Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

711. Garp Is Not Dead Yet, So He Is Not A God.

"Ahem...that's the situation. We are very sympathetic to your experience. Vice Admiral Garp is indeed a little impulsive, so after discussions between our Marine Marshal and leaders at all levels, we believe that even though you are a pirate, we It's Marine, but you still have to pay compensation if you damage something. We have just found a few experts to analyze it carefully. Your boat is several years old. Although it looks brand new, today's shipbuilding technology is changing with each passing day. The craftsmanship of a few years ago is indeed not up to date, and the style of the ship is outdated, which is completely inconsistent with modern people's aesthetic vision. The only valuable thing is the century-old treasure tree that built the entire hull, but you should also know , no matter how valuable these century-old treasure trees are, they are just wood after all. Although they are relatively rare, they are not without them. Moreover, regardless of the appearance, there is no change. After being soaked in sea water for so many years, the internal protection has already deteriorated. Otherwise, "600" It won’t be so easy to get knocked out of that big hole by Vice Admiral Garp, right?”

"So after discussions between Marshal Sengoku and several senior leaders, we at Marine have offered you 80% higher than the second-hand recycling plant, 80 million beli as compensation. What do you think?"

Leonardo looked at the dragon-riding warrior sincerely and said.


The Flying Squirrel and the others behind him heard the price offered by Leonardo, and held their chests, their little hearts almost beating out of their chests.

The bargaining was so fierce, one cut was a tenth of the price, and the capital generals were so bloody that they shed tears when they saw it!

"Pfft! 80 million?! Did I hear it right or did you say it right? I spent more than 900 million to buy my boat, and now you are going to pay 80 million?! (^x)"

Hearing Leonardo's words, Shanks looked at him with wide eyes. He didn't know how this bastard had the nerve to shout out such a price. Bananas, you idiot. The cheapest treasure tree costs more than 8,000. What’s more, his treasure ship is made of treasure trees that are more than two hundred years old. Do you really think I’m Guy?

"Don't speak so slowly. Boats are daily necessities. After use, they will naturally be consumed. Although this kind of consumption is invisible and intangible, it does exist. I want to explain such a professional topic to you. You probably don’t understand either. If you don’t believe me, just ask the Beckman in your big head holding a flower in his mouth. A ship like yours that has been driven for several years and has sailed tens of thousands of kilometers cannot be compared with a brand new one. Let’s not talk about economics, let’s just talk about the issue of value. For example, I have an apple, which was $1.25 when I bought it. After I took a bite, its value is no longer $1.25. Everyone here They are all literate people, so they should understand what I mean, right?"

Leonardo said calmly.

"It seems reasonable. I bought a doll last month, but the manufacturer sent the wrong product. It was not the one I wanted. I studied it all night. Last week, I wanted to return it, but the manufacturer actually said They only refunded me half of the money. I thought it was unreasonable to give a one-star negative review before, but now that I think about it, it seems to be the case. This red-haired boat has been operating for several years... ..."

"Yeah, that makes sense...(O_O)"

People in front of the big screen heard Leonardo's analysis, and then nodded and thought there was nothing wrong with what he said, especially since there was a returned doll at the front, and the people around him also thought there was nothing wrong with it.

The price of their doll was cut in half after only one study. No matter how expensive or cool the red-haired boat is, it has been in operation for several years, so naturally its value cannot be as high as before.

This time they sided with Marine.

“Damn bastard...▼_▼#)*

Shanks gritted his teeth. He clearly felt that this bastard was deceiving him, but after listening to this bastard's words, he actually felt that there was nothing wrong with him. He couldn't find anything to say to refute, but the 80 million offered by Special Mother was too little. Well, even buying a treasure tree is not enough... Then I looked at his big head Beckman.

Come on!

£=('0`*))) Alas.

Beckman took a deep breath of cigarette with Huazi in his mouth and nodded.

"Ahem, Lord Green Fox Admiral, our ship's design style is old, but that doesn't mean it's outdated. That ship was created by the famous master Chierdan, which means it's more than just a ship. , it also represents an epoch-making art charity, and it also carries the dreams of all of us at Red Hair Pirates. These are things that cannot be measured by money. Even if it is put up for auction, I think the shipbuilding master Childan The price of Guanshan's works is more than 80 million. Last year, the last ship built by the shipbuilding master Tom was auctioned in the Water City for a price of 700 million beli. And it was not a treasure tree, just an ordinary ship. It’s just a boat…”

Smart people are different. If you talk to them about practicality, they will talk to you about art and dreams. After listening to Beckman's analysis, people who agree with Leonardo's views nodded one after another. Many Marine uncles, there seems to be nothing wrong with what they say. Each Guanshan masterpiece by an art master represents the artistic essence of the master's life and is also the most representative work. Its value is far greater than itself.

Their Marine hero Vice Admiral Garp obviously has a higher status in the hearts of their Marines than the Pirate King Roger in the hearts of those pirates. Why has Roger become a god but not their Vice Admiral Garp?

Isn't it that Roger has passed away, Vice Admiral Garp is still alive and his career is still going on......

“What an eloquent person!”

Shanks and his friends silently praised Beckman. Smart people are so awesome. They can talk about such high-end topics as art and dreams at any price.

That's right! Is their Red Hair Pirates dream so cheap?

"Well! There's nothing wrong with what you said, but you also know that the high prices for the works of these masters often depend on whether the master is alive or dead. Because Master Tom has become warped, the boat he finally built can fetch this price. Guys, Master Cirdan of yours just retired on May 6th. Isn’t he still alive? As a result, the value of his works will be greatly reduced. In addition, your ship is indeed gone. If, assuming that these are also It's meaningless. Let's do this. If you think the price is not suitable, you can make a price.

The essence of bargaining is that there is always a return..."

Leonardo said with a smile on his face like a negotiator.

Of course he knew that 80 million was a joke. If he really dared to use 80 million Baileys to deceive the Dragon Riding Warrior, this guy would have to explode. Then it would be endless, and Beckman even talked about such a high-end dream. When the topic came up, it was not good that he kept the price too low.

What young man doesn’t have dreams?

He once dreamed of having a harem of three thousand...

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