Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

651. Even Your Fake Dad, Whitebeard, Can’T Do It

"Hey! Old woman, why the hell am I here, your stupid son still dares to fight with my teacher, don't you want to hang out? (▼△▼X)*

Seeing the old woman who fell off his silly son's shoulders still completely ignoring the existence of him, the leader of Marine F4, Leonardo was not happy and said to her angrily.

Now she is basically certain that this stupid son is not the biological son of this old woman, otherwise who would watch their own son being fucked like this without saying a word, even if this biological son is a second-rate idiot.

So the question is, since this stupid son is not the biological mother of this pocket-sized old woman, then... who was the woman who was drunk and messed up by Whitebeard?

The soul of Eight Trigrams deep in Leonardo's soul also began to burn brightly. Judging from the thick and thin figure of this silly son, there was a "860" figure that might be the fat lady Charlotte. But it doesn’t seem right. Charlotte, the fat woman, was born to be a king, with extraordinary talents. Whitebeard is also born with divine power. If the two are combined, the chemical reaction should be 1+1>2, but this stupid son has nothing but those two. I don't know if the beard is glued on and looks a bit like Whitebeard. In other aspects, his intelligence is the same as Charlotte's when she went crazy.

It is more difficult to cultivate such a breed than it is for Mr. Kaido to dominate the world and reach the top of the 95th position. The right time, place and people are indispensable. He must happen to meet the crazy fat lady Charlotte when Whitebeard is drinking fragments, and then he goes crazy. The fat lady Charlotte doesn’t know how to kill anyone yet, but subconsciously practices post-ups with Whitebeard...

Only in this case will the fat lady Charlotte neutralize Whitebeard's super high IQ gene and give birth to a second-rate idiot.

However, this possibility seemed almost slim. He had seen how terrifying Charlotte was when she went crazy, with her eyes glowing red and corrosive saliva flowing from the corners of her mouth.

Although she no longer has a body that is so hard that she can't help but being stared at by her, who seems to be unconscious, is like being stared at by a wild beast. Yes, the pressure is so great. Faced with a fat woman like Charlotte, her mental quality is not that good. You can really be scared out of your mind.

Fat Charlotte like that would probably make Whitebeard sober instantly, so how could he still keep talking about it?

But if it’s not Charlotte, the fat woman, then the problem comes again. Who was the woman that Whitebeard had drunkenly messed with in the first place?

As far as he knew, there were not many girls in the Rocks Pirate back then. After all, with the strength of the Rocks Pirate that dominated the New World at the time, it was not easy to get on the ship. It was impossible without some worth. It took decades to get on the ship. Charlotte, a fat woman with extraordinary talents, can be called the ultimate goal of female pirates. How can there be so many female pirates...

The pocket-sized old woman didn't hear Leonardo's words at all at this time, but was planning how to escape in her mind. This Marine "Immortal Admiral" has always punched and punched when facing pirates since his debut. If the fight continues like this, she will really take a break.

But now her stupid son has been hammered on the head by the former Marine Admiral Zephyr, and there is an "immortal Admiral" guarding him on one side, so it is not easy to escape.

"Hey! Damn old woman, our library Admiral is asking you something. Are you deaf? (▼△▼#)"

Seeing that the pocket version of the old woman was still indifferent even after their boss spoke, the Marine uncles around Leonardo were not happy. After all, they had been hanging out with Leonardo for several years, and they were all talented people. You let Their fights may be so-so, but let them criticize people. Among all Marines, these people are also the most eloquent people. Any one of them can host the Eight Trigrams entertainment program, which is just a bit behind the honest guy like Toss Berry. leave.

"Assholes! If you dare to call my mother, I will kill you!? (*`Van'*)??"

The stupid son who has been chased and hammered by Zephyr is quite filial. When he heard that the old woman who had gone through all kinds of hardships and had to feed her a handful of shit and half of her urine was being criticized by the group, she became completely furious and forcefully carried Zephyr's big black fist. The simple version of the Qinglong Yanyue Sword instantly jumped up, holding the knife in both hands, turned five and a half times in the air, breaking the difficulty level maintained by Teacher Kaido back then, and slashed in the direction of Leonardo.

"I'm sorry!"



Leonardo couldn't bear it anymore when he saw this stupid son suddenly violent, with such "elegant" postures and movements, and the sword was about to hit his new boat. After blocking the stupid son's sword like a fire stick, he turned at an angle of 75 degrees and faced that stupid big head half a circle, and then hit him with a stick to the opposite boat. Damn it, this was a new boat he had just changed. If What should I do if Sengoku doesn’t reimburse me?


"You are such a talented mother-in-law. If you want to hack the boat of labor and capital, even your fake father Whitebeard can't do it.


"You are so young that you hit and kill as soon as you open your mouth. How dare you? Whitebeard doesn't know how to teach his son, so labor and management help him..."


"I'll let you chop..."


"I'm going to let you chop..."

After knocking Whitebeard's stupid son to Zephyr's warship with a stick, he saw that this stupid son wanted to get up, so he went up and kicked him in the waist, then grabbed his neck and pulled him up while spraying his hands. He kept slapping that big face, causing the silly son's face to become swollen.

Leonardo didn't hold anything back either. After all, this stupid son was so stupid, so he wasn't afraid of beating people stupid. He might even incite them to make them better.

Well, it has been said in medicine that the brain is the most mysterious place of human beings. From time to time, there are reports in the news that someone became a psychopath because his brain was stimulated by something, and then he unlocked the potential in his body and could catch bullets with his bare hands. 2.9 It's possible to sprinkle water or catch a nuclear bomb with your bare hands

So considering that he and Whitebeard could be considered acquaintances, Leonardo felt that he could help him beat up his stupid son.

The slap on the face made Uncle Marine and the students around them feel pain, but they did not dare to stand up and start a fight. Curry Admiral looked too tough now, and it was not something they could persuade at their level. living.

The only person present who could persuade him was Chief Instructor Zephyr, but now Zephyr saw his beloved disciple educating this silly son of Whitebeard. Although his methods were a bit rough, his intentions were good, and he was too embarrassed to speak. His gentle education before was obviously It's useless for this stupid son. Maybe the tough method of my beloved disciple will be effective...

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