Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

667. Teacher Kaido Is A Good Boss

Now, after the joint efforts of Marine and Tyrant Bear in the first half of the game, he had finally calmed down from the impact of the official rise of the New World Four Emperors. He really didn't want to see Kaido make any big news again.

But the New World Four Emperors and the Red Hair Pirates became homeless and disappeared to nowhere, and their good friend Garp could not be found either. Whitebeard stayed in his court all day long, drunk and dreaming, and fat lady Charlotte also stayed at home all day to breed offspring. Although her sons and daughters were not resting, they were all a group of top students after all. They knew the bottom line of their marine and ran out of the New World. Basically there will be no trouble in the first half.

But Kaido is completely different. This guy's lawless style gives him a headache. If he were given a bullet that could kill everything, he would definitely destroy this bastard Kaido.

But the problem is that there are no such bullets. Kaido's special characteristics are well understood by Marine. Kaido now has stronger resilience and vitality than when he bravely broke into their Naval Headquarters. The methods that Marine could use back then are basically the same. I've used 18, but I can't kill this bastard.

When someone else took two Devil Fruits, they would definitely explode on the spot, but that bastard Kaido was just like cheating. They stuffed two Devil Fruits into Kaido's mouth, and the bastard farted loudly. Nothing happened.

Demon fruit power will drown when it touches the sea water. As a result, this bastard can sleep in the sea, and then the guillotine, lightning, and all kinds of methods have been used, but he is still alive. This is why Kaido He has been so promiscuous in recent years, even more promiscuous than the Golden Lion back then. That's why their Marine didn't bother to criticize him. If the Golden Lion had been so promiscuous back then, he would have been killed by their Marine.

Now that Kaido has escaped from New World, he naturally has to guard against him.

"Big news! Big news! Kaido paid a large sum of money to buy the giant girl that Jack the Drough was interested in in Sabaody!"

"Nani?! You can't, right? Didn't you say that Kaido is stingy? How could he spend money to help his younger brother buy a girl..."

"It's absolutely true. Look, the news is out."

"Good guy, how much does it cost for so much gold, silver and jewelry?"

"So Kaido isn't very stingy."

A few days later, the news that Teacher Kaido spent a lot of money to help his younger brother buy girls appeared all over the world. Teacher Kaido also waved his hand boldly and bought all the news papers of this issue. Those news birds flew around the world with the newspapers. When I go to a place to survive, I see someone throwing the newspaper down for free, and then rushes to the next place.

Under Mr. Kaido's arrogant propaganda, the rumors about Mr. Kaido's stinginess turned around completely. Everyone in the newspaper all praised Mr. Kaido for his arrogant behavior.

From the pictures in the newspaper, the gold and jewels all over the floor are simply more exaggerated than a big pirate’s treasure. Kaido can do so much for a little brother. Teacher Kaido’s image has received rave reviews. The comment that Teacher Kaido is a good boss is Crazy +1 in just a few days.

After hearing these comments, Teacher Kaido, who had been wandering around in the first half, nodded with satisfaction. The money was finally not wasted.

Now that the main thing is done, it's his turn to do the big thing next. Compared with the big thing he's going to do next, this is just an appetizer.

Thousands of meters in the air above Impel Down [Teacher Kaido, who turned into a big dragon, waited for ten pairs of dragon eyes to pass through Wei Kang and look below.

He is familiar with Impel Down. I don’t know how many times I have been there over the years, but this time is different from the past. Although it is a one-on-one challenge, this time I have to save people first. Although the little brother did not do anything big according to his plan, But the final result is still good. His image as a good boss has now been deeply rooted in his heart. Da Touma has called him to report that in the past two days, a large group of pirates have gone to Ghost Island to pay homage to their big brother. In just two days, Over time, his Beasts Pirates have expanded to about a dozen pirate groups, and he estimates that there will be more in the future.

When one day he has time to go back and kill Whitebeard, then the Beasts Pirates will be the first pirate group of the new century.

Based on his in-depth understanding of Impel Down, if Jack's cafeteria stays at Impel Down, it should be on the fourth or fifth floor.

Of course, there may also be the bonus of his Kaido. Jack is likely to be sent to the sixth floor. If he appears, then the people in Impel Down will definitely know that his purpose is to save people, and then they will transfer Jack. Either leave or directly knock Jack out. Even if he penetrates the Impel down, this is not what he wants.

His goal is to break through Impel Down, but he also wants to get his younger brother out. Especially since Jack is still his most loyal younger brother, Kaido is reluctant to let Jack be killed.

He had already appeared in Sabaody land before. Now the pirates must be on guard in Impel Down. After thinking about it, Teacher Kaido turned and left. For the sake of Jack's wealth and life, this matter cannot be done recklessly. Wait a few days for Marine to relax his vigilance.

Time passes day by day.

One month later,

Marineford, Naval Headquarters Conference Room, Marine All the big names above Vice Admiral are here except Akainu who is observing the movements of the Beasts Pirates in the New World and Aokiji who is squatting in the Impel Down. Even Marine who runs outside to hide and seek with the Red Hair Pirates The old boy Garp who won the mental map 390 times was also recalled urgently by Sengoku.

In the conference room, all the Marine Vice Admirals had sullen faces. If it weren't for the snoring of the old boy Garp, the grunting of Kizaru drinking tea, and the sound of Leonardo's fingers tapping on the table, then the atmosphere would be quite serious. .

Since Mr. Kaido appeared in Sabaody a month ago, he has never appeared again. The big hairy elephant was being masturbated. The whole world was staring at the Beasts Pirates. With Mr. Kaido’s character that values ​​love and justice, now the little brother is being masturbated. , it is impossible for Mr. Kaido not to do something, and their Marine has also been on standby for a month. But now, Teacher Kaido still hasn't taken action.

This is very abnormal. Akainu has been paying attention to the Beasts Pirates during this period. According to the news coming back from Akainu, there has been no movement in the Beasts Pirates except for the dozens of pirate groups that have surged in strength due to the last news. Kaido also did not return to the New World.

This moment made Sengoku really confused. They were showing up, and the other side was hiding. There was no way to keep waiting like this. Although he knew that Kaido's goal was definitely Impel down, Kaido never took action, and the younger brothers below did it. I feel a little restless, especially since Aokiji has called me many times to make noises about leaving Impel Down. After all, being with a toxic man all the time will have some impact on my daily life.

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