Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

668. It’S Hard To Be The First Brother Of Marine!

To be honest, Kaido is actually not scary. Apart from the disgusting characteristic of Immune to Death, he is actually not stupid. With the lineup he has already deployed, as long as Kaido dares to show up, they will turn him into a dead dog in minutes. Return to New World.

But now Kaido is playing hide and seek with him, which is a bit disgusting. I don’t know the exact time of this guy’s move. Aokiji has been in Impel Down for more than a month and he can’t hold it anymore. Others have gone. It's probably about the same.

I summoned Garp back and thought about letting him take over for his younger brother Aokiji and go live in Impel Down for a while, but I thought it would be okay to let this bastard fight with real swords and guns. In other matters, this bastard didn't seem to be very reliable, so I had to let a few more Only someone more reliable should follow.

Sitting in seat C, Sengoku glanced around. First of all, Xiao He must not be able to go. Although Xiao He is very reliable and Garp will listen to her, the conditions of Impel Down are too difficult, and Xiao He has to take care of her. Lucy Jiu, she probably doesn't want to go, and besides, a little Kaido actually asked their Naval Headquarters chief staff officer and Marine hero to take action. If you think about it, their big Marine is not empty.

Next, let’s go to the eldest nephew and Kizaru... Both of them are his disciples, so naturally they can’t be allowed to go. How could the boss let his younger brother suffer...

All that's left is the Marine Vice Admiral....

When the flying squirrel and others saw his eyes looking at them, they all looked at the ceiling and took the initiative to avoid him.

In fact, no one wants to go to that place of the Advancement Director. Not to mention it is unlucky. Being with a poisonous man and having to wear a gas mask and disinfectant every day is simply not a place for people. He is just worried about this bastard Garp. I didn't want to wear a gas mask and take my little brother around the corner to go somewhere else to be cool, so I decided to send someone to follow him.

But guys like Flying Squirrel are all looking at the ceiling, which makes him a little bit difficult. If he calls out names, these guys will definitely think that he is suppressing him, which is not good for the unity within Marine. .

But it’s no good if we don’t send people to follow this Garp. If his status is too small, those guys will treat this bastard Garp like a god. The next day after following Garp, they will probably forget all about the tasks assigned by him and then follow Garp to go for fun. In the end, he didn’t As a solution, Sengoku focused his attention on the eight weapons that Ghost Spider carried on his back. After years of frugality, Ghost Spider already had three famous swords on his back, but they were still a little far away from the eight swords flying together. He I remember that when my eldest nephew received the heavenly gold rewarded by his five godfathers, there were two famous swords on it, and they were both given to Zephyr. Zephyr gave one to Ain, and another one. He also has one at home... ……….

Then he looked at the good friend Flying Squirrel next to Ghost Spider...

"Ghost Spider, Flying Squirrel, tomorrow you and Garp will go to Impel Down to strengthen the defense and replace Aokiji. Although Kaido has not moved yet, his purpose is definitely Impel Down. You must not let him cause trouble in Impel Down. , it will be troublesome if he gets those bastards on the sixth floor out..."

Sengoku looked at the ghost spider deeply and stretched out two fingers and said to the ghost spider.

It means you, Ghost Spider, go Impel down and I will get you two famous knives...

The Ghost Spider was so excited that he burst into tears. He slapped the table and stood up, startling the people around him. Then he raised his head, straightened his chest, tightened his abdomen and raised his buttocks. He saluted Sengoku with a solemn and affectionate military salute.

Guaranteed to complete the task!

It's so pitiful that since he realized that eight famous swords are needed for the eight swords of the Eight Swords style, he has been frugal and frugal over the years. Sometimes he even eats the food of his good brother Flying Squirrel just to raise eight famous swords. However, Famous swords are not only rare, but also extremely expensive. Sometimes even if you have money, you can't buy them. His annual salary of over ten million a year is actually a lot, but after so many years, he has only gotten three of them.

There are still five left and he doesn't know when and how long it will take to raise them all. Maybe he can wait until his son and daughter's generation, but now one brother can get two at a time. To be honest, the living conditions in Impel Down are difficult. A little bit, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t survive. You can get two handfuls after a hard period of time. This is simply a blessing from heaven!

After Ghost Spider made his statement, his rival Flying Squirrel also looked at Brother Yi affectionately. His brother Ghost Spider got two famous swords from a trip. I don’t know what I can get. Brother Yi is willing to wait for something extraordinary... .???)

The flying squirrel was not disappointed either.

Facing his affectionate look, Sengoku also gave him an affectionate look in return...

"The meeting is dismissed!"

Damn it!(⊙v⊙)!

The Three-Character Sutra in Flying Squirrel's mind almost blurted out, and he stared at Brother Yi with his mouth open. Ghost Spider got two famous swords in one trip, and Labor got an affectionate look?

The dignified President of Marine, you can’t be so unfavorable to one, right?

In fact, it’s not that Sengoku doesn’t know the meaning of flying squirrel. The name of the country is a sword. It’s a famous sword. How many swords can there be in the world? The eldest nephew even fooled the eagle eye for a supreme sharp sword, even if it’s not There are also very few big sharp knives. Sometimes even if you have money, you can't buy these things. In the past, their Marine only had one or two, and they still had an owner. He promised to get two for Ghost Spider, but he had to pay me nothing first. I don't even know if he can get the one in the strange magic hand.

If the flying squirrel is given another promise of no less than two famous knives, Brother Marine will sell it on August 15th.

Just kidding, do you really think Brother Marine is that good?

Who knows who is sitting in this poor position. If Zephyr hadn't retreated to the background, Garp, the bastard, wouldn't even be considered Admiral. Marshal Kong came to him again and complained that there was no one in Marine. If there was no way but to let him take the top position, as long as Zephyr still In office, he really doesn't want (Qian Wang Zhao) to sit on the toilet in this bad position.

How easy is it to manage the food and drink of the entire Marine and still have to fight for your life to hold on to this position?

Haven't you seen that Marine's shaggy hair has become much looser over the years...

The salary is only a little more than Admiral, and he has to work overtime every day to squeeze out time to study handicrafts. If he had the time, he would have already acquired Xiaohe, and now he may have a family full of children and grandchildren!

"."Hmm??? Where are the people? Why are they all gone?"

After everyone left the conference room, the big bubble Garp blew through his nose also burst. Looking at the few people left in the conference room, he rubbed his blurred sleepy eyes and stood up, ignoring the burning eyes of his good friend. I walked up to my good friend, reached into his inner pocket and pulled out a pack of senbei, opened it and started eating on my own.

Such a natural and skillful movement would be impossible without decades of practice. .

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