Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

721. Brother Ma Blocked A Group Of Marine Vice Admiral

"Bastard Marco, don't run away! Do you have the guts to let us fight for 300 rounds?!"


"That's right! We haven't taken action yet, why are you running? Come down and challenge us if you have the guts!"

"Pa bang bang..."

"Marco, little thief, don't insult me, come down and challenge me!"

On the sea two or three days away from the Naval Headquarters, a group of Marine Vice Admirals and their young men pointed at a gorgeous bird with flaming bodies in the sky and sprayed it, as if they were going to kill the bird. The posture of spraying people down, and occasionally gesticulating back and forth with the guy in his hand.

Most of the Vice Admirals in Naval Headquarters are almost in place. At this time, they are in high spirits, as if they have reached the peak of their lives.

Not as if!


Did you see that?

The captain of Whitebeard's "450" ​​team was so pissed off by me that he didn't even dare to come down and challenge the labor force! \(^?^)?

Flying in the sky, Ponyboy's whole body was on fire. He rolled his eyes and wanted to kill Yuyan even more. He ignored the group of trolls below. He found that since the big-mouthed Marine debuted, the eloquence of these Marines has become sharper and sharper. , look at the Marine Vice Admiral below, it’s like they’ve taken male hormones. To be honest, he’s really a little panicked.

Go down and challenge a bunch of you guys?

I don’t take melatonin. -_-||

If there were fewer people, three, four, or five elite Vice Admiral, he could barely cover him, but what a group of people down there!

If you are really stupid enough to go down and challenge them, the phoenix will become a dead bird...

It is said that after accepting his father's mission more than half a year ago, he flew out of the New World alone, originally thinking that if the kid was really the son of Roger, the Pirate King, as his father had guessed,

A small East Blue couldn't be guarded, and he had never been to a small place like Sihai, and he didn't know much about the road to East Blue, so he planned to wait and wait for this suspected son of Roger in the first half. He rushed out of East Blue and walked towards the Grand Line, and then he carefully observed whether this young man was Roger's son and whether he was qualified to be his father's heir.

Although his father didn't tell him, he was brought up by his father and was closer than his own son. As soon as his father raised his butt, he knew whether he farted or was about to poop. His father paid a little attention to this little brother. Gao, and asked his eldest son to personally take action. Isn't this just like the scenes in novels where wealthy CEOs observe their heirs?

He is familiar with this routine!

But guessing that his father wanted to choose this brat to be his heir, his eldest son didn't have much idea. After following his father for so many years, he knew that the leader of the Whitebeard Pirates was not that easy to be, and he was not strong enough to lead him. With Fei Renren's strength, he would probably be beaten on the second day after he took over.

He also knew that his father once regarded him as his heir, but he failed to live up to his expectations and couldn't meet such high requirements. He couldn't blame others. As a result, he felt that not long after the first half, he encountered a battle between Garp and Rayleigh, and then again It was Red Hair Pirates who was showing off to Marine. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he just bought a nautical chart and ran around in a big circle to East Blue. When he arrived at East Blue, he happened to meet his target with someone else. Fight.

To be honest, the target's operating style was completely different from that of his dead father Roger. It was both fire and boxing, with no technical skills at all. However, he really saw some traces of Roger in this target. Especially that damn charisma, which is simply a replica of Roger. Even a master with a strong immune system was almost overwhelmed by this little brother's momentum. Fortunately, he has been with his father all year round and has a strong immune system. Many of them were able to hold on and did not rush off to burn yellow paper or chop off chicken heads with this guy...

But one thing he confirmed when he arrived was that his father's guess was correct. This young man was indeed Roger's son. His temperament, personality charm, and both static and dynamic talents were all visible to the naked eye. In East Blue, apart from the children of the Garp family and the Roger family, whose children have such a talent?

He can jump more than ten meters high without any systematic training, and he also has that powerful attack ability, although his path is a bit wild and his defensive awareness is also a bit poor...

But he did see the future of their Whitebeard Pirates in this guy... Damn it!

If he had that vision, he would have gone to buy lottery tickets and become a stupid pirate...-_-||

The most important thing is that he just heard that Rayleigh and Garp were having sex near Upside Down Mountain. The story of Rayleigh eating soft food at Sabaody is not a little secret in the New World. This old guy has not used a knife for more than ten years. , suddenly this young man went to the Upside Down Mountain to fight Garp not long after his debut. It was hard for him not to think about Roger's son.

Although this guy's huge popularity and being called the super rookie king of this generation of pirates is more or less related to the lack of talent of this generation of newcomers, his talent is really strong.

A month ago, he received a call from his father. This guy was too high-profile and too popular. This new generation of pirates didn’t have much talent. Apart from this guy, almost none of them had superstar status. They were all a bunch of straw hats. , set off by such a group of straw hats, this guy is like a firefly in the dark night, so outstanding and dazzling.

In this case, it was only a matter of time before Marine's focus was picked up. What's more, this guy had a relationship with Garp. Dad naturally didn't want the heir he was finally optimistic about to be cut off by Uncle Marine.

Now, isn't it funny that Roger's child should not be a pirate, so his father asked him to wander around the Naval Headquarters to be on guard. Uncle Marine wanted to pay special attention to Roger's son.

After receiving the order from Whitebeard, Ponyboy was full of courage. He took some rations and ammunition with him...ah! The rations were really just a man who ran to the Naval Headquarters not far away, the only way to start from Marine and squatted in the grass. , those Marine uncles are all old acquaintances, as long as it is not Marine Admiral, he will block every one who comes out, and now the Navy 0.6 Admiral has a big position, and with Garp here, he doesn't think Marine will let Marine Admiral play Ace. So Xiao Ma is not worried at all, as long as all the Marines coming out are blocked!

It was just blocked and blocked. He found that these Marine uncles were really busy, especially the Marine Vice Admiral. The first one to come out was the Ghost Spider. After blocking the Ghost Spider for a few days, the Flying Squirrel also came, followed by the Huoshaoshan. , anyway, all the Marine Vice Admirals who came out one after another were basically blocked by him here.

It was okay at first. He was confident that he could block the four or five Marine Vice Admirals, but now that such a group came, he couldn't block them, so he could only use his flying ability to hold them back. As long as anyone wanted to leave, Just use the speed bonus of diving from the sky to kick them in the waist, and then fly into the air. Regardless of whether these people are going to confront Ace or not, "just stop them anyway!"

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