Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

655. Marine Admiral Also Wears Cute Pink Rabbit Pajamas


"Are we asking for less?"

After Doflamingo left, Dad Wu looked at me and I looked at you, with a confused look on his face.

After all, Doflamingo agreed so readily this time. They knew that the way Doflamingo made money now was through intermediaries. He used the prestige and connections he had accumulated when he was the underworld boss to help Celestial Dragons sell arms like crazy. For Doflamingo, this was Business without capital, this should be his big deal. In their view, the money made by using Shichibukai's legal power to seize is not as profitable as buying and selling arms. After all, one requires capital, and the other costs nothing. Anyone who can make money can be worthy of it.

This is also the reason why the godfather with the birthmark on his face just dared to cut 70%, because in their real eight-core brains, the 70% of using Shichibukai's legal power grab should be less than the 50% of Doflamingo's total business. That's right.

But now that Doflamingo agreed so readily, they always felt like they were wrong.

"Forget it...after all, 50% of all his business is quite a lot, and isn't your guy's goods also on the Sky Gold? It wouldn't be good if he finds out and spreads the word."

The white-haired Whitebeard's godfather waved his hand and glanced at the little friend with a scar on his face.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to use more swords. This guy is really healed and has forgotten the pain, and he has put such personal things in the sky. If Doflamingo finds out, it will not be good. Then there will be news from the Five Elders outside. If he still plays with dolls at his age, he will be embarrassed. Others don't care who is playing, as long as they have the gimmick of Five Elders. Look at their godson wearing a cute pink suit in the New World last time. It’s no time to change into rabbit pajamas. Who doesn’t know that Marine’s famous “Immortal Admiral” still has a girlish heart?

Their godson has corrected their image a lot in recent years, so they can't let a mouse drop spoil the whole pot of porridge, right? They are not young enough to withstand the pressure of public opinion.

And this Doflamingo is completely different from other Celestial Dragons. I didn’t expect that their Celestial Dragons have such great potential. After blackening, their IQ is indeed a bit high. Before blackening, they were in a rank that was torn apart by hands, but once they become black, Looking at Doflamingo now, Doflamingo is prospering outside and has no worries. In his opinion, Doflamingo will definitely be able to become bigger and stronger in the future. In this case, 50% is actually a lot.

“Hmm…makes sense.

After hearing what their friend said, the other four remembered that there were some personal belongings newly ordered by a certain guy in the Sky Gold. If Doflamingo discovered it, it would have a big impact on their positive image.

To avoid long nights and many dreams, it would be better to hurry up and get back the Sky Gold Ship.

After leaving the Doflamingo meeting in the direct government office building, the previous negotiations were all normal, but for some reason, he always felt that the old guy with white hair and Whitebeard seemed to be anxious to get this matter done quickly.

Several other old guys wanted to speak just now, but they were interrupted by him waving his hands.

This makes Doflamingo very confused. Are you worried that he will tell the secret?

But it shouldn't be, the five old guys should all know that the secret is very important to him, and he would not reveal it casually unless it was the most critical moment.

And he didn't use this secret as a bargaining chip to become Shichibukai. These old guys should know it, otherwise he wouldn't touch Tianshangjin and come to talk to them with wires in his hand.

"Is it a problem with that batch of heavenly gold?"

Doflamingo thought about it and realized that he only had two chips in his hand. One was the secret that could save his life, but he would not take it out until the critical moment. Although Shichibukai was the most critical point in his plan, He would not put this secret on the table to talk to the Five Elders. After all, using it too much would inevitably make the Five Elders disgusted.

So apart from that secret, all that's left is the Heavenly Gold in his hand. But looking back at the things in that batch of Heavenly Gold, they seem to be very common things and nothing special. A few Devil Fruits are nothing. Extremely high-end abilities are not worth much money, and there are no super artifacts like the Supreme Knife. Most of them are just piles of gold and silver jewelry. The most special ones are just a few dolls.

…………please give me flowers……

However, he knew that Celestial Dragons' hobbies were very weird, and dolls were quite popular among the nobles. It was not unusual to have a few dolls. The Marine Admiral green fox was not wearing pink rabbit pajamas yet, so there was nothing strange about it. .

This left him a little confused, "He doesn't look anything like that old guy with long hair, Whitebeard..."

A week later.

When Doflamingo returned the batch of heavenly gold to the World government, the last of the Seven Warlords of the Sea was completely confirmed,

Grand Line black and white, Heavenly Yaksha, Joker, Don Quixote·Doflamingo.

When the news spread across the sea, some people were happy and some were sad.

Many people have guessed that Seven Warlords of the Sea must have a leader. After all, Doflamingo's name is still very famous in the first half of Grand Line, whether he is a newcomer who has just debuted or has been around for several times. There is no old man who doesn't know about Doflamingo. Although he has never seen him in person, he has definitely heard of him.

Since Sand Crocodile, Moonglow Moria, and the lesser-known Queen of Hinatajima and Fish Man Jinbei have all been selected for Shichibukai, there is no reason why a guy like Doflamingo should not be selected.

Even after the world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye, joined Shichibukai, the status of Seven Warlords of the Sea has improved a lot, but in the end, it is relying on the popularity of Hawkeye, except for Sand Crocodile. In addition to the reputation that can be maintained, the others are more or less unworthy of their reputation in the eyes of many people.

For example, when the big pirates in the New World heard the name Seven Warlords of the Sea, except for a handsome guy with eagle eyes who made their expressions a little more solemn, the rest of them were indifferent. One of them challenged Whitebeard, but Whitebeard chopped off his hand. Those who dare to hang out in the New World, one is a coward who was fucked by Kaido until he cried for his father, and the other two are the Empress of the Naughty Island and the fishman Jinbei, who they said they have never heard of, that is, the tyrant who flashes in the New World from time to time. The bear gave them a little more attention.

And now the strong addition of Doflamingo has indeed given Seven Warlords of the Sea more recoil.


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