Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

666. Sengoku: Did Kaido Take The Wrong Medicine?

"Look at you, uncle! Huh! (^*)/"

Teacher Kaido saw Leonardo staring at him with his eyes wide open, snorted in displeasure, jumped high in the air, transformed into a dragon and flew away.

Although I really want to fight with the bastard and let the bastard say that he is a bitch.

But he still has big things to do, and his impatience will ruin his big plans. Jack is still in Impel Down waiting for him to rescue him, so he can't take action against this bastard now.


"So Kaido, this idiot, came all the way to Sabaody just to buy a girl for his little brother? (O_O)?"

Looking at the little bug on the horizon, Leonardo asked Uncle Marine next to him uncertainly.

When did Mr. Kaido have such a good temper? Isn't this behavior too abnormal?

"Judging from the current seems to be the case, but the price "030" spent by Kaido seems to be a bit much..."

After a few confirmation glances, Dominic nodded, and then pointed to the gold and silver jewelry all around him and said.

...Since when did Kaido become so boring? He shouldn't have brought his own reporter..."

Leonardo touched his chin and looked around at the good friends in the journalism field who were fighting each other. There were quite a lot of these good friends. Although there were several private media organizations in Sabaody, the news work of these private media organizations was After all, I don’t want to receive professional training like the official, and my sense of news is still a bit worse. When the two Celestial Dragons were duel, they didn’t see so many long guns and short guns. Teacher Kaido only stayed here for a while, and so many came. , at first glance, it was communicated in advance.

So the question is, why does Mr. Kaido bring so many good friends from the journalism industry here, just to watch him spend money to buy girls for his younger brother, and then write a news article?

Kaido-sensei is a little silly, but he's not that boring, right?

"...Could it be because of the remarks you made about Admiral Curry, so...that Kaido deliberately brought so much money to Sabaody to buy a girl for Jack the Drough in front of you? ………”

At this time, a Rear Admiral suddenly spoke and said uncertainly.


Hearing this, Leonardo and others all looked in the direction of the voice. This was a young man who looked to be in his twenties. He was awarded the title of Rear Admiral in this grade. He was either a relative or a real person. strength, but most of the officers who work in Sabaody are from related households. Since the establishment of the Sabaody branch, all the old, weak, sick and disabled Sengoku have gone to Sabaody, especially those from related households. Lai Leonardo also preferred the former.

If there was no one above, it would not be easy to be promoted to general officer these days, especially from Commodore to Rear Admiral.

"Is Kaido's pussy that boring? (O_O)?"

Although Leonardo also felt that this little brother's analysis made some sense, it was just a casual joke when he heard that the woolly elephant couldn't compete with Bobbi and then Kaneichi used force and was masturbated.

Does Kaido-sensei care so much about his words?

"It seems, that may be the case. Now there are rumors in New World that Kaido is a big bitch..."

Kent also nodded and felt that what this young man said made sense, but he was embarrassed to say that his boss was a big talker, so he could only express what he wanted to say in a tactful way.


Others also nodded and said that this was possible. If this was the case, it would explain the reason why Kaido-sensei did these boring things.

"Nani?! Kaido went to Sabaody and spent a lot of money to help his younger brother buy that giant girl and then left? (O_O)?"

"Did he take the wrong medicine?"

Marineford, Naval Headquarters.

After receiving the report from his adjutant Mickey, Sengoku was shocked!

It's like I'm dreaming. This information sounds a bit ridiculous no matter how I listen to it.

First of all, most pirates are a bunch of lawless bastards, and Kaido is the most outstanding bastard. If all pirates would give money when doing transactions, the world would be very peaceful. Pirates often give money when doing transactions. There is only one situation, that is, the opponent's strength is stronger than ours, or at least the opponent's strength will not be weaker than ours. If the opponent's strength is weaker than ours, then the pirate's trading method will always be robbery.

And Kaido, this bastard, has been more vividly displayed in the New World over the years. Now the opponent is obviously much weaker than him. In the end, Kaido actually spent money to buy a giant girl for his younger brother. This really shocked him. According to Kaido's past character was that if he really wanted to find a girl for his younger brother, he would just run over and grab her...

Although the boss behind the club in District 5 is a group of World Government officials, they can't do anything to Kaido. Even if the girl is robbed, they can only endure it. Do they still want to go to New World to compete with Kaido? ah?

You don't even dare to give them a water tank!

But what's going on with Kaido now... He thought he would cause trouble when he came here, but in the end he went to Sabaody to buy a girl for his little brother and left again.

This is totally unlike his style.

Sengoku scratched the shaggy hair on his forehead. He was confused by Kaido. This bastard's behavior was so abnormal.

"According to the analysis of Curry Admiral and the others, it is very likely that Kaido did this due to the influence of Curry Admiral and your previous remarks. During this time, there have been rumors in New World that Kaido is a bitch, so this time When he came, he also contacted several news media in Sabaody..."

Mickey said not too sure.

.........Keep an eye on where Kaido goes after he leaves, and notify Akainu to see what the Beasts Pirates are up to. "

Sengoku waved his hands, he was too lazy to think about it because he couldn't figure it out. Now that Kaido's younger brother was sent to Impel down by them, there was no way Kaido would not make any moves. He was also too lazy to think about Sabaody's affairs. The first priority now was to prevent Kaido from causing trouble.

After the establishment of Seven Warlords of the Sea 4.0, it was indeed able to weaken the influence of New World Four Emperors on the first half of the game and Shichibukai. After the operation of this group of people, Shichibukai's intimidating power gradually increased. Among them, the most outstanding performance was Tyrant. Bear, Shichibukai, the Tyrant Bear, is the most honest during this period, and can basically complete their Marine's requirements perfectly every time.

Except for Hawkeye, who was deceived by his eldest nephew as always and refused to listen to the announcement on the way to find the super artifact, the others were more or less submissive. However, Sengoku had nothing to do. In essence, Shichibukai was directly taking orders from the World Government. , they are not Marine, so they Marine cannot directly give orders to the Seven Warlords of the Sea, nor can they directly use force against those bastards, without being slapped in the face. In this case, for the sake of Tyrant Xiong’s diligence, , Sengoku forgave him for taking away his doll and putting it up for auction.

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