Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

722. The Ghost Spider Has The Loudest Voice

And these Marine Vice Admirals who received the order from Sengoku Admiral and set off to fuck Vice Admiral Garp, his eldest grandson, were also happy.

Originally, they were relatively resistant to this task because of Vice Admiral Garp. After all, this is the grandson of Vice Admiral Garp. Even Marine Admiral is fishing. How can they do this?

To put it bluntly, the eldest grandson of Vice Admiral Garp is not a good person. If the two sides start fighting, if they are not serious, they will be beaten by the brat. They will be embarrassed, but if they are too serious, there will be something wrong with the brat. They will not be able to do it. They were beaten off by the Vice Admiral Garp, but the military order could not be violated. After receiving the order, they had no choice but to bite the bullet. Originally, they were still thinking about any way to avoid violating the military order and not offending the Vice Admiral Garp.

After all, Vice Admiral Garp is not only their idol, but also the idol of all Marines. Although his grandson went to work as a pirate, it did not affect their status in the world of Vice Admiral Garp.

His son is still the world's biggest criminal, so what?

It can only be said that Vice Admiral Garp's teaching ability is very sharp, and he can compete with Teacher Zephyr. Vice Admiral Garp's spirit of dedicating his life to justice is what they admire the most. This is what Vice Admiral Garp's son does, and his grandson is 18. It doesn't matter what it is for.

But this is a military order. It's okay if you don't go. It's not good if you go.

So these Marine Vice Admirals were so big, but who would have thought that not long after they came out, they would be blocked by Whitebeard's captain "Phoenix"!

Hey! They have never found pirates pleasing to their eyes, but now looking at this "Phoenix", they are becoming more and more pleasing to their eyes!

Of course, you still have to use traps when putting on a show. After all, this is an order from the World Government. If your acting skills are too poor and Marshal Sengoku sees it, it’s okay. But it’s not good if you are discovered by the World Government. So, Marine Vice Admiral said one by one Screaming with a golden voice, justice is clear, full of energy, and arrogantly shouting loudly and arrogantly spitting at Little Ma in the sky.

It’s not that I don’t act, it’s just that I’m stuck and there’s nothing I can do about it. He’s Whitebeard’s eldest son. I can’t do it alone. “I can’t do it in a group fight and I can’t stop... It’s too difficult! (

"Marco, please come down here!"

"Marco, you are still the captain of Whitebeard's first team, why don't you be shameless and come to challenge labor and management?"

The Vice Admirals headed by Ghost Spider below were spraying with red faces and getting more and more addicted. They never knew that spraying people was so enjoyable and they couldn't stop.

No wonder that guy Leonardo sprays for several rounds before every fight. This feeling is so damn satisfying!


That is to say, Ponyboy has a calm personality and no fighting spirit. If it were replaced by a hot-tempered teacher Kaido or Whitebeard, he would probably be found to teach these little Marine Vice Admirals how to behave.

Brother Ma continued to annoy the dead fish eyes and looked at the Uncle Marine below who was clamoring for a duel. Isn't this the ghost spider who has not gathered all the eight swords in the past N years?

This bastard has little ability and is the most arrogant. This bastard has the loudest voice. Brother Ma took a deep look at the ghost spider below who was using his hands and feet to raise his voice. I must give Wolf Wolf the chance. This grandson of K has a meal.

"Marco, you are such a shy little turtle, do you have the guts to order... eh? (⊙_⊙)?"

The ghost spider below who was addicted to spraying suddenly felt cold behind him while spraying. He shuddered and looked at the blazing sun in the sky with a confused look on his face. Why did he suddenly feel cold on such a hot day?

Could it be that you are starving and hallucinating after not eating for a few days?

"Marco, you coward, come down!"

After discovering that there was nothing unusual, Ghost Spider, who didn't know that he had fallen in love with Xiao Ma, took out a big trumpet and used his hands and feet to spray at the top of his lungs,

Do you think such a loud sound can reach Naval Headquarters?

Let Marshal Sengoku hear his cry of justice....

This place is not very far from the Naval Headquarters, but due to magnetic field interference, the signal is intermittent, and the phone bug is even more intermittent. After a few minutes of call time, the other party cannot hear what he is saying. If the sound is loud enough, it should be able to transmit It would be even better if Marshal Sengoku heard about it when we got to the headquarters!

Ever since the Battle of Impel Down, after getting the two famous swords promised by Marshal Sengoku, he has been looking for famous swords, but there are really too few famous swords. There are so many swordsmen in the world that famous swords come and go. With so many swords, it is really difficult to pull them together and take off. Over the years, because the eight swords have not been able to gather together, his strength has improved slowly.

The competition between Marine Vice Admirals is very stressful. After all, there are only a dozen or so elite Vice Admirals, and the benefits are much higher than those of ordinary Vice Admirals. If his strength is progressing so slowly, he will have to overtake him. Elite Vice Admiral seats available.

The last time he was able to keep this position was because he got two famous swords promised by Marshal Sengoku, and his strength increased a bit to keep this position. But these few years have passed, and the people below saw that he still had several famous swords behind him, and they started to make moves again. .

After all, the annual salary of an elite Vice Admiral alone is five million more than that of an ordinary Vice Admiral.

Five million! It’s enough to spend a night in District 5 of Sabaody...

This time he received an order from Marshal Sengoku to fuck Vice Admiral Garp's grandson. He refused at first. After all, he was Vice Admiral Garp's grandson. If he offended Vice Admiral Garp, he really wouldn't have to hang out in Marine anymore. , let’s not talk about Marshal Sengoku. After all, Marshal Sengoku gave the order. Marshal Sengoku may know that he is suffering and will not do anything to him, but Teacher Zephyr is also a good brother of Vice Admiral Garp. This order is really weird. It's just poisonous.

As for why Vice Admiral Garp’s perfectly fine grandson became a pirate when his son even rebelled by chewing tree bark, it’s actually not surprising that his grandson became a pirate.

After receiving the order, he could only bite the bullet and hope that Marshal Sengoku would keep the elite Vice Admiral position for him because he was so desperate and loyal...

When he set off with his younger brother, he was still thinking about how to get through this without violating military orders and offending the Vice Admiral Garp. However, within three days of leaving the gate of justice, he was killed by the captain of Whitebeard's First Division. "Phoenix" Marco was blocked, and after a period of confrontation, he found that "Phoenix" Marco was not trying to force him, but was simply forcing him to stay here and not letting him leave this sea area.

If he was just guessing at the beginning, then the Flying Squirrel, Huo Shaoshan and others who came one after another were also blocked here by "Phoenix" Marco to verify his guess.

This guy doesn't know what he's doing. He just doesn't want them to leave here. .

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