Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

669. Teacher Kaido: After Seven Days Is The Auspicious Day Of The Zodiac

"Asshole! Don't eat in the conference room! (A)?"

Sengoku, who was not in a pretty mood to begin with, couldn't help but spray him in the face.

He felt heartbroken looking at the limited edition senbei. He had finally bought these by tricking a few brats into jumping in line for him.

For the limited edition senbei I have left, it’s better to send this bastard to Impel Down.

"Hahaha, don't worry about it, I'll treat you to it."

The old Garp boy laughed twice and poured the entire bag of senbei into his mouth. He accurately left two pieces in the bag and stretched them out in front of his good friends. "Ten pairs of good brothers are blessed to share the same responsibility."

(▼ plate▼#)

Sengoku looked at the two pieces of senbei in the bag, and his face turned purple. If it weren't for this bastard with the double surname Monkey and D, he would not have survived two episodes, and he was too special to be a human being.

"That bastard Kaido hasn't moved yet. His goal must be to impel down. Aokiji has an emergency and I have called him back. Tomorrow you, the ghost spider, and the flying squirrel will go to impel down."

Sengoku took a deep breath to calm down as much as possible, and stopped himself from thinking about the package of senbei. He said to the old boy Garp with a serious face.

I mean I'm not kidding you this time.

"Nani?! Impel down? No, no, no, there are no senbei and no donuts there, that kid Magellan is too poisonous437, I won't go!"

When the old Garp boy heard that he was going to Impel Down, his expression changed, and his head in the dog-head hat kept shaking. It is not a good thing to be in contact with a poisonous man. If you are not careful, his donuts will be poisoned and moldy. If Don’t make him die after eating it...

"You must go. It's hard to get the sea to calm down now. If Kaido goes there to cause trouble, especially those bastards from the sixth floor come out, it will be troublesome then.

Sengoku shook his head seriously and said.

Not to mention the other people on the sixth floor, there is only one big BOSS from the previous generation, Baloric Redfield. West Blue was messed up by him back then. If this guy comes out to cause trouble, then It's really no joke.


Now the old boy Garp had nothing to say, he opened a pack of limited edition senbei and started eating it.

The important task of world peace has been assigned to him, what else can he say?

Just keep your head down and do it!

Sengoku secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the energetic back of his good friend. Although this bastard is usually unreliable, he has never had diarrhea at critical moments over the years. He reached into his inner pocket and rummaged around for a while, and then looked at The figure walked towards the door.

Mudd, let the guys from the Science Department come up with a seastone lock next time...

In the clouds above Marineford, Mr. Kaido, who turned into a big dragon, walked through the clouds and looked at a group of idiot Marines below. For the past month, he has been hovering above Naval Headquarters to observe the movements of Marines. Today, he went to see a group of Marines holding a meeting below. , it must be for his own business, Teacher Kaido became a little annoyed after seeing the people coming out of the conference room, calling their names one by one.

Except for the kid playing with ice cubes and the kid named Red Gouzi, almost all the Marines he can name are here, which means that the old yinbi of Sengoku did not ambush a large force waiting for him at Impel Down. , the defensive strength in Impel Down is at most the two Marine Admirals, the kid playing with ice cubes and the kid named Red Gouzi, plus Impel Down's own defense.

If he remembers correctly, Impel Down's highest combat power is the poison-playing brat, and the rest are just a bunch of cats and dogs. They can't catch the eye of Kaido, the one-on-one king of Impel Down. Even the one who is called Shiryu of the Rain is in his eyes. In his eyes, he is just a piece of trash.

One plays with poison, one plays with ice and one plays with lava. These three brats are not difficult for him at all. He would have taken action a month ago when he knew Impel Down.

At the beginning, he was worried that Sengoku's old yinbi would lay a trap around Impel Down. When he started, a Marine all-star lineup was waiting for him. Although he was not afraid, younger brothers like Jack would definitely not be able to hold on, so he (bibi ) hesitated and did not take action, otherwise he would panic.

After Mr. Kaido finished observing the "enemy situation", the old bastard Garp was still here, and the brat with a big mouth was also here. After basically confirming that Impel Down's lineup had no depth, the two big dragon eyes turned around and the big dragon claws were drawn out. He took out a yellowed calendar and flipped through it, then turned around and flew towards Impel Down.

Seven days later will be an auspicious day. It is a good time to go out, to be buried, and to have a fight!


Seven days later, on the clouds above Impel Down, Mr. Kaido, who had transformed into a big dragon, touched his chin with a big dragon claw, thinking about how to use his big stick to make his appearance more shocking. Originally, his big stick was very powerful, but when he thought of Whitebeard's power, Every time he fights, he always comes with a tsunami. Fat woman Charlotte also has her own fire and electricity. Even the red-haired little bastard has his own Haki. His big stick will inevitably stretch his crotch.

This is not possible. This time he is preparing to make big news to enhance his reputation and influence. He has to come up with a shocking way of appearance. If his leader is still alive, you can help him think about it. , but now he can only rely on himself to figure it out...

On the other side, Garp old boy also took Ghost Spider and Flying Squirrel to Impel down to change classes with his former younger brother Aokiji. However, because the poisonous man's poisonous gas was too strong, Garp old boy refused to move to Impel down even if he beat him to death. Even if the poisonous man arranged a super VIP luxury presidential suite for him, get a little closer to the poisonous man. The donuts he just opened were already stained black by the poisonous gas attack before he even ate them. He would rather set up outside the gate of Impel Down. He stayed in a small tent and ate donuts without staying in the super VIP luxury presidential suite.

If the old boy Garp doesn't move in, the ghost spider and flying squirrel will naturally not go in. It is the safest to stay with the old man, after all, what they are going to face is Kaido, that big monster.

"Flying Squirrel, what did the headquarters say? Haven't you found that idiot Kaido yet? Click, click, click."

Outside the tent, the old boy Garp was eating donuts and blowing big bubbles through his nose. It was impossible to tell whether the old man was asleep and talking in his sleep or awake.

However, Ghost Spider and Flying Squirrel were not sleepy at all, especially Ghost Spider, who had been extremely nervous in the past two days since he came to Impel Down. Although he knew that he was here to play support, and the main force was his idol Garp who won the prize, but after all, It's Kaido, the monster of Immune to Death. Although he has been promoted to the elite Vice Admiral for more than ten years since his debut, the only ones who face him in every big action are Kaido, Charlotte and others. It was just a combat power. Monsters like Kaido were faced by the people above. When he thought that he and Vice Admiral Garp were about to face off against big monsters like Kaido, even with Vice Admiral Garp protecting him, he was panicking to death. .

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