were hacked to death by Uncle Marine at this station, and how many Uncle Marines were knifed by the pirate, which made them completely It doesn't look like a paradise at all. New World is more like a Shura field.

However, this battle also gave people a glimpse of the top power on the sea. Whether it was the extreme battle between New World NO.1 Whitebeard and Marine's first brother Sengoku, it was like the sky was about to be exploded by the two of them. The violent power was so They were also frightened across the big screen.

The famous one-on-one king Mr. Kaido and Marine "Immortal Admiral" had a brutal stand-up sex scene. The scene made people call them monsters. This style of play is probably the only one in the world that dares to play like this. No matter it is Mr. Kaido's cruel and big black Bang, Bang Bang is still the extreme swordsmanship of Marine's "Immortal Admiral". The sword, sword and waist are all aimed at useless people, that is, these two monsters with vitality and recovery power. If it were someone else, it would be so special. It's useless, especially Marine's "Immortal Admiral" swordsmanship. Such swordsmanship makes their waists hurt when they see it across the big screen. It is estimated that except for the world's greatest swordsman, no man will have the courage to find it again. This "Immortal Admiral" was fencing and said, "This would be useless if it were given ten strength!

Marine hero Garp is getting stronger with age, stronger with age, more mature with age, older... In short, a series of various adjectives cannot describe the status of this Marine hero Vice Admiral Garp in their psychology. A person throws with both hands. The cannonballs were able to suppress the powerful firepower of a group of pirates, and then they chased the red-haired man around with a pair of iron fists that could explode into the sky.

Is red hair strong?

If God had not given birth to him, Shanks, the way of swordsmanship would be like the night forever!

The most Haki man in the world!

Just the evaluations given by the two legendary pirates Roger from One Piece and New World NO.1 Whitebeard already illustrate the problem. The red-haired one is really strong, although the red-haired one has not fought many times since his debut. But whether it was crazy fencing with the world's greatest swordsman a few years ago, or after entering the New World, the backcourt double spear vs. the super twin towers, these are all real achievements, and I can fight against Kaido teacher and Charlotte fat lady. Existence, who dares to say red hair?

Well, after hearing Roger One Piece's evaluation of the red hair, many ambitious sword players wanted to challenge him, but what they questioned was the red hair's swordsmanship after breaking his arm, not the red hair's strength. , Swordsmanship is part of strength, but it is not all of strength, so they want to challenge the red-haired man. The competition is swordsmanship. They want to see how the red-haired man after breaking his arm can be worthy of such a high evaluation from Roger, the Pirate King.

However, the fourth largest player in the New World was chased from the beginning of the village to the end of the village by the marine hero Vice Admiral Garp. This shows that the Marine hero is still getting older and stronger.

However... although this battle was fierce, people always felt that it lacked a bit of appeal. Generally speaking, such an awesome epic battle should not have an ending that is full of appeal, right? ?

From a rational point of view, this ending is good for both Marine and Pirates. First of all, Marine is fighting away from home this time. In terms of strength and lineup depth, Marine really cannot compete with the Pirates in the entire New World. High-end There is no problem with the combat power. Now the older generation of Marine's Sengoku, Garp, and Zephyr are still online. The younger generation of Marine F4 is ready to fight. The high-end combat power of the entire New World pirates in front of them can be said to be still capable, but the backbone of Marine is There are far fewer pirates than New World. This long battle can be seen from how many Marine Vice Admirals pick a few. Those big pirates who form a team are simply bench bandits. The remaining Marine Vice Admirals Needless to say, my younger brother and the pirate Garami. At this level of combat effectiveness, it depends on who has the most people. In this regard, the New World pirates have a natural home field advantage. If there are not many New World, they are cannon fodder. Enough guys!

Secondly, although the pirates have the home field advantage and have the upper hand in this battle for a long time, the pirates in the New World are not monolithic. They usually fight each other and fight on their own. But if a big pirate is hacked to death by Uncle Marine, The strength of the pirate group this big pirate belongs to will decline rapidly, and it may even be impossible to survive in the New World after the war. Therefore, compared to Uncle Marine, the pirates cannot afford to consume...

So from a rational point of view, it is right that the two sides do not fight to the death.

But from a perceptual point of view, people hope that the ending of this station can be more macro and inspiring. For example, Marine and the pirates fight to the end, and then the Marine marshal and the Marine hero self-destruct and fight against each other in order to promote justice. It would be better if Whitebeard and other big pirates died together, it would be more contagious, and if that was the case, they would bet 3.7 that this battle would definitely rank among the top ten in history!

Sengoku: Go to hell, you two uncles! This is anime, isn’t it fantasy? You even blew yourself up... You guys blew yourself up to show the labor and management! (^∇X)

Of course, although this battle lacks some appeal, it does not affect the impact this battle has on the entire world. This stop allowed the world to truly see the power of the four giants of New World. In the fight against Marine After this battle, Whitebeard, Teacher Kaido, and Fatty Charlotte's reputations reached a peak.

Even called New World Four Emperors!

New World Four Emperors are like four emperors, they are recognized by everyone. .

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