Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

679. Kaido: The World Is Polluted By That Big Mouth

"Kaido, you bastard, you dare to rob the prison in front of me and treat me like a dead person?"

"Bone Fist!"

The old Garp boy was also shown off by Mr. Kaido's operation. He was so damn good in front of the big Marine gangster, the boss... Bah! He robbed prison in front of the Marine hero. It was spread that the boss wanted to get involved. He had already done it. The old Garp boy was really furious this time. He raised his fists and rushed forward to hit Mr. Kaido's big peach!

"Old man Mad, the labor and management are afraid of you! (*▼_▼)"


Kaido-sensei faced the big fist coming towards his big peach. He didn't panic. He turned around, twisted his waist, punched, and closed his waist and horse. The big fist that hit Garp was a ten-shot draw.

To be honest, despite his tough mouth, he is actually a little weak. He followed the old bastard in a long-term street fight outside, and I don’t know how many peaches were stolen. His recovery ability and vitality are considered to be very good. If broken, it can grow back again, but this recovery ability consumes a lot of energy. After several days in a row, it will be more tiring than fighting Charlotte fat woman for ten days and ten nights. Now my feet are starting to feel a little shaky. 577

Mr. Kaido feels that it is necessary to train the muscles of the thighs after returning home. In recent years, the muscles of the lower limbs have been neglected in training the muscles of the upper limbs.

The feeling of soft feet is extremely uncomfortable...

"Captain Jack!"

"Captain Jack, are you there?"

"Captain Jack, here I come!"

It is said that after the boy who was rescued by Mr. Kaido on the fifth floor came to the sixth floor, he walked carefully while calling the woolly elephant in a low voice. This sixth floor gave him a feeling of suffocation.

Impel down the sixth floor, known as the Eternal Hell. Every big pirate who is qualified to stay here can leave a strong mark in the history of pirates. The woolly elephant is the first to stay here in the past few years. The last pirate who stayed here was the "Destroyer of Worlds" Byrnndi. World who tore apart Celestial Dragons a few years ago. The last time it was the legendary pirate Golden Lion who was the first person in New World. The first one is Douglas Bullet, the former crew member of the Roger Pirates, known as the "Descendant of the Devil", and the next one is the beloved of the former Marine Marshal Kong, the legendary pirate "The Aloof Red" Baloric Ryder field.

Except for the long-haired elephant who barely qualified for accommodation with the bonus of Mr. Kaido, the others are all super celebrities who have stayed here with their real abilities, even if they are in the "world" of the younger brothers. "The Destroyer" Byrnndi. World also came in after doing earth-shattering things and tearing apart the Celestial Dragons. Except for the Golden Lion who has run away, the glorious deeds of the great pirate who lived here in those years will remain in the long river of history. A heavy stroke.

Under this depressing atmosphere, Kaido's younger brother, who had just arrived on the sixth floor, also had a tight scalp. If the boss hadn't told him to come down, he wouldn't have dared to come down even if he was beaten to death. The stories in these years have been except for the "Descendant of the Devil" "Except for Douglas Bullet, whose name he had never heard of, he had heard about other people's glorious deeds since he was a child. Even the "Descendant of the Devil" Douglas Bullet, whose name was prefixed with "Devil", had never heard of it. "" Two words, still living on the sixth floor, you know how terrible this kind of person is.

"I'm here!"

"Is Boss Kaido here?"

A figure came out quietly from the iron cage, for fear of disturbing the two bosses next door.

This sixth floor was really too scary. He was surrounded by scary bosses who were much more famous than he was. At night, he could hear the sound of his neighbor grinding his teeth from time to time, which made him afraid to sleep at night. With his inhuman nature, In terms of physical fitness, if he doesn't sleep for a month or two, it won't be a big deal, but if he is worried every day, it will really kill him (bidala

But when I think about the sixth floor, not everyone can come. There are not enough cafe seats and even if you pay extra money, you can't get in. When I think about getting ready to leave the cage, I can brag about it with the younger brothers after I go back. Celebrities have all been inmates...

Thinking of the countless little brothers who wanted to worship him, the big hairy elephant was a little excited, and the little brothers ran down, which must have proved that his boss Kaido must have called.

He can finally leave where he started!

"Yes, the boss is fighting with that old dog Garp up there. Let me come down and rescue you first..."

"Come on, Kaido! Kill this old mad dog Garp, and I will be your little brother when I get out (≧?≦*)v"

"Come on! Garp, use your strength. Kaido is a loser. I will turn into a tainted witness. When Zephyr arrested me, my treasure had not been handed over..."

"Kaido, you are such a loser, you beat a little Vice Admiral for so long...(^?^)"


On the fifth floor, Mr. Kaido and the old boy Garp continued to fight, and none of the big pirates on the fifth floor were unruly people. They were indeed a little frightened by Mr. Kaido's Haki just now, but they quickly came to their senses. If they were outside, they might still be afraid of Kaido and Garp.

But now? There is no hope in life. Anyway, they are sentenced to life imprisonment. How scared are they?

If you dare, Kaido will open the door and kill them!

I let myself go completely while blowing the trumpet I got from who knows where, and waving the little colorful flag I got from I don’t know where.

Those who were fucked by the old boy Garp cheered for Mr. Kaido. Those who were hammered by Kaido cheered for the old boy Garp. Those who were not fucked by the two of them cheered for both sides.

From time to time, I would say a word of contempt, and my mood would feel much better.

“These bastards...(▼_▼x;)o

Teacher Kaido, who was fighting hand-to-hand with the old boy Garp, almost had his teeth chewed when he heard the voices of the bastards around him. However, facing the Marine gangster Garp in his strongest state, he really didn't have time to deal with these wastes. Maybe he was often beaten. The big-mouthed Marine squirted more, and his psychological quality became a lot stronger. Although these bastards also have really mean mouths, they are still much worse than the big-mouthed Marine.

But... the last sentence that even a little Vice Admiral took so long really broke his guard. He deeply felt that the world was too polluted by that big-mouthed Marine, and he had to stop this world from being filled with bad breath. Destroy and rebuild a world between him and Charlotte, a fat woman. In that world, there was no big-mouthed Marine or Whitebeard.

Well.... Anyway, except for him, they are all girls!.

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