Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

706. A 50-50 Split Between The Rampaging Redhead And Garp

The red-haired red-haired man couldn't hear his friends' calls at all, and he was still furious with his boss. Not to mention the damage caused by the red-haired Haki, the powerful aftermath of the two people's constant attacks on Steel was all over. This pirate ship built from a century-old treasure tree is about to be scattered. Although it is not broken up yet, it is almost there.

If it weren't for them covering this giant ship, it probably wouldn't be much better. Their giant ship is not far away from the Red Hair Pirates...




Kuzan had just finished speaking, and the dragon-riding warrior and the Garp old boy had another fight. This pirate ship, which was said to be built from a century-old treasure tree, and even the paint could prevent cannonballs, finally could not withstand the aftermath of the two men's attack on the steel. It fell apart and ended its short and glorious life...

"Garp! You pay for my "650" ship!! (ini)"

The warrior riding a dragon finally came to his senses after being soaked in the water. He looked at the small wooden boards floating on the water. He just came back to his senses. The next second, he came back to his senses again. His biological father was also dead...

"Red-haired kid, I'll pay you!o(▼Van▼X;)o"

Furious that his eldest grandson had become a pirate and his younger grandson had been deceived, Garp kept his eyes focused on the dragon-riding warrior, and turned on high power to kill the dragon-riding warrior.

The two were on the verge of breaking out in the water, and they started fighting one after another. The sea surface that had calmed down was once again disturbed.

"The future life is terrible..."

From a distance, Rayleigh was filled with emotion as she watched the scene of her little brother and old gangster Garp fighting hand to hand in the water.

The memory went back to the scene when Shanks and Buggy were still just little brats, secretly brushing people's heads behind him. Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, Shanks was able to fight Garp in hand-to-hand combat. Although it was just a burst, but for swordsmen who were not good at hand-to-hand combat, It's already quite sharp.

I wonder how Buggy is doing now?

The sea is so dangerous, I don’t know if I am dead...

In a small town far away in East Blue, the big live broadcast screen was on, but there was no one else in front of the big screen except a group that looked like a group of pirates.

Among this group of pirates, the red-nosed one sitting firmly in the C seat stared at the figure of the dragon-riding warrior on the big screen. Sometimes he gloated about his misfortune and let out a dog laugh, and sometimes he gritted his teeth and drew circles on the ground as if he was cursing. What are you wearing?

The boys around him looked at him blankly, thinking that their captain had become insane because of the big pirate's red hair.

But... the redhead is a top pirate, the famous Four Emperors, and their boss is just a "big" pirate from East Blue, so that shouldn't be the case, because the difference between the two sides should be a little bit off... ...

"Garp, fuck this bastard to death....▼侳▼#)*

Red Nose gritted his teeth while drawing circles, and looked at the big screen while gritting his teeth and quietly cheering for the old boy Garp.

Whenever he sees that bastard with red hair, he can't help but think of the nightmare he had back then. Just because of that stinky bastard with red hair, he could never get into the water and missed out on countless billions...

Now this bastard has become the famous Four Emperors. Pity him, Buggy has been in East Blue for so many years, and he has collected countless treasure maps, but because he can't get into the water, he can't find any treasure...

"Senior Rayleigh..."

The friends of the Dragon Riding Warrior rowed a small broken boat to Rayleigh and pulled him up.

"Why are you here?"

Rayleigh asked curiously after getting on the small broken boat. He had slipped out of Sabaody quietly before. He was very low-key along the way. Apart from running a few red lights and knocking over a few icebergs, he didn't make any fuss. What's happening? If he hadn't met Garp by chance, no one would know where he was.

Now not only did Marine discover him, but the whole world knew about him. Looking at the news birds on his head, he originally wanted to knock them down, but found that they were flying as high as if they were on drugs. He The Conqueror's Haki is also out of reach...

.... Huh... When you and Garp were having sex, there was something going on at Marine. Sister Shakky also got wind of it from Marine, so she notified us.

Beckman lit the Huazi that was already wet with sea water in his mouth, took a deep breath, puffed out some smoke and then explained.

"£=('0`*))) Oh! I originally planned to go to East Blue to see that kid, but I didn’t expect to meet Garp and cause so much trouble."

Rayleigh also said helplessly. He didn't have any bad intentions at first. He just missed his old buddy too much and wanted to see if the kid was his child. That's all. Even if the kid was really Roger's son, he wouldn't do it. do what.

After all, Roger is Roger, and this kid is this kid. Who knew that he would encounter Garp and not cause so many troubles.

Moreover, Marine made such a big move, and Sengoku clearly wanted to tell him not to contact that brat.

"Senior Rayleigh, is that kid really the child of Roger the Pirate King?"


When the friends of the Red Hair Pirates heard what Rayleigh said, they became curious. None of them had ever seen the Pirate King Roger, but the Pirate King Roger was their idol. Their captain had also seen the mugshot of the kid from East Blue before. Their captain They also say they don't look alike, but the expression between their eyebrows is similar.

In this world, people with similar eyebrows have really different attitudes. Even if two people who are not related to each other look exactly the same, it is not surprising.

But the look on Rayleigh's face seemed to confirm that the kid's identity was not simple, which made them even more curious.

"I wasn't sure before, but that guy Sengoku made such a big move this time. I'm basically certain that the kid is related to Roger. If he was just Garp's grandson, Sengoku didn't need to make such a big move..."

Rayleigh took a look at Uncle Marine's fleet, especially the three Marine Admirals on the giant ship in position C, and even the Vice Admiral Crane took action. Sengoku was warning him.

"Huh...that kid is really the child of Roger, the Pirate King! ∑(?g?III)"

After receiving Rayleigh's confirmation, the friends of the Red Hair Pirates were shocked, "Even their captain was still fighting hand-to-hand with the old gangster Garp in the water and didn't bother to cheer.

Anyway, their captain was still on a rampage, so he probably wouldn't be able to recover so quickly. They also saw that a 50-50 hand-to-hand fight between a rampaging captain and Garp, an old gangster, would be a success.

Don’t panic….

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