Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

646. The Champagne Is Almost Expired And Uncle Marine Hasn’T Come Yet.

However, Sengoku also found one or two more suitable ones from the list of big pirates proposed by these people, such as Edward Weibru, known as "Whitebeard II". Although in terms of appearance and figure, this so-called "Whitebeard II" It has nothing to do with Whitebeard I of New World, but when I look at this "Whitebeard II", he has the same crescent-shaped white beard that curves upward as Whitebeard I, and his last name is also called Edward.

Sengoku always feels that this silly son known as Whitebeard is really Whitebeard's silly son. If the last name is just a coincidence, then the two mustaches are inherited genetically, and this Whitebeard's silly son is followed by a man who claims to be a silly son. Damn, the old woman Sengoku always felt very familiar. She was probably a member of Rocks Pirate back then. So after a wave of strong analysis by the "610", Sengoku estimated that there was an 80% chance that this fool was actually Whitebeard. The product of subsequent mistakes. As for why he is a fool, it may be the effect of alcohol.

The other 20% uncertainty lies in the fact that this stupid boy is a bit too small. Whitebeard is as high as six meters above sea level. This stupid boy is probably not even one meter in height. Sengoku really has a hard time imagining how Whitebeard can post up. So this is also the biggest problem.

However, this silly son known as Whitebeard really likes Sengoku. First of all, it can be seen from his debut record that this silly son is indeed very fierce, but his methods are a bit cruel. But what Sengoku likes the most is this silly son’s brain. He is an imbecile child. He has great strength but no brain to control it. The fights are all directed by that pocket-sized old woman. In other words, all the immoral things that this silly son does are controlled by that old woman. As long as this silly son is found, The son disturbed the old woman next to him, so wouldn't this stupid son be under the control of their Marine?

Even if they can't become Seven Warlords of the Sea, it would be nice to give them Marine one more combat power!

The more Sengoku thinks about it, the more excited he becomes. From the past record of this silly son, it can be seen that this silly son's hands-on ability is even more powerful than their Marine elite Vice Admiral!

However, just when Sengoku was interested in Whitebeard's silly son and was wondering whether to send someone to do something, Doflamingo was a little panicked after months of planning to do something big to fight for the Dragon Star of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

When he learned about the World Government's Seven Warlords of the Sea plan, he had already reserved a seat in his mind. To be on the safe side, he risked the exposure of his good brothers and planned a wave of gold. However, the information was already in place. It's just that there is no action, because in his opinion, the World Government wants to find the seven great pirates as its image spokespersons in the first half of the period. It is not for him, Doflamingo, to brag, whether it is hands-on ability or fame, who else can he use?

So he had a bottle of champagne that he had collected for decades and had been waiting for Uncle Marine's arrival. After signing the contract, he immediately opened the champagne to celebrate. He had been in the same place for the past few months without running around. Uncle Marine We should be able to find him with the intelligence, but as a result, a few months have passed, and the champagne that has been collected for decades has expired very quickly. Uncle Marine has not yet arrived, and five of the Seven Warlords of the Sea have returned to their posts. , it wasn’t his turn yet, which made him a little flustered.

"Young Master, we can't wait any longer. I think we should take action first?"

Not only Doflamingo was a little panicked, but Doflamingo's younger brothers were also panicked. They knew their young master's plan to first become the Seven Warlords of the Sea and then wait for the opportunity to march into the New World and gain control of their ancestors.

The young master is the young master, and the more he reads, the better he is. This plan can be said to be perfect, and every detail is impossible to fault. In their view, it is a certainty that their young master will become the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Even the young master's previous risk of exposing Vergo to collect information on heavenly gold was a bit redundant in their opinion.

In the first half of the Grand Line, who else can compare with my young master? Apart from my own young master, who else dares to say that what they say after twelve o'clock in the first half of the Grand Line counts?

Who else?

But now, even useless people like Sand Crocodile and Gekko Moria have signed contracts, and Uncle Marine hasn't found them yet, which makes them start to become impetuous. There are only the last two spots left, although they didn't expect that there would be more in the first half. Who is more qualified to be promoted to the Seven Warlords of the Sea than their young master, but now that the time has come, we have to take action to grab his position first, otherwise it will be too late if all the Shichibukai candidates are released without them!

.........Let’s do it tomorrow! (▼ plate ▼#)”

After Doflamingo thought for a long time, he gritted his teeth and decided...

Originally, he was just in case to ensure that he could get to the Seven Warlords of the Sea, so he asked Virgo to inquire about the information about Tianshangjin, but he had no idea of ​​touching Tianshangjin from the beginning to the end.

After all, with his current status in the first half of the Grand Line, it is no problem to move up to the Seven Warlords of the Sea, but now there have been changes, which forces him to take action.

He finally figured it out. The World Government and Marine did not include him in the list of Seven Warlords of the Sea. Otherwise, even sand crocodile, moonlight. Moria, fishman Jinbei and other stinky fish and shrimps would be on the list. He, the Grand No one has found the mastermind behind the black and white killings from Line to North Blue. This is so unscientific.

The guys are right, we can't wait any longer. Later we won't even get the soup, and we have to fight for it ourselves!


"Oh, eagle-eyed handsome boy, it just so happens that I didn't expect to meet you here. How about it? Did you find any clues to the Supreme Knife? ((^?^*))"

In the first half of the Grand Line, on the sea not far from the entrance of Sihai 3.1 Grand Line, Leonardo, who had been waiting here for a long time, forced himself to meet the handsome guy with eagle eyes who was rowing his coffin slab. He saw the handsome guy with eagle eyes rowing his coffin slab. After coming over, I asked him to get on the boat and look him up and down for a while. I didn't find that in addition to the super artifact on his back, he also had an extra big sword on his body, and then asked with a smile.

.....I visited all the famous swordsmen in North Blue, but found nothing. "

The eagle-eyed handsome boy shook his head speechlessly. This guy is even more shameless than Shanks. He has heard about the entrance of Marine Admiral Mr. Green Fox Grand Line for several months before leaving North Blue. There is no big name in North Blue who is worthy of one. The dignified Marine Admiral is paying attention. This guy is clearly waiting for him, and now it's like a chance encounter. .

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