Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

704. This Ship Must Be Very Expensive, Right?

"You bastard red-haired man, I didn't go looking for you, so you found it yourself. It just so happens that I have to deal with you first! Don't do anything! (♥ Dis▼#)"

Shanks' face fruit is usually very effective. I didn't see a small amount of it on Vice Admiral. Didn't Vice Admiral stop talking? It's a pity that he met Garp, the toughest guy in Marine.

If we meet Sengoku, for the sake of Marine and Marine's funds, Sengoku will give him this face. Not to mention that there is a big shot of Celestial Dragons covering Shanks. It is the person who has not given face to this dragon-riding warrior all these years. The fate seems to be It's not very good. Ever since those people didn't give face to the Dragon Riding Warrior, they have been punished by God for doing too many immoral things. They were either raped by their uncle Marine or disappeared for no reason and were recorded as missing persons. Anyway, there is no one. There is a good ending, and it is like God's will.

But this time I met the old Garp boy who wanted to pull out his skin and hammer his big sword into several pieces. That was another story.

His precious grandson is still talking about being a pirate king. He treats that old straw hat like a treasure all day long, and the older he gets, the more stubborn he becomes. No matter how hard he beats or brainwashes him, it’s useless, leaving the good 133 Marine Heroes alone. That's right, he has been the Pirate King all day long, and with the matter of his eldest grandson, this dragon-riding warrior has a higher status in his heart than his son.

As soon as he saw the dragon-riding warrior appear, Garp's inner anger was filled with anger. He gave up the race with Rayleigh and changed directions gracefully. He opened the accelerator and the electric small motor 3.0 instantly entered its ultimate form. The super electric small motor 4.0 was instantly faster. Laman rushed towards the dragon-riding warrior. If he had this speed when he competed with Rayleigh before, now Rayleigh was fucked so hard that even Aunt Xia couldn't recognize him.

"Fuck! Garp is here again, run!!! (00)!"

When the dragon-riding warriors saw Garp evolving successfully again and racing toward them at a speed of over 10,000 horsepower per hour, their companions were all dumbfounded. This old man was so ferocious. He had been competing with senior Rayleigh for more than a month, and he was still so ferocious. , and it will transform!

"Flash! I'm going to die! 0AQ"

Shanks is also completely stupid. He knows that this old guy has a lot of resentment against him, but the resentment must not be that serious when he chased him a few times. Now look at the resentment on this old man's body. It has become real very quickly. It is much better than before. It was even more terrifying when Impel Down had a hand-to-hand fight with Mr. Kaido (bidi).

Garp in this state is nothing but a fool...


After hearing the orders from the bosses, the boy who was driving the boat immediately turned on the expensive propeller. However, although this propeller was awesome and could make the ship fly at a very high speed in a short period of time, it was already in great condition. The exploding Garp was still half a beat slower than the one that exploded. The moment the propeller was activated, before it could spray blue fire, the super-fast-moving Garp had already been loaded onto their ship. It was under the bow of the ship. A large hole opened in the hull.


Damn it!

The surrounding air froze instantly. Whether it was Uncle Marine, Shanks and his friends, or people in front of the big screens around the world, they stared at this scene with their mouths open as if someone had pressed the pause button.

What a powerful impact this is!

You must know that in this day and age, as long as there are some famous pirates, the skeletons used in their pirate ships are basically treasure trees that are harder than fine steel. Although the technology of the pirate ships is not as good as Uncle Marine's aircraft carrier, but in terms of hardness, Uncle Marine's scrap metal is incomparable to those traditional wooden pirate ships that use treasure trees as their hulls.

The Red Hair Pirates are one of the most notorious pirate groups in the world. A few years ago, I had no idea where this poor guy could make so much money. Anyway, their original broken ship had been replaced by a treasure tree. A super treasure ship with a skeleton. According to the original designer of the "Red Forth", this treasure ship was made of a treasure tree with a history of hundreds of years. Even a great swordsman might not be able to carry a super magical weapon. It can be cut, and even the paint on this ship is anti-cannonball. As long as you do regular maintenance, it will be fine for hundreds of years...

Of course, although there are some exaggerated artistic processing elements in it, after all, it is also a promotional method for the merchants. Shanks himself does not believe it very much, and he will not be stupid enough to let others test his hard-earned wealth before buying it. The hardness of the car is not as good as advertised.

But this ship has gone through countless battles with him in the past few years, and indeed it doesn't even have a scratch now. It ranks first in the world's pirate ship rankings, even more awesome than Whitebeard's Moby-Dick. Maybe even the handsome guy with eagle eyes and his big black knife can't cut it...

But now, the car, which is harder than fine steel, was knocked out of a big hole by Garp. The impact made Rayleigh next door feel numb. Fortunately, the old guy went to fight with his little brother. .

If Garp gave him such a beating, his old arms and legs wouldn't be able to bear it.

"MY BOAT!!!!!"

After the air froze for more than ten minutes, an extremely desolate voice came from the ship. The dragon-riding warrior on the bow exuded a sad atmosphere, and the tears of 1982 ran down his cheeks.

When a man sheds tears, he doesn't shed them easily, but they are not sad yet.

Looking at the dragon-riding warrior who was full of desolation and sadness made anyone who heard it sad and those who saw it shed tears.

If the sword is the life of a swordsman, then the ship is the father and mother of a pirate. The dragon-riding warrior is half-down, and his only treasure is the ship and the big sword "Griffin" in his hand. However, "Griffin" was acquired from his father-in-law at Celestial Dragons. He didn't have to pay too much, and he didn't feel too distressed even if it crashed several times. However, he worked hard and worked hard on this beloved boat, and it didn't hurt. Yoruichi bought it with all his hard-earned money. This is his father and his biological mother!

These carry the dreams of him and his friends through wind and waves, shelter them from wind and rain, and are their safe haven.

Now a hole has been broken out by Garp!

The maintenance fee is not that much! (iAi)

"This ship should be... very expensive, right? (O_O)?"

Leonardo looked at Kuzan and Kizaru beside him.

He didn't understand this kind of pirate ship, but seeing the dragon-riding warrior so sad and desolate, it felt like his parents had died. He hadn't seen him so sad when Roger died. The super artifact was given to him by the old boy Garp. I haven't seen him so miserable even after he collapsed. I think this pirate ship of the Dragon Riding Warrior must not be cheap, and this guy is a poor guy.

"... Judging from the design and decoration style of this ship, it is indeed made by a master. The dull sound that I just encountered can be judged to be made of at least a hundred-year-old treasure tree. It can be said to be one of the most popular pirate ships. The supreme sharp knife is of inestimable value, and can be sold for a sky-high price if you meet a wealthy customer..."

Before Kuzan and Kizaru spoke, the flying squirrel behind him, who knew something about the pirate ship market, touched his chin and said. .

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