Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

670. Teacher Kaido: Marine’S Mouth Stinks.

Kaido's monster is too violent. Although Marshal Sengoku promised to give him two famous swords, he hasn't gotten them yet. Anyway, he has no idea what to do if Vice Admiral Garp fights Kaido. Until he... then it will be a dream for the eight swords to fly together!

"There is no news yet. Marshal Sengoku speculates that Kaido can fly, probably flying in the sky, so we can't find his whereabouts at all.

The flying squirrel put down the phone and shook his head.

He is the most special cup. Ghost Spider at least got the two famous knives promised by Brother Yi. Vice Admiral Garp also got several packs of limited edition senbei, but he didn't get any of them, just because he and Ghost Spider are good brothers. He was drawn to fight Kaido, saying that Vice Admiral Garp was the main force, but fights can change quickly, and if you are unlucky and get caught by a punch, you may be seriously injured and retire. He has been having bad luck recently.

Before coming here, he deliberately went to find the blind master who helped Curry Admiral move his grandfather's grave. The master said something about the natal star opposing evil spirits. Although he didn't understand it, it was not a good thing to say when he heard it. The key is This blind master is quite clever. Even Kizaru Admiral, the most talented man in the Marine, comes to him for fortune-telling whenever anything happens.

I've been experiencing minor disasters all the time, but now I'm touched by something like this.

"Huh?? Flying in the sky....(⊙_⊙)?"

When the old boy Garp heard what the flying squirrel said, he looked up at the sky while chewing on the donut.

"call out!"



"What the hell, a meteorite fell? (⊙_⊙)"

Suddenly, a sound of breaking through the air came from above. The three old Garp boys vaguely saw something falling from the sky. Finally, it hit the ground not far away from them, creating a super deep pit and powerful air waves. With the super deep pit as the center, it continued to spread out in all directions. The ghost spider and flying squirrel were hit by this powerful air wave and sat on their butts on the ground.

"Huh? What about Garp, you old bastard? Where are the kid playing with ice cubes and the one named Red Gouzi?"

Before the three old Garp boys walked in, Teacher Kaido's voice came from inside. It could be heard that Teacher Kaido was obviously stunned when he saw the old gangster Garp. He had seen Marine leaving the conference above Naval Headquarters. The people who came out were missing the kid playing ice and the Marine Admiral named Red Gouzi. I thought those two were here to defend, but why did they turn into this old bastard Garp.

As for the two Marine trash Vice Admiral and Garp's knife-wielding adjutant, he was very familiar with them and didn't pay attention to these three people at all. Observation Haki scanned and found that there was no ice player in Impel Down. With the shadow of the kid and the red dog, Mr. Kaido's momentum has also increased. It's no problem to just save the kid with Garp and the poisonous kid inside.


After the Ghost Spider and Flying Squirrel saw clearly that it was Kaido, they couldn't help but take a breath of air-conditioning as if they were addicted. This guy is really so tough. He actually smashed it down from the sky. According to the depth of the pit, they could It can be judged that the height of Kaido's hair was not low when it was hit. This girl is fine. She is indeed an immortal man who can stand with Admiral Curry for hundreds of rounds.

This guy is getting more and more abnormal. How can anyone regard himself as a human bomb...

"Hahaha, Sengoku's analysis is indeed correct. You stupid guy is indeed peeping from the sky."

The old boy Garp picked his nose and laughed. He looked at Mr. Kaido and laughed, seemingly without any pressure at all.

Well, it’s true, there’s no pressure at all. After so many years since his debut, Garp has been fighting against Roger, Golden Lion, and Whitebeard, who are all super celebrities. Garp said he’s used to it.

"You fucking uncle is spying on me, why don't you go to labor and management!?(*`'*)??"

When Mr. Kaido heard this, he immediately got mad and hit the old boy Garp with a stick.

He discovered that this Marine had a really bad mouth. What do you mean he was peeping from the sky? He was really observing the enemy's situation!

"Haha, I'm old enough, punch!"





The old boy Garp was not shy when facing Mr. Kaido's big stick. He raised his fist and hit a flat ace.

The fist with the real injury hit Kaido teacher's big stick hard. With the two people at the center, the violent power made the world change color. The powerful air wave blew the three flying squirrels dozens of meters away. Fortunately, the three people were in their stomachs. Having the goods and being prepared, with Armament Haki covering the body and Marine Six Styles' Iron Body, she could barely withstand this powerful force impact.

.........Please give me flowers...

However, the old boy Garp's big fist with serious injuries was extremely hard. Teacher Kaido saw that the big stick that had been with him for decades was shattered by one punch. He also looked at Garp's black and hard fist in disbelief. of a batch of big fists.

This big stick has been with him in the sea for decades, and he has faced many enemies. Even if he had to fight against Whitebeard or stand up to that big-mouthed brat, it would be fine. Now, he was beaten to pieces by this old bastard. .

No wonder Roger was the most impoverished by this old bastard in those years. There have always been rumors about this old guy's strong fists. Roger's big sword, Whitebeard's sword, and the red-haired sword were all broken by this old bastard. However, He was also confident in his big stick. Although his big stick was not a "famous weapon", it was not far away from being a "famous weapon" after following him for so many years. Unexpectedly, it was crushed by this old guy's punch. .

"Damn old bastard..."

Although the big stick was smashed by the hammer, Teacher Kaido didn't take it to heart. After all, the big stick is not an extremely expensive sword. His big stick is in one word, cheap!

Throwing his hand away, he raised his fist and went up to fight with the old gangster Garp. Especially looking at this old guy reminded him of some unpleasant memories.

I would like to think that back then, with his penultimate grace, extraordinary talents, and a big heart, he boarded the ship of his former boss and met her, who was extremely young and beautiful. Life was so beautiful.

Seeing that the boss is about to dominate the world, he is about to be granted the title of Marquis and Prime Minister and live happily with the beautiful her.

As a result, at this most critical moment, the bastard in front of him and Roger, the poor guy, ruined everything for him. Since ancient times, the winner always has to pay back, so even if his good life is ruined, He has no regrets, but in that battle, this old bastard beat him the hardest when he was underdeveloped, and even made him separated from the beautiful her for several years.

When he found her, who was originally beautiful, everything changed. She who was sexy and hot back then gave up on herself without him and turned into a fat woman with several pretty girls by her side. If they had not been separated at that time, everything would have been different. It will change, it's all this old bastard's fault!.

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