Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

654. Doflamingo: Too Special A Woman Is No Longer A Human Being

"How does it feel to go back to where you used to live?"

As soon as Doflamingo entered the door, his godfather, who had a birthmark on his forehead, immediately went on the offensive. Talking about counting is like playing a game. Although they already have the home field advantage, the most important thing is rhythm. Only when they enter their own rhythm can they move forward. Lead the other person by the nose step by step.

And seeing what Doflamingo was holding, the other four fathers frowned slightly. Although, this box has exceeded the specifications on the market, but in their opinion, it is still a bit too small, and Doflamingo is still not good enough. Ah, there are five of them here.

"Fuh, fu, fufu... I feel pretty good. Let's get straight to the point. I'll be the one to admit that I'm a Shichibukai."

Normally, he would have competed with the five old guys, but now that his younger brother was being masturbated, Doflamingo was in no mood to mess with them, so he put down what he was holding and spoke directly.

Those were his old brothers who had been with him for more than ten years! He couldn't eat or sleep if he didn't come back to him for a day.

...These are not big problems, but the price you offered seems not enough, right? You only have one piece of heavenly gold in your hand, but you didn't make two requests.

This time it was 043's turn to speak, the golden-haired godfather, and the other four people also looked indifferent, as if they had already known that Doflamingo would make this request.

"Fuh, fufu... If it is the usual Heavenly Gold, it will not be enough, but this time the Heavenly Gold seems to be a little different, Lord Five Elders, don't you think so? And after I became a Shichibukai, I paid more than other Shichibukai. Twenty percent......"

Doflamingo's words came out from between his teeth one by one. When he heard this, he didn't know that these five old guys wanted to talk to each other. What a damn vampire. Is it easy to make some money through labor? He usually sucked so much. Now I want to take a big bite.

However, although the situation was stronger than that of others, the advantage was no longer on his side. The amount of heavenly gold he had robbed was indeed larger than usual, and the defensive force was stronger than usual. Otherwise, his younger brother would not have been careless and escaped. .

Others become Shichibukai, who only needs to pay 30% of his income every year. He has already mentioned 50%, which can be said to be a huge loss. After all, he has to pay the cost whether it is a fight or a land grab.

...There is no problem in exchanging gold for your people, but it is less than 50% (biai). Shichibukai has the legal right to snatch it. You are a smart person and should know the importance of this right. "

If it were anyone else, they would naturally not care about the percentage paid, but if it were Doflamingo, it would be different. They knew how much money this guy made. The reason why their small coffers have been full in the past few years is that Most of them are filial piety from this guy. The filial piety this guy brings every time is more than the heavenly gold they receive every day.

So don't underestimate such a few percent, it may double their coffers...

.....Make a price. (▼ plate▼#)"

Doflamingo felt as if someone had stabbed him in the heart. If his little brother hadn't been in their hands, he would have walked away from the cliff now. Five of these five old bastards are still too few, and they are too special. People.

.........Qi Cheng! As long as you agree, you will immediately become Shichibukai.

Seeing that Doflamingo could still bear it, the godfather with a scar on his face couldn't sit still anymore, slapped his hand on the table and said with a very happy look.


The other four people couldn't help but widen their eyes when they heard this and looked at their friends: So cruel?

Although they had already agreed before Doflamingo came that they would give him a severe blow. Originally, the base price they had agreed upon was 50%, but who knew that Doflamingo would directly offer the base price they had negotiated, so They thought they could still stab him, so they didn't agree, but they didn't expect that this little friend could cut him so hard, killing 70% of his body.

The CPO leader who was standing guard at the door couldn't help but break into a cold sweat when he heard the boss's price offer. This is so unbecoming of a human being. Are you really afraid that people will flip the table and stop playing?

Seventy percent?

If Doflamingo agrees, he really won’t have to play anymore, and the remaining 30% will probably not be enough to support his family.

Pirates are different from those like them who have an iron job, a fixed salary every month, and bonuses every quarter. These big pirate brothers naturally have a lot of expenses, plus they fight and kill all day long. , just bullets and cannonballs cost money.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Doflamingo was also shocked to death by the old guy’s huge amount. This bitch wasn’t just sucking his blood, she was already trying to eat his flesh. He really had to agree to this old guy’s price, plus he usually paid the price during the holidays. He has to give them a try, so he really doesn't have to play anymore, he just has to be a tool for these old guys.

Although he really wanted to march into the New World and take back his ancestral land, he would be a fool if he agreed.

"Ahem... don't be so excited. Since it's a negotiation, let's talk slowly. Seventy percent is indeed a bit more. So, it's still the 50% you said, but this 50% was not obtained by using Shichibukai's rights. 50%, but 50% of all business in the future, your business acumen is obvious to all, I think this is not too much, right?"

Whitebeard's white-haired godfather saw that Doflamingo was almost congested, and he also felt that his friend's knife was a bit too much. Although you urgently need to replenish your small coffers, you can't go to the house alone and do such a wolf, right?

Although he understands why his friend fucks him so hard, after all, it is too ordinary for them to increase funds for Marine. Due to some force majeure factors, this little friend had to pay half of his own money privately, so this little friend has made a lot over the years. , but there really isn’t much inventory.

But after all, this guy still knows the secret. If he really drives people crazy and lets them talk in their sleep at night, then the gain will outweigh the loss.

…….……Then I will wait for the good news from Lord Five Elders. You nobles are busy, so I won’t disturb you. "

This time Doflamingo finally knew why these five old guys were able to sit in this position for so long. He extremely doubted whether these five old guys were cooperating in playing him, but he couldn't find any evidence. All the business income was 50%. Although the cost is high, at least compared to the 70% obtained by using Shichibukai's rights, he can still accept it. After becoming Shichibukai, he immediately transformed into heavy industry. Although the intermediary business will also be done by then, heavy industry will be the big one, after all. With his identity as Shichibukai, he doesn't need to be as worried as before, worrying that Uncle Marine will mess with him. He can become bigger and stronger without any worries. .

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