Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

650. The Correct Way To Open Gene Upgrade

But she didn't expect Zephyr, a former Marine Admiral, to be so strong even at such an old age, but she didn't panic, her silly son's resistance to beatings was also top-notch.

As long as you resist Zephyr's several waves of attacks and wait for Zephyr's feet to weaken, it's time for the foolish son to rise up.

But who knows, today I don’t know if I went out without reading the almanac, Zephyr hasn’t finished yet, and I encountered a more ferocious Marine "Undead Admiral". At this time, the pocket version of the old woman has already started to think about how to run away.

The stupid son can't even defeat Zephyr, and now there's an "Immortal Admiral" who is at his peak, so what a game!

"Old woman, you have been surrounded. Stop resisting fearlessly and follow me to Impel Down.

While Zephyr was chasing Whitebeard's silly son, he kept giving advice.


Leonardo sighed helplessly when he saw that his mentor was beginning to persuade people with virtue again.

Needless to say, Zephyr's non-killing Admiral and Akainu are completely opposite extremes. Marine's Zephyr's non-killing Admiral is sometimes a boon to pirates.

For example, right now, their Marine lineup is clearly out there with absolutely overwhelming strength. As long as Zephyr speaks, Leonardo will roll up his sleeves and use the pocket version of the old woman to beat Whitebeard's stupid son until their father doesn't even recognize him. Whether you throw it into the pirates to feed the Sea Kings or send it into the Impel down, it's basically not difficult.

However, with such a natural advantage, Zephyr still chooses to persuade others with virtue and persuade them to put down the butcher's knife. Is it safe to turn back?

It is estimated that this kind of kindness, which I don't know whether it is good or bad, made Zephyr not as generous as Sengoku when he was a Marine Admiral.

Zephyr dish?

That's definitely not good. Zephyr, the youngest Admiral "Black Bowl" in Marine history before Leonardo and the others, is not a boast. It was established by the fall of each pirate group, but just because Zephyr is famous, it is not To kill Admiral, the pirates who encountered him were basically captured alive by him. They were not beaten into idiots like they were when they encountered Garp, nor were they tricked into being insane like when they were sprayed on Sengoku. Therefore, among the old giants of Marine, Zephyr is the best choice for Marine. The deterrent effect of thieves is really not as great as that of Garp and Sengoku, so this is also the main reason why Zephyr's family is so bad.

There were many pirates who were attacked by Garp and Sengoku back then. Let’s not talk about Sengoku being alone. Garp also had a son, so why didn’t those pirates seek revenge on Garp’s son?

It's not that they don't want to go, it's that they don't dare to go, for fear of being beaten into two idiots, but Zephyr is the same. Everyone knows that Zephyr doesn't kill pirates, and if he can't take revenge, he will be sent to Impel Down by Zephyr, and holidays will be deducted from it. If you perform well, you will still be a good man after you come out. Moreover, if a pirate enters the Impel Down, he is called to go to the Impel Down for further training. Can a great pirate who has never squatted in a bitter kiln be called a great pirate?


"It hurts so much...Damn old guy, I'll chop you!!..."

Whitebeard's stupid son was really resistant to being beaten. He was hit in the face by Zephyr's big black fist. It hurt so much that tears and snot flowed from his mouth. He kept screaming, but he didn't do anything. He held the gun in his hand. A simple version of the same machete from Whitebeard I, copied from the Zephyr, can be used to chop Huashan with an unqualified but powerful move.

Faced with Whitebeard's stupid son's unqualified but powerful force to attack Huashan, if it were Garp, he would choose to resist hard and let the opponent know what the Iron Body of Marine Six Styles is, so as to give him a heart. The opponent strikes.

However, Zephyr is not an old Garp after all. Although he is also a Grandmaster Marine Six Styles, in terms of Iron Body, let alone his age, the muscle density is not as good as that of the old Garp, and his combat power will not be affected by age. Garp old boy, even in his peak period, his Iron Body was not as hard as the old wall-hanging Garp old boy, so in the face of Whitebeard's stupid son's move, Zephyr fully displayed the Paper Arts in Marine Six Styles, even if it was Leonardo, who never dodges in a fight, is also amazed, let alone a group of students who are still practicing their Marine Six Styles proficiency.

When Whitebeard's stupid son struck down with a knife, Zephyr's body avoided the knife as if it had no bones, and then he hit Whitebeard's stupid son's chest with another big black fist. The whole process was smooth and smooth, so elegant. So natural.

“Zephyr, the Instructor is so awesome!”

“The teacher is great!”

·Ask for flowers

"Si Guoyi! Teacher Zephyr is so awesome..."


Zephyr's smooth operation won the applause of a group of Marine uncles and students.

...Look more at Teacher Zephyr's operation, experience it with your heart, feel it with your heart..."

Leonardo patted the shoulder of Toss Berry, who was also a Vice Admiral rookie from Marine Six Styles and his eyes popped out. As Zephyr's disciple, Zephyr had given this disciple a lot of advice in terms of physical skills. Xiao Zao, the son of an old classmate has a poor understanding and talent. Marine Six Styles has his own way of doing things but not his own spirit.

Although Leonardo only practiced Shave and Moonwalk, he was able to master Zephyr's true inheritance at least. Although he didn't practice the other ones, he had seen a lot. In his eyes, Thomas Berry's Marine Six Styles, which had been trained by Zephyr for so long, was all over. It's just some showmanship, and I can barely play it with a Finger Pistol. Although the upper limit of Tossberry is not high, it has more than 700 power points. As long as you understand the Marine Six Styles, you won't be defeated by a group of fishmen. Karami is flattened.


"Hahaha... give up, you are still no match for me.

While Zephyr was enjoying all kinds of rainbow farts from his younger brothers and disciples, he looked at Whitebeard's stupid son who got up in less than two seconds after being punched with all his strength. He was also muttering in his heart.

This guy always claimed to be Whitebeard's biological son. He really didn't believe it at first. Although this guy had the same two-stroke beard as Whitebeard, his appearance, body and brain were completely different from Whitebeard's. Even if Whitebeard was really The drunken behavior is because the genes are upgraded due to the effect of alcohol, so the difference is not so big.

Little Curry is also genetically upgraded from Brother Curry. Look at how little Curry looks and is as graceful as Brother Curry when he was young. Each generation is stronger than the last. This is the correct way to turn on genetic upgrade. This Except for the beard, there is no part of the silly son's body that has anything to do with Whitebeard. He has to change his clothes to see if the beard is glued on.

But now that this guy has been bombarded by him for so long, his hands are a little soft, but the guy is still alive and kicking, which makes him couldn't help but doubt, is this guy really Whitebeard's son?

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