Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

676. Sengoku: Come On Kaido, Kill Him!


Thinking of this, Sengoku suddenly became smart and seemed to have caught something?

Why has Xiaohe been indifferent to him for so many years? Could it be the result of that bastard Garp grabbing her bag under the pretext of sparring?

The more Sengoku thinks about it, the more likely it is. Logically speaking, he is a handsome and talented man of his generation. In terms of talent, appearance, and character, he is above Garp. , and every time he saw Xiaohe looking at Garp, something was wrong. He couldn't understand what was going on before, but now he finally solved the case.

It turns out that the problem lies here. It was completely different from this era. The girls in that era were almost all three virgins. Let alone grabbing bags, just holding hands. The girls would hold you responsible to the end. Why did Rayleigh's pussy in that era? This is the reason why it is so easy to be like a fish in water.

It's not like today's "863", even if the raw rice is cooked into popcorn, it will be useless.

After finding the crux of the problem, Sengoku's resentment grew bigger and bigger, and he gritted his teeth in anger when he saw the figure wrestling with Kaido on the big screen.

This bastard, a gangster, a dirty bitch, a street slut...ah!

Come on Kaido!

Let the labor force kill him!

Steal his peach, ten thousand...

Hearing Sengoku's explanation, Gion and Uncle Marine around him nodded in understanding.

Vice Admiral Garp is so awesome!

Before becoming Marine, he had unified the East Blue gang.

"Hey! I can't tell, Vice Admiral Garp is also so stubborn."

On the Marine ship heading to Impel Down, Leonardo, Kuzan, and Kizaru were also watching the live video played in the cabin with great interest. They saw the old boy Garp's superb skills, taking every move and move directly. Teacher Kaido went down three ways, and Leonardo was even more amazed.

He used to think that the reason why the old boy Garp was so fierce was because his surname was Monkey with a D added to it, and his fists had real injuries. But now he saw the scene where the old boy Garp and Mr. Kaido hugged and wrestled, and he realized that the old boy Garp was What an all-rounder.

This kind of street kid is actually more skilled than Mr. Kaido. He wouldn't believe it if he was born with it. All signs show that the old boy Garp must have been around decades ago, and he is also a leader in the club. level, why Roger was so intimidated by him back then, it’s hard to say it was all because the old boy Garp had a hard fist and his super artifact collapsed 0

Logue town is actually not very far from Windmill Town. It is very likely that Roger was often charged for membership fees by Garp back then. In the end, he was forced to live in Logue town and could only go to sea to become a pirate. Why was the old boy from Garp so keen on capturing Roger? , could it be because Roger owes the old boy Garp a lot of dues?

"This Kaido is really a monster. He can ignore even broken eggs. It's really..."

Kizaru couldn't help but marvel at Teacher Kaido's resilience. He was even more powerful than his younger brother Curry.

After all, my little brother has no record in the lower third lane.

The whole world was amazed at the miraculous resilience of Mr. Kaido and the old boy Garp, the hero of the Marine Corps, when he could still play with such a rogue style as Grandmaster.

Only the fat lady Charlotte on the cake island is so drunk that everyone is drunk but I am the only one awake.

He took a bite of the big cream cake and stared hard at the old boy Garp on the big screen. His eyes were bloodshot, and he looked like he had a grudge against the old boy Garp for killing his husband.

Don't hit there!

Especially don’t hit there!

If you hit it again it will break!

Looking at her ex-husband who was still unfazed after having her peaches stolen by Garp time and time again, even though he was very manly, the fat lady Charlotte was really worried to death.

She gave the Devil Fruit to Kaido back then, and she has had fights with Kaido from time to time over the years, so she naturally knows the details of Kaido best. Although Kaido is extremely talented and has developed this top fruit ability to the Ultimate, he has strong resilience and Vitality, but these all require physical strength.

And the greater the injury, the more physical strength is consumed. This is why Kaido has been banging iron all year round. If someone else wanted to Kaido to this extent, he would have become a physical monster. But every time Kaido went to Whitebeard to fight. His feet became weak the next day because his recovery power consumed too much of his energy.

She was really worried that if Garp continued like this, what would happen if Kaido ran out of energy and couldn't recover?

Who will take the lead then? Garp?

Forget it, with Garp's small body...

Although Kaido is not very useful and does not have as strong an impact as Whitebeard, he has a strong foundation, and Charlotte Linlin is also a person who cares about emotions. Kaido is different from her "concubines" in the harem. Kaido is her first love. As a man, can this be the same?

Fat lady Charlotte was worried to death, and her children were almost out of their bodies watching...

They have followed their mother to fight in all directions since they were young. They have never seen big winds and waves, but this is the first time they have seen such a cruel fighting style.

I bought it!

Every time Garp succeeds in stealing a peach, Ka Er and others can't help but tighten their legs and their scalps feel numb. Garp, this old gangster, is simply not a human being.

The main culprit for corrupting the social atmosphere and affecting the next generation is not the pirates, but Marine's spiritual totem. This kind of strategy is really cruel!

"Stuck... This old guy Garp is really... too scary!"

In Whitebeard's hall, on the Moby Dick, a group of Whitebeard's sons were also screaming at this time. If they were not sitting back to back on the carpet, they would be almost paralyzed now.

The old guy Garp is really cruel, even more despicable and shameless than the big-mouthed Marine who specializes in kidneys. The big-mouthed Marine is at least a little more reserved and not as blatant as Garp.

Then all the sons looked at their biological father and found that he was drinking a small amount of wine. However, they could still feel the sadness in their father's eyes.

Dad, it’s not easy to be the strongest in the world!

And Whitebeard looked at the figure of the old boy Garp5.2 on the big screen as the meeting passed with sadness.

It was this style of play and this mentality of Garp. It was this form of Garp and this style of play that allowed his former boss to successfully break through the defense after his peach was stolen. The Battle of the Valley of the Gods that affected the world for decades to come was all because of it. Garp's shameless and misunderstanding style of play was defeated.

Uncle Zhou Shuren once said that gangsters are not to be feared, only that they are educated. This old guy Garp is a generation of big gangsters wearing Marine's cloak of justice.

The whole world is called the strongest in the world, but people don't know that even he has to be a little wary of Garp who has turned into a Marine gangster. He doesn't have Kaido's recovery ability. If the machete breaks, he can spend money to repair it, but Little brother is broken......

If you're not afraid of Marine's big fist, you're afraid of Marine being a hooligan!

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