Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

678. Everyone Here Is Talented And Speaks Nicely.

First there was the big monster Kaido, and then there was the Marine gangster Garp.

To be honest, these maritime criminals are completely confused.

The two of them had sex from above. Could it be that...the two of them had a fight in Impel Down?


However, I was confused. Seeing how tough both of them were, the maritime criminals on the second level were much smarter than those on the first level. Before the two of them could take action, there were already four organized and disciplined criminals. Spread out and let the two home-destroying war gods continue with the next game.

When Mr. Kaido and old boy Garp successfully demolished the second floor and reached the third floor, because the movement on the second floor was too great, Mr. Kaido and old boy Garp had not yet reached the third floor. The pirates on the third floor I had already felt the movement above, and thought it was the young guys on the second floor who were scoring the boss.

After seeing the super monsters Kaido and Garp, they all shut up and stood aside, barely holding a welcome ceremony to welcome the two old bastards.

Neither the super monster nor the old bastard Garp can be offended by them, and the pirates on the third and fourth levels belong to that embarrassing position where the status of the elite is either up or down. The purple calyx group of pirates Although he can't make a name for himself at sea, he is still a person who has seen the big world. He is not as exaggerated as the young guys on the first and second floors. He saw Mr. Kaido and the old boy Garp rushing up and down. After that, I was just a little surprised for two or three seconds. After thinking about the identities of Mr. Kaido and the old bastard Garp, I was relieved again. Then I quietly closed my mouth and watched the two bosses masturbating quietly. There was no one in the process. Anyone who makes the slightest sound is afraid of affecting the enjoyment of the two bosses.


You said the top has been demolished and you can run away?

It is impossible to run away. It is impossible to run away in this life.

Everyone here is talented, they speak well, and they also provide food and accommodation, so why run away...

All right.

These pirates are relatively smart people. Teacher Kaido and old bastard Garp came here to fight, but neither Uncle Marine nor the jailer were around, and the super poisonous man Magellan didn't come to start a fight, so the problem was already very serious. Obviously, they dared to pat their chests and conclude that there must be a bunch of Uncle Marine and that super poisonous man Magellan guarding it, and they would not be killed if they ran out at this time.

It's true that they are "big" pirates, but they are only locked up on the third and fourth floors, so they don't feel that they are extremely evil. At most, they are a little bit cruel and a little bit evil. The crime will not lead to death. Ah, if you behave well, excluding holidays, you might be able to go home and serve your parents, get married and have children in about ten years. The more sensitive it is during this period, the less likely you are to act recklessly.

The behavior of the pirates on the fourth floor was the same as that on the third floor. When Mr. Kaido and the old boy Garp went smoothly to the fourth floor, except for some of the younger guys who had followed the woolly elephant in Sabaody, they saw When Boss Kaido came to rescue them, he was moved to tears. The other pirates also closed their mouths and quietly watched the two bosses demolishing.

After all, the pirates on the first four floors are just little Karami. Whether it is Mr. Kaido or the old boy Garp, they can cover it up, so the two people's work of demolishing the house went smoothly. However, when the fifth floor started, It’s so lively!

"Garp, you old bastard! If you have the guts to let the labor and management go out, the labor and management will fight you for three hundred... Huh? Damn it! Isn't this Kaido? How did this guy get in with Garp?"

"Thieves, hahahahaha, beat them, lots of them! Beat this place to pieces, and when the labor and management go out, they will be a good man again!"

"Come on, Boss Kaido! I can finally see you in my lifetime! I'm so touched..."

This person who was so moved was the same deputy captain who had gone to Sabaody with the Big Hairy Elephant to suggest that the Big Hairy Elephant go to Sabaody. He was also one of the pillars of Beasts Pirates, with such a net worth in the fifth place. Although the first floor is not the boss, living on the fifth floor is still barely enough. Since the situation on the sea stabilized, the accommodation conditions of Impel Down have also dropped a lot. In 2007, the mainstays of Beasts Pirates like this could only live on the fourth floor at most, right now.

Prisons also have to do business...

The Vice Captain of the Big Hairy Elephant and the pillar of Beasts Pirates was so moved when he saw Mr. Kaido and the old boy Garp hugging each other again. He originally thought he would spend his whole life in this dark cage. , to their surprise, their Kaido boss actually rescued them from going Impel down!

How could he not dare to move with such a boss?

From now on, if you don’t let me down, I will never let you down!


"Go to the sixth floor and get Jack out. Follow him first!"

Teacher Kaido stared at the little brother who called him boss for a long time before he remembered, this is not his Beasts Pirates little brother who follows Jack all day long?

To be honest, because Beasts Pirates has always been the one who has been responsible for three disasters for so many years, although he is the boss, other than the three champions, he is really unfamiliar with the rest of the boys.

The reason why he could hear this little brother was because he followed Jack all day long. He looked familiar to him, and it took him a long time to remember that he was really his little brother...

Unexpectedly, Sengoku was so kind to him that he thought about it for a long time before he remembered that his younger brother could also live on the fifth floor.

Sengoku is pretty good at being a worldly person. (*^▽^*)

"]Yes, boss!"

After the door was smashed by Mr. Kaido's punch and his handcuffs and shackles were crushed to pieces, the young man had no intention of cheering for the boss and ran towards the sixth floor.

"Hey! Kaido, let me out quickly, I will be your little brother...!"

"And labor!"

"And I (the money) have to drag it along."

"Me too!"

The big pirates who were still locked up in the iron cage were not happy when they saw Kaido, a bastard, coming in and only letting his little brother go. They had been locked up for a long time, and they didn’t know that the outside world had changed. They thought Kaido-sensei's status is still the same as before, and they are still just a few pounds. Although he said that he would be Kaido-sensei's little brother after going out, but from the tone of his voice, he didn't mean to be a little kid at all.

"Shut up, everyone! (^▼ㄨ)"

"Humph! A bunch of trash!"


Seeing the unruly faces of these bastards, Teacher Kaido let out a cold expression of disdain after he fully activated his Conqueror's Haki and scared these unruly pirates to their knees.

He didn't even bother to take a look at these losers. If they hadn't been pressed for time and had heavy tasks, and these losers dared to talk to him like this, he would have turned them into meat buns.

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