Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

647. The Legal Right Of The Handsome Guy With Eagle Eyes To Kill People

"Hahaha, don't worry. If you can't find North Blue, there are East Blue, West Blue, and South Blue. There is no Grand Line in these three seas. You just take your time and look for it. Don't worry. There will always be a chance. Found it....((^?^*))"

Leonardo was in awe of him in his heart. Although this guy was a bit difficult to deal with, he really had nothing to say, especially his persistence in swordsmanship. In order to find a super artifact, he had to fight with him.

I just finished running the entire North Blue map. Such a responsible person is really rare among the judges.

However, he also praised his method. He had a premonition that this guy would not find fencing in the next ten years or so. Ten years later, the green algae head three-sword style with one sword and one poem would grow up.

...Tell me, if you have any business with me, you don't want someone to come to a place like this. "

Hawkeye rolled his eyes speechlessly, not bothering to force Lai Lai to get straight to the point.

"Actually, the thing is like this, compared to North Blue, you have also heard about our Marine's Seven Warlords of the Sea plan, right? When I was on the list of candidates for the Seven Warlords of the Sea, I fought against everyone's opinions and argued with each other. Heroes, I finally asked you for a place in Shichibukai, so don’t refuse it yet, just listen to what I have to say..."

Leonardo said, seeing this guy wanting to turn around and leave, he quickly said, "I know you are a swordsman with a sense of justice, otherwise you would not have seen injustice in the past few years, but you have no right to do this." It is more or less illegal to kill people professionally. As a true swordsman, it is important to be aboveboard and upright. The world's most powerful swordsman carries a bounty on his back and always does things that are illegal and indisciplined. You yourself I don’t care, but it will lead to bad things for many children and affect the next generation! Do you agree with this? As the world’s greatest swordsman and the leader of kendo, you are not only the flag of kendo, you also have the responsibility to carry out the spirit of kendo. Don’t you think this is the right thing to pass on to the next generation instead of teaching the next generation to kill people with a machete all day long? As long as you accept the invitation of Seven Warlords of the Sea, then it is legal for you to draw a sword to help the next time you encounter injustice. It won’t affect the next generation, right?”

After Leonardo finished speaking, he handed over Shichibukai's exclusive contact number and a contract.


Toss Berry shot Marine's Uncle Beanie. The boss's eloquence was truly amazing. He actually spoke so noblely about the Seven Warlords of the Sea, which everyone despises among pirates. It's no wonder that Marshal Sengoku asked their boss to invite Hawkeye. Looking at what they said, even they felt that it was natural for Hawkeye to agree.

Swish Swish Swish

...Is there anything else?"

The eagle-eyed handsome boy's inconvenient Ten Thousand Years expression showed a rare change. Then, under the confused eyes of Berry and others, he took the exclusive phone call and signed his name on the contract.

This bastard has already mentioned this. He himself feels that if he doesn't agree, he will probably become a sinner for the ages. Can he not agree?

"No! I know that your eagle eye is the best at understanding the general situation. No wonder you can win the reputation of the world's greatest swordsman. Okay, you have signed the letter and my task is completed. I will go back first. You are busy. Yeah, when did you find the harmless sword, tell me, I'll wait for you at Naval Headquarters. ((^?^*))"

I didn't expect the handsome guy with eagle eyes to be so cheerful, but Leonardo happily put away the contract and waved to him, and went back to make the deal.

I originally thought I was going to fight with this guy in a fight, but now this situation is the best, and we can fight without any blood...

"I hope you will do what you say..."

The eagle-eyed handsome boy glanced at the smiling Leonardo and then turned around and walked away.

Goal South Blue, continue on the journey to find the ultimate sharp knife......

"Admiral Curry, it's not good for you to fool him like this. If he finds out..."

Looking at Hawkeye's retreating back, Thomas Berry came to Leonardo and whispered.

Although he doesn't play with swords, he was born in the Vice Admiral family. He still knows the rarity of the supreme sharp sword. It is heaven-defying luck for ordinary people to find one. Compared with him, he is more like the illegitimate son of God, the boss. Deceiting Hawkeye to look for the supreme sharp knife, isn't this deceiving people? If Hawkeye reacts, he might run to the Sabaody branch.

"Idiot, why are you going to fight him without a super artifact? Do you know how expensive it is to repair a famous sword? What's more, this kind sword was passed down from my grandfather's generation to my Third Generation. , is of great significance to our Curry family, and is known as the sword of the rise of our Curry family. Isn't there something wrong with using it to slash with his most powerful black sword?"

"What's more, do you think he doesn't know? For someone like Hawkeye, what he lacks is a fair fight with his opponent. It's a pity that the only person in the world who is qualified to fight him in terms of swordsmanship is the red-haired dragon rider. Apart from the warriors, I am the only one left. Now that the dragon-riding warrior has lost his arm, he can only look for me. Apart from swordsmanship, the only weapons left among the great swordsmen are weapons, none of which are as good as the one on his back. Even if he wins with a weapon that matches the super artifact, he will probably not be happy, Hawkeye is just so upright... Let's go home."

Leonardo rolled his eyes at Thomas Berry angrily.

To be honest, after this little brother joined him, he took care of him a lot more. He always stayed by his side, but why was he just not clear-headed? He was so deeply influenced by his father, Duncan Vice Admiral, that I'm young, I don't have the strength, and my brain is not clear yet, so it's hard to survive!


Two days later, the sixth member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea was announced. The world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye Dracule Mifo, became the Seven Warlords of the Sea. When the news came out from Naval Headquarters, it completely detonated the entire sea and the whole world. There was an uproar.

Who is Hawkeye?

Since his debut, he has defeated countless swordsmen, including the great pirates of the New World. Everyone recognizes him as the world's greatest swordsman!

A goal for all sword players in the world.

There is no need to say that this popularity in the sea is comparable to that of the New World Four Emperors. Sir Crocodile, the sand crocodile that looks fierce at first glance, and Bartholemew Kuma, the tyrant bear who hides his head and tail, are as famous as the eagle-eyed handsome boy. There's no comparison at all.

If Moonlight. Moria is the lower limit of Seven Warlords of the Sea, and Tyrant Bear is the upper limit of Seven Warlords of the Sea, then the addition of Hawkeye handsome boy has abruptly raised the upper limit of Seven Warlords of the Sea. Many people Everyone knows the purpose of the World Government's establishment of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Isn't it just to use the intimidating power of a few big pirates to weaken the influence of the New World Four Emperors?

However, before the eagle-eyed handsome boy joined Seven Warlords of the Sea, just looking at the first five people, Marine felt that they were not qualified. After all, the membership was too small.

But after the eagle-eyed handsome boy joined, it was different. He suddenly raised the level of Seven Warlords of the Sea's strength.

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