Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

703. Beckman: The Captain Is Truly A National Hero!

"Hey! It's quite enjoyable. Flying Squirrel, do you want to try it..."

Unlike the other cool Uncle Marines in the crowd, Ghost Spider took a small trumpet and roared twice with the other boys. He felt it was quite enjoyable, so he stopped for a moment and said to the flying squirrel beside him.

" need, you can do whatever you want...-_-||"

The flying squirrel looked at the two idiot-like good brothers speechlessly and waved his hands.

If everyone hadn't grown up wearing crotchless pants together, he would have thrown these two fools off the boat. Why the hell are you embarrassing yourself and still want to hook up with labor? After all, you are also a Marine Vice Admiral. Can you stop Jiang Zi?

"Hahaha, Mr. Garp... Vice Admiral, Uncle Marine, I haven't seen you for a long time. Please give me some respect and let's go back to our homes!"

Rayleigh and the old boy Garp raced in third gear for more than ten days. The audience also watched in boredom for more than ten days. Rayleigh felt that this was not the way to continue racing with Garp. When he was thinking about how to get rid of the old boy Garp, a Three parts drunk, two parts alcoholic and five parts Haki's voice came from a distance.

Hearing this voice, Rayleigh secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If this brat was a few days late, he would really be beaten by Garp.

Even though he appeared to be relaxed, in fact he was really tired. He hadn't done such an intense exercise in years, and suddenly he was really overwhelmed and almost had an asthma attack.

The apparent ease is just pretended. After all, it is broadcast live all over the world. After all, he is also a respectable palace-level pirate, so he can't be embarrassed in front of so many people, right?

Otherwise, those bastards in Whitebeard will die laughing.

"Huo! The red hair is here!"

When the people who were originally drowsy heard this sound, their sleepiness disappeared instantly, and everyone stared at the big screen with wide eyes.

There are not many such honorable pirates on the sea. Shanks, the red-haired dragon-riding warrior who happens to be nicknamed Face Brother, is definitely one of them. He is the only great pirate in the world who can travel around the world through official channels.

Marine has to give him face. (^?^)

I saw a red dragon pirate ship appearing elusively on the sea not far away. The amazing thing is that this pirate ship is less than 200 meters away from Uncle Marine's giant ship not far away. I don't know if it is Uncle Marine cheering for me. You were too serious. Uncle Marine didn't notice it anyway.

The dragon-riding warrior standing on the bow of the ship wears a cape and holds the big sword "Gerry" and "Finn" in his right hand on his waist.

A dazzling light wave that no one could see erupted from the dragon-riding warrior, split into two streams, one large one went towards Garp Old Boy II, and one small one shot towards Leonardo and the others. On the ship, its target is exactly the crane on the giant ship Vice Admiral.

The face fruit activates!

"Ouch! Isn't this our dragon-riding warrior? If you don't play your dragon-riding game, why are you here to cheer for your former boss? That dragon has been missing you lately, and even sent people here a few days ago. When did you come to the base of Sabaody...^"

It would take some time for the face fruit's ability to take effect, so Leonardo smiled and raised his eyebrows at him.

"This big-mouthed bastard...(▼伶▼#)*

Shanks looked at the big-mouthed bitch's swooshing expression, and his guard instantly broke. He really wanted to draw a knife and stab this bitch to death, but when he thought of this bitch's big mouth, what if he got angry?

What did you say that you shouldn't have said...


The friends around Shanks looked at their captain one after another, with questions on their faces. For many years, every time this big-mouthed Admiral mentioned the title "Dragon Riding Warrior", their captain would have this look on his face. Although they all guessed it There must be some little secret that cannot be told, but after so many years, I originally thought that their captain no longer cares. After all, in order to keep them fed over the years, the captain has often hooked up with older sisters and younger aunts. He even lost face. At this time, the captain should be the most invincible. There should be nothing in the world that can make the captain break his defense.

But now seeing the captain's expression, they realized that they were wrong. That was not a little secret that couldn't be told, but a big secret that couldn't be told!

Especially Beckman, who was holding the flower in his mouth, was thoughtful. He heard another meaning from the words of the big-mouthed Marine. The big-mouthed Marine just said that the dragon sent people to the Sabaody base to ask about the captain. Condition.

So that means that the dragon is in or near Sabaody land, and it has a certain status in the Marine or in the World government, and it is near Sabaody land and has a certain status. It seems that there is only Mariejois. Is it possible? Mariejois has a dragon?

The captain has a good relationship with Mariejois's dragon, has he ever ridden it?

It doesn’t seem right. If it’s just a dragon, the captain doesn’t seem to need to be so nervous. Riding a dragon is a big honor, isn’t it? Back then, the dragon-slaying swordsman should have killed a dragon. There are still legends about it today. The captain shouldn't be so resistant. Isn't this dragon a dragon in the traditional sense?... Riding a dragon, riding a dragon. Apart from the World Government headquarters, the most famous one in Mariejois is the Celestial Dragons. "Wait a minute!

Celestial Dragonsdragon………….

Damn it!

A flash of inspiration flashed in Beckman's mind, as if he had solved a thousand-year-old mystery. He stared at his captain in shock with wide eyes.

The captain has never ridden a Celestial Dragons girl, right?

If this is really the case, then everything will make sense. "Why is the captain so resistant?", "Dragon Riding Warrior", "True Dragon Knight" and other titles.

Thinking back to the Celestial Dragons girls he had seen, the extremely overbearing pressure even made him feel numb. When he turned to look at his captain, his eyes changed from shock to admiration!

What a guy, what a national hero! Even the girls from Celestial Dragons dare to ride it


Shanks also felt the change in the eyes of Beckman next to him from shock to admiration, and immediately guessed that this big-brained guy had guessed the truth from the big-mouthed words.

Crazy winked at him.

Shanks: As a military commander, you are not good at speaking...

Beckman nodded vaguely.

After all, this thing is so exciting. No matter who listens to it, their little hearts can’t bear it. His captain actually rode a Celestial Dragons girl!?

This achievement is much more impressive than Roger the Pirate King. Anyway, in the hundreds of years of recorded history, their captain is definitely the first person in history. If this is exposed, their captain will become the idol and hero of all mankind, but It is also very likely that he will be targeted to death by the world government.

Well, I really can’t say. Although my friends are all reliable, they are just a bunch of drunkards. If they know that Ma Kang in the Two Kings Cup has been drunk, they will use this matter as bragging rights.


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