Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

680. The Super Poisonous Man Is So Sharp

"Boss Kaido! We are coming!"

Teacher Kaido was imagining this "Minecraft" while fighting with Garp, and the big woolly elephant appeared with his little brother with tears in his eyes.

However, the two of them could only shout from a distance, not daring to get too close. Although the two bosses were fighting hand-to-hand, the power that Te Niang unleashed was so strong, especially the fighting style that made their scalps sore. numb.

"You go first! We still have people on the fourth floor~"

Teacher Kaido took a look at his beloved general out of his busy schedule. Well, except for being locked up for too long and his mental state was a little weakened, there is nothing serious. After saying that, he continued to fight hand-to-hand with the old boy Garp. Up to now, not only Kaido The teacher's feet were soft, and the old boy Garp was feeling sore all over. He had no time to pay attention to the two big-haired elephants. Although his fists were a little bigger than Kaido's, they were only a little bit bigger, not much bigger. All the advantages of Kaido are the real injuries, but Kaido's strong recovery and vitality are just like Curry's cheating. However, Kaido is already weak now. As long as Kaido is sunk, this long-haired elephant will be the same as him. The little galami around me - those are just minor problems.

There is an army group outside Impel Down blocking the door, and he doesn't believe that he has been working here for so many days. His good friends don't respond and point out that they won't leave. Aokiji and the others have been outside for a long time.

"Look, look! Marine is here!"

"Oh my god, there are three Admirals from Marine, Kaido needs to take a break!"

"Not necessarily. I heard that Kaido went to Naval Headquarters alone to cause trouble more than ten years ago. Marine carried out dozens of executions but could not kill Kaido. I think it will be difficult this time.

Garp guessed right. At this time, Leonardo, Kuzan and Kizaru Marine Admiral appeared on the big screen. The people in front of the big screen exclaimed for a while, and then began to badmouth Teacher Kaido. It was refuted by "old academics" who knew a little bit about history.

Kaido-sensei is famous for his ability to commit suicide. The number of times he has attempted suicide can be found in three encyclopedias. If Marine could really kill Kaido-sensei, he would be so young. How could he do so to Kaido-sensei? for many years.

"Phew... finally here.

Magellan, the super poisonous man at the scene, breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw the three of them. A stream of colored gas blew out from his mouth, causing the people around him to teleport back two meters. Even those who were standing ten meters away from the next door were talking. He was holding a big cigar in his mouth, a flying cap on his head, and a big sword in his arms. He was very angry, but he looked like a fierce man at first glance. Shiryu the Rain, who is known as the official talker of Eternal Hell on the sixth floor of Impel Down, also left no trace. Teleported five meters.

The fact that he didn't wear a gas mask didn't mean that he wasn't afraid of the super poisonous man's colored gas, but because he heard that Kaido of the Beasts was going to bravely enter the Impel Down, he planned to come up and test the sword with the big monster Kaido, so he came out in a hurry and forgot about it. He brought it with him, but he saw the brutal hand-to-hand fight between the big monster Kaido and the Marine gangster Garp. He was originally very motivated and successfully retreated. He felt that he had only five pieces of magic equipment and was far from being weak, so he wanted to take the big monster Kaido. Testing the knife will result in a madman...

I failed to try the knife, and I forgot to wear a gas mask. In order to maintain my cold and emotionless persona, I couldn't talk to others, so I could only try to reduce my sense of existence and stay away from that super poisonous man quietly at a safe distance. Practice apnea, maybe one day I can win a apnea championship to add to my mediocre resume or something...

"Ouch, huh? What does it smell like... Damn it! I'm poisoned, Flying Squirrel, give me a mask..."

Leonardo, Aokiji, and Kizaru took crab steps and just arrived ten meters away from the super poisonous man. Aokiji and Kizaru, who had seen the sharpness of the super poisonous man, stopped, but Lai, who had not seen the sharpness of the super poisonous man. Leonardo had no idea. As soon as he took a step forward, a gust of sea breeze blew by, and a stream of colored gas came. Even with the help of System Dad, he almost fainted. He quickly asked Flying Squirrel for gas protection. mask.

Now he finally understood why even a "dedicated" person like Aokiji couldn't survive a month of sleeping in Impel Down. The flying squirrel was like his wife was dead before he came to Impel Down.

This gas is not only extremely poisonous, but the smell is also extremely poisonous. The super poisonous man is so sharp...

"Ah? Where are Vice Admiral Garp and Kaido? Weren't they very exciting before? (O_O)?"

After Leonardo put on the gas mask, he finally felt better. Although it was a little uncomfortable to breathe, it was better than being suffocated to death by the smell. Then he looked around and saw that there was only one girl around who had been made indecent by Teacher Kaido. Outside the deep pit, there was no one inside.

.........Please give me flowers...

Because Calm Belt couldn't receive the signal, they only watched the opening scene on the ship and then stopped watching it, so they didn't see the voices of the old boy Garp and Mr. Kaido, and the masked expression of O'Neal with question marks on his face was thrown away The flying squirrel, but unfortunately, because he also wears a mask, the flying squirrel cannot accept such a classic emoticon.

...It's beating inside. "

The flying squirrel pointed in the direction of the impel down gate, and glanced at the intersection between the three roads of this guy from the corner of his eye.

Mad, there is such a big hole in the door, are you so blind?!

But he was just thinking about it mentally. He and Kaido had already gotten a lot of fights at the station before, but after watching Kaido and Vice Admiral Garp fighting hand to hand at close range, he had a deeper understanding of how strong Kaido-sensei was. That is such a beast, even if the egg is broken, his expression remains unchanged. Leonardo's resilience and vitality seem to be stronger than Kaido teacher. He is probably a ruthless person who can even break the egg and his expression remains unchanged. There are still few werewolves like this It’s better to offend…………


"Poison...cough, Director Magellan, you are the one responsible for Impel Down. It's not appropriate to let Kaido beat him in like this_-|"

Leonardo looked at the direction of the door and there was indeed a big hole. Then he looked at a group of jailers not far away, a super poisonous man, a big-bellied pharaoh, and the guy next door who was pretending to be without a mask and holding a big cigar in his mouth. Although he didn't count the number of angry swordsmen inside, he estimated that most of the people in Impel Down came out to cheer for the old boy Garp.

"Well... Curry Admiral, Vice Admiral Garp and Kaido are having a fierce fight, I really don't dare to go up...-_-||

When the super poisonous man heard Leonardo's words, he spread his hands in embarrassment. As a devoted prison warden, he was indeed to blame for Kaido doing this to him. If Kaido couldn't do it alone, he would definitely dare to do it.

But the key is that when he arrived, Vice Admiral Garp was already fighting fiercely with Kaido, which made him really unable to perform as a Breaking Bad actor. If he was closer, Vice Admiral Garp would be poisoned. He must not be hammered to death by Vice Admiral Garp.....Mt.

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