Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

729.This Time The Protagonist Must Give To Mr. Kaido

"There's nothing wrong with Whitebeard. Whitebeard's body...forget it. Anyway, you go find out and don't get discovered. Marine can't start a war with the Whitebeard Pirates before they figure out the situation..."

Sengoku was a little confused when he heard his eldest nephew's words, but when he thought about it carefully, there was indeed something wrong with Whitebeard.

But Xinda’s nephew was so stubborn that Sengoku had to emphasize it again at the end.

Originally, the most suitable person was Kizaru. Compared to the other three, Kizaru reassured him more. As long as overtime pay was paid, Kizaru's work ability was still outstanding and he was more conscientious than Akainu. However, Kizaru's abilities were too dazzling. Gorgeous, sparkling with gold at every turn, he is too easy to spot, and Aokiji is too lazy, so it is obviously not reliable to let him go to the New World. When it comes to Akainu and his eldest nephew, he still trusts his eldest nephew. Akainu is such a guy lately. After developing the jet lift, it started to be high-profile again, and it was impossible to get involved with Whitebeard.

"Well, you know, am I the kind of person who does things without considering the consequences? Don't worry! I'll go get ready without any explanation..."

Leonardo rolled his eyes and saw that Sengoku had nothing to say. He hung up the phone and looked at Gion next door. These girls also heard the conversation he had with Sengoku just now.

"You heard me. You and the flying squirrels go back to headquarters. I'll get off the boat at Sabaody."

300 "Be careful. If there is something wrong with Whitebeard's health and he finds you, he will fight you tooth and nail."

Gion nodded solemnly and reminded.

Which time did this stinky guy go to the New World and make big news? This time it was Whitebeard who had a physical problem. If the hatred value is full, the beast's counterattack before death is often the most ferocious.

"Don't worry, I won't be able to die if the end of the world comes. Whitebeard can't even kill Kaido, let alone me, but I have to plan carefully this time..."

After Leonardo waved his hand, he sat on the chair and knocked on the table and began to think.

Sengoku's intention is very obvious, to find out the extent of Whitebeard's physical condition without letting Whitebeard discover it. After all, with Whitebeard's smart head, once he is discovered, he will definitely know that Marine has thoughts about the Whitebeard Pirates. For the sake of his godsons, maybe there will be a big outburst.

In the original book, during the Summit War, except for Akainu, Kizaru and others were all acting, which shows that at that time, Sengoku still didn't want to touch Whitebeard, who was still capable of fighting. This is how to exchange the smallest loss for the greatest victory. Sengoku's genius idea was that if Whitebeard was ready to run out of gas after a year or two, the losses would definitely be smaller than during the Summit War. However, it backfired and the strongest Dream Chaser appeared in the middle. Blackbeard ruined Sengoku's plan, raped Roger's son, and forcibly advanced the war.

So if you want to test the extent of Whitebeard's current condition, he must not show up. The last resort is to ask someone else to show up, and this person has nothing to do with their Marine.

Moreover, this person's strength is not very impressive. Whitebeard can't hold someone back even with one or two punches, and he can't test why. Although Whitebeard has something wrong, he can still do well with a few punches, so what's the rank of this person? They all have to be at the king level.

After greatly narrowing the scope, there are not many such candidates in New World.

There are only the Fat Lady Charlotte, Teacher Kaido and the Dragon Riding Warrior who are also Four Emperors.

First of all, let the Dragon Riding Warrior pass. Because of Roger, this guy has a fairly close relationship with Whitebeard, and he also has a big head like Beckman by his side. If he plays tricks and causes conflicts between the two parties, he really has no confidence in hiding it. Come on, this guy, and with the character of a dragon-riding warrior, he may not be able to fight Whitebeard if there is a little friction.

Then the only ones left are Charlotte and Kaido.

I don’t know what has happened to this pair of dog men and women in the past few years. The couple who danced the most happily in the past have been extremely quiet in the past few years and have not caused any big news. Especially Teacher Kaido, who has a good nature. He hadn't gone to Whitebeard for a duel for many years, which made him quite surprised.

As for fat lady Charlotte and Teacher Kaido, his priority as the protagonist is still given to dear teacher Kaido, for no other reason than it’s easy to fool you...

Although fat lady Charlotte often has short circuits in her brain, when her IQ is online, this fat lady's IQ is still very high, otherwise she wouldn't be able to give birth to so many smart sons and daughters, plus there are so many little old men around this fat lady. He is also very smart, and it is a bit difficult to trick the fat lady Charlotte.

On the contrary, Mr. Kaido is different. Although Mr. Kaido's brain is rarely short-circuited, Mr. Kaido's intelligence is indeed not too high. Although he occasionally has to play tricks, it is only a few times in his career. That’s it, it’s less than thirty seconds in the collection.

Moreover, the love and hatred between Mr. Kaido and Whitebeard can be used to film a sequel to the love story. In the end, Mr. Kaido is indeed the most suitable protagonist.

However, in recent years, Mr. Kaido doesn’t know what he’s doing and doesn’t challenge Whitebeard in a duel. This is obviously very un-Kaido. He has to plan carefully to make a routine...

"How's it going? Have you figured out a way?"

Gion saw that he had been thinking about life, and he was a little crazy when he saw how serious he looked. Sure enough, serious men are so handsome!

"I have thought of a way, but I still need to plan carefully..."

Leonardo saw the strange look in the girl's eyes and didn't know what she was thinking, so he moved back.


After Leonardo got off the boat at Sabaody, he was not in a hurry to set off. He asked Dominic to check what Mr. Kaido has been doing in the past few years. He always felt that Mr. Kaido had been too low-key in the past few years. Even Garp's son made a fuss. This is not in line with Mr. Kaido's behavior. Mr. Kaido, who is so "brave and good at fighting", has not fought in several years. Can you believe it?

Two days later, Dominic came to Leonardo's office.

"Curry Admiral, Kaido has been staying at Onigashima, the base camp of Beasts Pirates, for the past few years. Occasionally he goes out to engage in some suicide activities. Everything is quite normal. If you want to say something strange,

However, the Three Plagues of Beasts Pirates have become closer to Doflamingo in recent years. There seems to be some cooperation between the two parties. This is not in line with the style of Beasts Pirates. Moreover, I contacted Doflamingo, but this guy has been there all the time. Hahaha, it seems that I have already said it, but it seems that I haven’t said anything yet. "

Dominic Hui reports. .

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