Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

712. Shanks: Is This Guy So Rich?

"Um... 700 million. Although our ship is gone, it was you, Marine Vice Admiral Garp, who took action first. This is a fact.

Beckman thought for a while and then said.

You are a bastard who doesn't make money. Although their ship has been sailing for several years, it shouldn't be worth that much. But who made Uncle Marine rich? He has 700 million. If he spends 400 to 500 million to exchange for a ship, the rest It can also settle their previous debts...



Hearing Beckman's quotation, some knowledgeable people in front of the screen took a sharp breath.

This guy really dares to shout!

However, this wave of operations has also made some pirates who have long wanted to change ships but did not have enough funds shine. If this can be done, then they can give it a try if they meet Marine in the future. Learn from the red hair. If you wait for Marine to hit you like this, you might be able to get into trouble...*^^*)

"No, the price is too high! Your Red Hair Pirates dream is too expensive, let's do this... 200 million."

Leonardo shook his head, joking, labor and management wasted so much saliva, and the skin on his mouth was scratched before he cut off 1.8 billion. Is my appearance fee so cheap?

"Six hundred and fifty million, this is our lowest price."

"Two hundred and fifty million. My giant ship is all made of high-tech stainless steel. It costs just this..."

"Six hundred million, this ship carries our dreams..."

"Three hundred million, that's about right. We at Marine are not a big business..."

"Five hundred and fifty million, dreams are priceless..."

"Three hundred and fifty million, dreams are indeed priceless, but no one buys them..."

"Four hundred million, no more. If you continue to talk about dreams, just pretend that I didn't say anything and let the Dragon Riding Warrior continue to fight Vice Admiral Garp!"

After the two of them chatted for a long time, when Beckman reached 450 million, He Vice Admiral almost cut Leonardo's price in half without leaving a trace.

However, Leonardo gritted his teeth and cut another 50 million, looking like he had reached the bottom line.

At this price, if you like it or not, just keep buying it.

"Ahem... Since you are so sincere and we have known each other for so many years, let's just pay this price. It's okay to pay by card or cash, or by check...*^^*)"

Looking at the face of this big mouth gnashing his teeth, before the big-headed Beckman could say anything, Shanks was already talking. After all, he wasn't just sending him away with 80 million Baileys as a beggar. The key was that he felt the same after seeing this guy's face. It's also a bit more comfortable.

Although he could only get half of the compensation for the original purchase of the boat, he could still accept the price. After all, he couldn't compensate an eldest grandson for Garp. Then he would have to find those eldest sisters and aunties to catch up with old times. It would take more than half a year of hard work. Just came back, they are here to support Vice Captain Rayleigh and that is business...

.... The compensation has been discussed, so now let’s get down to business. Rayleigh, your time has passed. "

After the discussion on compensation was over, Vice Admiral looked at Rayleigh on the other side and said, this is the main mission of the Garp platform that they have mobilized so much. Whether it is for Garp or for the tranquility of the sea, they Marine will not I hope Rayleigh has some contact with Roger's children.

These words are to remind Rayleigh that since he has retired, he will live in Sabaody and live a soft life, and be a good coater. We at Marine are happy to be able to do a few big business for you, and we will do things later. We, Marine, are at odds with the pirates.

"As I get older, the doctor advises me to exercise more, which can effectively prevent Alzheimer's disease. I just go out for a swim..."

Rayleigh pushed her eyes and looked helplessly at the old woman on the giant ship and the old Garp boy who was still looking menacing in the water and said.

He also understood the meaning of He Vice Admiral's words. Wasn't it just telling him not to come into contact with Roger's child? In fact, he didn't want to come into contact with the child, right?

I just want to confirm the identity of the kid out of curiosity. It's all the fault of that bastard Garp. Well, when we met and we didn't even exchange a few words, I started to say "What's his calendar?"

"Let's go..."

Crane Vice Admiral gave Rayleigh one last deep look, then turned and left the bow of the ship.

When the Marine uncles heard Crane Vice Admiral's words, they also turned around and left.

"Hey! Where's the compensation you promised? You haven't given it to me yet! (▼△▼X)*

Seeing Uncle Marine about to leave, Rayleigh just breathed a sigh of relief when the dragon-riding warrior suddenly jumped up and shouted towards the giant wheel.

Damn it! Where’s the promised compensation?


“Garp wins……………”

When a group of Marines heard this voice, they all looked at the old Garp boy who had just boarded the boat. What they said just now about raising money to help the elderly compensate was purely bragging. Who would come out with money when they go out to show off their horses?

Besides, their salary is just that little, and it’s not enough even when added up...


The old boy Garp was the bachelor. He ate a bag of donuts from the knife-wielding adjutant while spreading his hands, and then gave Leonardo a look.

Everyone looked in the direction of Garp old boy 247, feeling envious in their hearts. It feels so good to be taken care of. You always carry your gold card when you go out.

*-_-||....You can only spend 450 million and a half, if you spend too much, you will be charged interest..."

Leonardo took out the small gold card from his arms with a black line and thought about the Dragon Riding Warrior. Finally, he did not forget to remind him that this small gold card is the supplementary card of the stinky woman in Gion. He doesn't know what the limit is. , but it’s more than 400 million. Credit card swiping is really addictive. He’s really afraid that the bastard Dragon Riding Warrior won’t be able to control himself and maxed out his little gold card...

"Damn it!! Xiao Jinka! Is this big mouth so rich? (⊙_⊙)"

Shanks caught the flying little card and took a look. Oh my god, his eyes almost came out before he could see it, but there was a sparkling little gold card.

Although he is used to being poor, he still knows about this kind of gold card. If you don’t have a small gold mine from a legitimate source at home, the bank will not help you apply for this kind of gold card...

Is Marine's salary that high?

"This guy has a lot of money. He used to use a small black card. His wife gave it to him after he got married..."

Rayleigh's tone was a bit sour when she spoke, thinking that he had been in love for so many years, but also had a soft meal. That kid had a gold card, and he even had to keep an account for a bottle of wine [

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