Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

637. Kaido Teacher Tianke’S Little Brother

After the name New World Four Emperors was announced, the whole world went crazy. This is a symbol of strength and fame!

The era of great pirates started by Roger had been gradually calmed down through the joint efforts of Uncle Marine over the years. However, it was hit by this wave of New World Four Emperors and stirred up waves again. The name of New World Four Emperors once again inspired generations. The young man with a big mole abandoned his wife and children, left his parents behind, and jumped into the sea without hesitation!

This is what a man should do!

The title of New World Four Emperors has set off a newcomer movement on the sea, and a new round of pirate job fairs has also started in New World.

Although the pirate alliance in the New World defeated Uncle Marine this time, many pirate groups were also severely injured. Even the Beasts Pirates died and only three disasters and a few pillars were left.

Whitebeard also lost several godsons, and fat lady Charlotte had more than a dozen husbands "missing mysteriously" and several of her children were seriously injured. Not to mention other pirate groups, many of the bosses of the pirate groups were involved in this battle. There is only a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals left. If you don't transfer to the dock after buying shares, you can't even survive in the New World. The big fish eats the small fish, and the small fish eats the shrimp. This is the law of survival in the new 18th world.

And because of the name Four Emperors, many pirates who were not strong-willed, whose strength had declined, or whose boss had died, turned to Four Emperors for help.

Of course, Whitebeard, who is the No. 1 person in the New World, is naturally loved by everyone. A large group of pirates are rushing towards Whitebeard's territory. Pirates are so realistic. Who makes Whitebeard now the number one person in the New World? He had several godsons and was heartbroken. He never refused the pirates who came to call him daddy. He probably planned to have more godsons to soothe his wounded heart.

However, there was also an episode. Just when the Beasts Group was happily recruiting students to rebuild the Beasts Pirates, Mr. Kaido heard that the number of pirates who came to be Whitebeard's sons was several times that of his younger brothers.

Kaido-sensei went berserk again. Even after collapsing two mountains, he still couldn't calm down. He carried a super-large black stick and charged towards Whitebeard's territory I.

Teacher Kaido wanted to ask why. In this battle, the Beasts Pirates were the main forwards, and everyone died in the battle. In this battle, the Beasts Pirates contributed the most and contributed the most, and almost no one dared to object. In the end, they all ran to give it to them. You Whitebeard is your son, but I, Kaido, are being taken advantage of?

They are all from the same coffee position, no one can tell anyone else, why do you always eat meat and only drink soup?

So Teacher Kaido came to Whitebeard's territory carrying the black stick. The two secretly met on an uninhabited island for ten days and ten nights. Finally, the island sank and Teacher Kaido fell asleep.

When Whitebeard came back, he was as tired as a dog and announced that his son was full and that he could not afford to raise him any more. He also took back his toes by the way.

This Whitebeard will not accept his son. The other pirates who lined up to hug his thigh were disappointed, but they had no choice but to focus on the other three. First of all, their eyes were locked on the Red Hair Pirates, because The Red Hair Pirates have the smallest number of people, and there are more opportunities to go there, so it is easy to get promoted. Although the Red Hair Pirates have a small territory, it is not a problem. With the strength and current reputation of the Red Hair Pirates, it is not just a waste of time to plant a flag, and They also had the opportunity to make achievements, so a group of people flocked to Salcino Island, the only territory of the Red Hair Pirates in the New World.

But this time these pirates were disappointed. When they arrived at Salcino Island, the Red Hair Pirates had long disappeared. According to the concierge at the port of Salcino Island, the Red Hair Pirates were back. After that, I bought a lot of fake wine and dog food, and then I stopped wandering around on my own land.

Hearing this, a group of pirates who came to call him daddy were stunned.

Why the hell do you want to be so free and easy, and you won’t accept your younger brother, and you don’t want your territory, then why the hell are you going to be one of Der’s Four Emperors?

But they didn't dare to say this. In the last battle, they were shown off by the Red Hair Pirates. Although the red hair was rubbed a little and was chased all over the place by the Marine heroes, everyone could understand it. After all, it was The hero of the Marine Corps and the pirate group Roger are chased everywhere. It is normal for the red hair to be chased all over the place. After all, the Red Hair Pirates are poorer than the Roger pirate group back then, but the others are sharp, and the deputy Captain Beckman singled out Marine Admiral Akainu, and a group of people used them as fire sticks to dance tightly. Marine Admiral Akainu attacked for three days and three nights but could not make a strong attack.

There is also the "First Shot in East Blue". Even Mr. Kaido and that bastard Marine, the green fox, were attracted by his marksmanship and gave up their grudges to sit in a row to watch his solo show. It's completely inconsistent. "The most flexible fat man in the world" who did hundreds of backflips without taking a breath, and a group of top 3Ds, all of them were unharmed after a battle, and even the paint of the pirate ship was not scratched. So With domineering strength, who can do anything?

Since the Red Hair Pirates have no hope, they can only set their last sights on the BIGMOM Pirates and the Beasts Pirates.

To be honest, if it were in the past, they would have preferred Beasts Pirates to BIGMOM. Mr. Kaido can be said to be affectionate and loyal. Big brother will definitely come if something happens to me. Where can I find such a good and loyal boss? He is the right one to hang out with. An old 473 is quite important.

Moreover, Beasts Pirates has a large territory, and large territory means more money. Moreover, in this war, Beasts Pirates only has a few polished commanders left. If you go to Beasts Pirates, you will have more opportunities and it will be easier to position yourself.

But in this battle, after seeing the playing style of Beasts Pirates, they retreated a little. The way of dispatching Beasts Pirates is always Kaido first, and then the younger brother follows up. This kind of dispatch is used to fight weak pirates. Of course, there is no problem with the group, but sometimes because Teacher Kaido is too brave and unable to fight to death, many pirate groups have been wiped out by Teacher Kaido before the younger brother enters the stage.

But like this time, in the battle with Marine, Mr. Kaido led his younger brother as a forward, but he went to stand and fuck with that bastard Marine, and was unable to kill that bastard Marine. In the end, the disadvantage came out, there was no one to lead him. The younger brother kills people. As the saying goes, a snake cannot survive without a head. Without a big brother to lead the team, the younger brothers below are also scattered. In the end, they can only end up being suddenly killed by Uncle Marine. In addition to Teacher Kaido and the three disasters, there are a few pillars. There is not a single younger brother left, which not only reminds them of the time when they didn't know that Teacher Kaido values ​​​​love and justice, the Beasts Pirates seem to also recruit younger brothers every now and then, the so-called iron-clad soldiers.

Teacher Kaido seems to be a bit of a genius!.

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