Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

677. The Warrior Riding The Dragon Was So Panicked That He Became A Dog

The Red Hair Pirates, who are preparing to beg for food somewhere far away in West Blue, are currently rushing towards the port like crazy, intending to return to the New World as quickly as possible, and then stay in the New World for the rest of their lives without coming out.

Garp's invincible fighting style and invincible state made the Dragon Riding Warrior and his friends tremble. In the past, they thought that Garp was so awesome because of his strong fists, which even destroyed super artifacts.

Although they are very worried about being chased by Garp, if the captain's big sword is broken by Garp again, it will make it even worse for them who are not already wealthy. However, if the problem can be solved with money, it is not a problem for them. It's very big. The captain's full-level charisma is there, and it can be solved as long as he meets a wealthy aunt or sister.

But now they know.


It's really scary that Garp is still in such an invincible state. They don't have the tyrannical vitality and resilience of Teacher Kaido. They are all disposable. With just one click, they will be useless.

Especially Shanks, the dragon-riding warrior who has occupied the No. 1 spot on Garp's blacklist, was panicked! After returning to the ship, he immediately ran to the captain's room and placed three incense sticks on the memorial tablet of his former boss Roger, hoping that boss 18 would listen in the spirit of heaven. Hearing his thoughts, he quickly entrusted his dream to that old gangster Garp.

It is better to resolve enemies than to make enemies. We are born from the same roots and are at odds with each other. Why rush? When will we repay each other's enemies?

Some of the biggest pirates in the world are like this, not to mention the "little" pirates. Some people even suggested that when they encounter this Marine hero Garp in the future, they should run if they can, but if they really can't, they can still be a hero for the rest of their lives. A complete man, raise the white flag immediately and never resist.

Although this suggestion sounded timid, it was supported by everyone, even the leading brothers agreed.

It is right to dream of reaching the top of the Pirate King, but before you can reach the top of the Pirate King, you must first be a complete person.

What does it mean to be a complete person?

Men must have beards, the kind that grows naturally, and women must be real and not show up in newspapers...

If we really meet Garp and let him activate this invincible Marine rogue mode, there will probably be only Kaido and Marine Admiral Green Fox in the world, and the "Phoenix" Marco next to Whitebeard... I can only say that there is a chance. But the chance is not very big.

The cruel fight between Mr. Kaido and the old boy Garp shocked the world.

Although there was no alcohol at this party, many people were already drunk.

Just when everyone thought that the two would continue fighting like this until the end of time, Teacher Kaido woke up and finally remembered what the purpose of his coming here was.

Just making big news is not enough, his little brother is still waiting for him to rescue him under the colorful auspicious clouds!

After Mr. Kaido wakes up, he will naturally not play like this with the old bastard Garp. Although he can recover, the group of news girls carrying camera bugs in the sky are shooting 360-degree high-definition without blind spots. When he is tired If he is paralyzed, his little brother Pirates, then his previous plan will be in vain.

Thinking of this, Teacher Kaido no longer struggled with the old boy Garp to escape, and with the pain of the lower third road, he jumped out of the pit and rushed towards the gate of Impel Down.


Although Impel Down's door was of good quality, with the door panel alone being up to two meters thick and made of all-alloy, it still couldn't withstand Mr. Kaido's brutal collision and broke apart.

The jailer behind the gate was also knocked upside down by Teacher Kaido.

"Kaido, please leave, I will continue fighting for 300 rounds!!"

The old boy Garp, who had already entered the state, saw that Mr. Kaido actually left the game halfway. How could he bear it? Labor and management finally started to show off at their strongest state. Why on earth are you going to stop playing after that?

The old Garp boy shouted as he chased after Mr. Kaido.

"Bang bang bang!"


When the old boy Garp caught up with Mr. Kaido, the two struggled again, but this time the venue was changed from the entrance of Impel Down to inside Impel Down.

"Holy shit! What is that? Someone came to demolish the house?!"

"Omaigad! That...that's Beast Guy Kaido! And the Marine hero!"

"Yes, yes, yes! That's Kaido of the Beasts, I recognize his big horns!"

"What the hell! Why did they start fighting!"

"Fuck! Run quickly, this place is going to collapse!"

"Help! Kaido of the Beasts are here, I want to go home, I miss my mother..."

The strength of Mr. Kaido and the old boy Garp is self-evident. The powerful air flow produced by punching the flesh hit the first floor, killing or maiming the little karami on the first floor. In addition, Mr. Kaido's big body , the two of them made it look like a large-scale house demolition scene.

The powerful Yu Bo in the collision caused lingering fear in the hearts of those who were lucky enough to survive. Just now, some people behind them were delayed by the violent airflow and were violently crushed!

It's so powerful.

The battle between Mr. Kaido and the old boy Garp refreshed the outlook on life of these country bumpkins. The sea is so damn scary that even hiding in Impel Down is unsafe.

However, Mr. Kaido and the old boy Garp didn't know what the pirates who survived on the first level thought. They continued to push towards the second level of Impel Down while hugging each other. In fact, this was also a method that Mr. Kaido came up with in a hurry. If you are stuck with this old 023 guy Garp and can't get rid of him, you might as well let him demolish the house with you, all the way to the sixth floor. The effect is almost the same anyway.

It's just that Garp's despicable and shameless style of play reminded him of that big-mouthed bastard who specializes in kidneys, which made him very annoyed. Marine flaunted himself as an aboveboard person all day long, but in the end, his methods were so despicable and despicable, but he couldn't get rid of Garp, an old man. You bastard, you can only guide the direction while fighting Garp vigorously, and tearing apart the whole house at the same time.


"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What is that?"

"Someone is calling in!"

"Hiss!! This, this, this...this is a hundred...a hundred Kaido of the Beasts?"

"Awesome! Kaido of the Beasts is coming!"


"Fuck! There's someone else!"

"Se... Marine hero Garp?"

When Mr. Kaido and Garp moved to the second floor, the little pirate garami on the second floor were more experienced than the little garami on the first floor. The first time they saw Mr. Kaido’s big body, they were stunned. After recognizing it, they originally thought that Teacher Kaido came to rob the prison and help them open the lock. Before they could be happy, when another figure rushed in, these garami were instantly dumbfounded.

Marine gangster, Garp!.

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