Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

648. Five Elders: Doflamingo Is Not On The Right Track This Time.

Marineford, Naval Headquarters.

In Brother Marine's office, he closed the window, closed the door, drew the curtains, and opened it to let people know the atmosphere, and told Mickey that there was no major military matter and not to disturb him.

Sengoku has been in a good mood recently. He rarely took out his limited edition tool man to carry out research work...

Because of the exposure of Hawkeye, the reputation of Seven Warlords of the Sea has been completely raised to a new level, and it has finally played the role they imagined when they founded Shichibukai. Originally, before the nephew could figure out Hawkeye, Shichibukai was among the top five exposed. The biggest celebrities are the loser Sand Crocodile and Tyrant Bear. However, both Sand Crocodile and Tyrant Bear are famous, but they are not up to the level of influence that can compete with the Four Emperors in the new century. After all, Sand Crocodile is just He is just famous, but he is really a loser. Tyrant Bear hides his head and shows his tail all day long. Although he is famous, he has no amazing achievements after all.

But Eagle-Eye Pretty Boy is different. He is recognized worldwide as the world’s greatest swordsman. There are four New World Four Emperors. The world’s greatest swordsman is indeed unique. To a certain extent, the title of Eagle-Eye Pretty Boy is unique. Its influence is much greater than that of New World Four Emperors, especially for those players who use swords.

Now that the eldest nephew has taken care of the eagle-eyed handsome boy, Shichibukai's influence has gradually spread, and it has reached his expectations. Then the seventh member is next. For this seventh member, to be honest, he personally prefers Whitebeard. That stupid son, the reason is very simple, that is, this stupid son has the final control. As long as the fucking pocket old woman who doesn't know if it is the stupid son is suddenly overturned, and someone is arranged to get close to the stupid son, the two parties will have a bond. They will have one more person who can fully control the seven


He already informed Kizaru last week that he was going to go out. As long as Kizaru sends back the news, Shichibukai will be full!

"Puff! Puff!"

"Moses Moses, I am Sengoku..."

Just when Sengoku was about to conduct in-depth research, the phone on the table rang loudly. Sengoku frowned, picked up the phone, and his tone was not very friendly.

Damn it, I haven't done any research work for more than half a year since I came back from New World. I finally got a little interested, but I was interrupted again. This damn thing is also very exciting.

"Sengoku, the last member of Shichibukai, don't be too busy finalizing it. Doflamingo has robbed a batch of heavenly gold..."

The voice of the golden-haired blonde's godfather came from the phone bug. Although Tianshangjin was robbed, the five-year-old father was quite calm after learning that it was Doflamingo who did it.

If it was kidnapped by others, they would still worry that this batch of heavenly gold would not come back, but if it was Doflamingo, they would not panic at all. Although Doflamingo has not contacted them yet, Doflamingo chose this time , Marine robbed the sky gold when executing the "Seven Warlords of the Sea" plan, and they could all think of the reason behind it with their buttocks.

Most of the reasons for robbing Tianshangjin are because they have no money to support their younger brother, but does Doflamingo have no money?


Since his transformation, this guy has been on the line with Mariejois officials and Celestial Dragons. His business can be said to be all over the first half of the Grand Line and all over the world. He has always been respectful to their elders. After all, the reason why this guy started doing this is not because of a Shichibukai.

But this guy is usually quite sensible, but why does he become a little unreasonable at the critical moment? He doesn't come to their place to walk around. He just says a word and acts like a Shichibukai? What's such a good thing?

Just wait and see when Doflamingo will contact them.

However, they also know the candidate for Sengoku's Shichibukai, so before the last one is determined, they still have to tell Sengoku to postpone the last spot. If Doflamingo jumps over the wall in a hurry, they will suffer a big loss. Seven Warlords of the The Sea plan has been spread, so it's impossible for them to create an Oishi Yabukai for Doflamingo, right?

.....I know, I will inform Kizaru right away"

"Moses, Kizaru, after you deal with the old woman next to Whitebeard II, don't be too busy..."

After hearing what the golden-haired godfather said, Sengoku still didn’t know what Wu’s father meant. If there was no accident, the last spot would be Doflamingo. Although he was very reluctant to doflamingo to become the Seven Warlords of the Sea, after all, he had been They Marine can't do anything to Doflamingo.

The revenge of his adopted son Corazon has not yet been avenged.

I originally planned to wait until the Shichibukai incident was over and then let my eldest nephew quietly go and tug Doflamingo.

But now…………

Thinking that the enemy who killed his son was right in front of him but couldn't move, Sengoku looked at the limited edition on the table and instantly lost his mood again.

"." Admiral Curry, Mr. Zephyr seems to be in front, they seem to be in trouble. "

On the way back to Marineford, Thomas Berry saw a Marine ship not far ahead, and someone on the warship was PKing.

"Drive over quickly!"

Leonardo stood up and walked to the bow of the ship to take a look. With his 5.0 or higher aerospace eye, he really saw someone PKing on it.

A man with a tall figure, thick at the top and thin at the bottom, was carrying a handbag. There was also a pocket-sized version of an old woman sitting on his shoulders. This man looked familiar to Leonardo. To be more precise, this man had the same eyebrows as Whitebeard. His beard made him look very familiar.

Isn’t this the second Whitebeard who is known as Whitebeard’s stupid son?

After recognizing the person who was fighting with Zephyr, Leonardo's heart tightened. He almost forgot about this plot. In the original book, Zephyr seemed to have his arm broken by Whitebeard, the stupid son. Although he didn't know how Zephyr's arm was broken by this stupid son in the original book, Zephyr's arm is still intact, and judging from the current battle between the two, Zephyr is still getting stronger, although as he gets older, his skills are not as good as before. He was as flexible as before and his strength was no longer at its peak, but Whitebeard's stupid son was still being beaten by Zephyr.

After all, he is the man who is honored as the "Black Bowl". Zephyr's Marine Six Styles and Armament Haki are still new, and Whitebeard's stupid son looks like he has just debuted. His combat experience is even a fraction compared to Zephyr who has been traversing the sea for decades. None of them are enough. Judging from the current situation, Leonardo really can't figure out how this stupid son chopped off Zephyr's arm in the original novel, even if he couldn't do it with two feet!

However, Zephyr is his mentor after all. Just in case, it is better to go over and support Zephyr and support the teacher...

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