Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

707. Since When Did This Poor Guy Become So Rich?


"Old bastard, you'll pay me all my money! (iAi)"


"I'll pay you, uncle! (▼▼#)"


"Pay for my ship!(ini)"


"You're going to pay for my grandson! (A+)"


The hand-to-hand combat in the water was extremely fierce. The power erupted by the two men in a rampage was so terrifying that it was impossible to get close. However, the conversation between the two gave everyone a feeling that it was not suitable for such a fierce battle. It was more like two people. A little brat fighting over a broken toy makes it more immersive.

And looking at the desolate look of the dragon-riding warrior crying while fighting hand-to-hand made the Marine uncles around him feel an inexplicable sense of guilt...

After all, it was Vice Admiral Garp who opened two holes in the pirate ship first.

In particular, the Dragon Riding Warrior is a disabled person after all. Without one hand, he is still disabled and strong-willed. He bursts into 18 unprecedented high-energy states, which makes it even easier for us to stand on his side at the highest point of morality. The hands of the Garp old boy As for the able-bodied healthy people, he was the first to crash someone else's pirate ship, and then took the lead on someone else's ship. If there is no distinction between camps, just bullying the disabled, Garp old boy is already wrong.

And despite the fierce explosion of the dragon-riding warrior, after fighting with the invincible Garp old boy for so long, it seems that the big sword in his hand has been broken into two pieces. Now this guy is fighting with one hand. Garp, the old boy, is obviously a little too lazy in hand-to-hand combat.

After fighting for most of the world, the dragon-riding warrior was obviously suppressed by the old boy Garp. He was far behind the old boy Garp with a score of 1 to 5. He was punched five times in the face by the old boy Garp, and the old boy was punched once by him. He punched, but the old boy Garp's Iron Body didn't seem to reach his face. He was punched on the nose by the Dragon Riding Warrior. The big nose was so black that it turned purple, so it didn't look like the two were evenly matched.

The dragon-riding warrior just relied on his breath and tenacious willpower. He kept insisting that the old Garp boy must pay for his toys... Bah! Pay for his car.

Boys can be so stubborn sometimes!

-_-||....How about we help Vice Admiral Garp raise some money to pay for a ship and a redhead?"

Dauberman, who always insisted on focusing on the spirit of Akainu on the giant ship, couldn't stand listening to the conversation between the two. No matter how he listened, he felt that Marine's spiritual leader and his idol Vice Admiral Garp was the villain's follower.

This redhead is so pitiful. Not only did he not receive compensation for his toy being broken, he was also beaten by the villain.

The other Marine uncles were also silent for a while. Originally, this was a very serious and serious matter. Vice Admiral Garp and "Pluton" Rayleigh started having sex, and then their Marines came to show off their horses with Red Hair Pirates, but it was obviously a very serious matter. Things have changed now.

Except for the three Admirals, Vice Admiral Crane and Leonardo, who knew the true cause of the matter, the other Admirals who only knew them were Vice Admiral Garp. On his way back home for a vacation, he happened to meet the legendary pirate "Pluton" Rayleigh who had retired for many years. Knowing what happened between the two, they started to do it inexplicably. They were here to support Vice Admiral Garp. It was best to send this "Pluton" Rayleigh to Impel down.

This statement aroused great repercussions in their Marine. Marshal Sengoku only sent three Admirals and Crane Vice Admiral over. They all volunteered to follow. This "Pluton" Rayleigh is too ambitious to be brave. To inspire their spiritual leaders.

Stop him!

But when they arrived, they were already a bit silly when they saw their Vice Admiral Garp competing with "Pluton" Rayleigh in the water. It was completely different from what they heard, and it seemed that Vice Admiral Garp was obviously the stronger side. .

Now the red-haired person is here, and this old man is unreasonable and knocks two big holes in the red-haired person's car. The key is that he breaks something and doesn't compensate for it, but beats him up.

Pirates also have dignity!

This is completely contrary to their always-steadfast philosophy!

Back then, Teacher Zephyr taught them that Marine was the epitome of defeating the strong and supporting the weak, and was the righteous party, but now this scene really makes them confused about who is the villain.

It always feels like their Marine’s big hero Vice Admiral Garp.....

.....Flying Squirrel Vice Admiral, calculate the approximate market value of that ship. -_-||”

Crane Vice Admiral looked at his friend in the water and shook his head helplessly, then asked the flying squirrel behind him.

For the sake of Marine's image, I really had to lose money this time. Now it is broadcast live all over the world. Every word and deed of their Marine is related to Marine's image and reputation. Their friends are their Marine's face for many years. If they break something If they can't meet the moral threshold of compensation, how can any righteous people join their Marine in the future?

Although their Marine has developed quite strongly in recent years, there has been a trend of inactivity since Curry's generation. Although there are many big-name soldiers, most of the talented people have gone to work as pirates. In a few years, it will wait until the golden generation of Marine As I get older, in the first half of the game, whether Marine can cover Sihai and others is a question.

"Well... Judging from the style of this ship, it was made at least a few years ago, but it still looks like new after all these years, not even a scratch. In addition, this ship is made more than a hundred years ago. The fuel and coloring made by Baoshu are almost all made of the highest level of bulletproof, dustproof, fireproof, and waterproof materials. The cost is quite huge. In addition, the overall structure of this first ship is made of 123

The flying squirrel touched his chin while recalling and introduced one by one how powerful the Dragon Riding Warrior ship was.

"Okay, okay, just tell me the market value..."

Crane Vice Admiral waved his hand to interrupt him. The more Flying Squirrel introduced, the more panicked she felt. It wasn't that she had no money. On the contrary, although her parents' inheritance was inherited by Toien, she had been a senior executive of Marine for so many years. , she still has a small amount of savings, but they are all left to Jiuluxi. Besides, the boat was damaged by a friend, so it has nothing to do with her. Even if it is blamed on Sengoku, it is not her fault.

She feels sorry for her friend. Although her friend Vice Admiral has a higher salary than Marshal Marine, hearing such a high-end introduction from Flying Squirrel makes people feel that they can't afford it, and they don't know what their friend is. Is the original capital enough to compensate...

" to eight hundred million beli..."

Said the flying squirrel, counting his fingers.

"Holy crap! My giant ship only costs over 200 million. This bastard's broken wooden boat is so expensive!? It's almost as expensive as a Beckman. When did this poor guy become so rich?... (Ⓒ_O)?"

Upon hearing the Flying Squirrel's offer, Leonardo jumped up and looked in disbelief at the dragon-riding warrior who was PKing the old boy Garp underwater. .

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