Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

730. Ace And The Whitebeard Pirates Had A Fight.

"Beasts Pirates collaborates with Doflamingo?"

Leonardo nodded clearly. This is indeed not in line with the style of the Beasts Pirates. You must know that the Beasts Pirates have been in New World for so many years. It can be said that they don’t have a single partner. As long as they are interested in something, then just one word. ,Rob!

A win-win situation is worse than a win-win situation alone!

Moreover, this New World is a place where the winner takes all and the fittest survive. The cooperation between the two parties is often based on the strength of both parties. Although Doflamingo is very cool in the New World, he has become the king of his ancestral land. Shichibukai is the one with the best reputation. The poke fish from Sand Crocodile is still selling "jumping powder" in Alabasta in order to usurp the throne. Compared with the star of Celestial Dragons, Sand Crocodile has too many fish methods. Got it!

However, Doflamingo's Dressrosa is not small in the New World, but compared with Beasts Pirates, it is far behind, and the strength of the two sides is not equal at all. The woolly elephant and the epidemic fat man dare not say that, after all, Celestial The strength of Dragons Star sounds good, but Fire Ember can definitely push Doflamingo's entire Donquixote Family. When the gap between the two sides is so huge, Beasts Pirates actually doesn't choose to be tough and cooperates with Doflamingo. Here is - There must be a story.

If he remembered correctly, there seemed to be a passage like this in the original work. After Garp's grandson cheated and defeated Doflamingo, the big hairy elephant still thought of saving people, but ended up being too pretentious and was killed by the blind Admiral Fujitora. A smile and a sword were given to Lu Chen.

However, the time travel has been too long, and the system dad has not strengthened his brain. He can’t remember what specific project Beasts Pirates and Doflamingo collaborated on, but this project should be very important to Mr. Kaido, otherwise Mr. Kaido It is impossible for such a person to cooperate with Doflamingo who is dozens of times weaker than himself, and also let the big wooly elephant rescue people. You must know that although the strength of the big lance elephant is not that good, he is teacher Kaido's Love the future, unimportant little things can't stop the big woolly elephant from taking action.

This made him a little confused. The man's sixth sense told him that he might be able to make some fuss here, and let Mr. Kaido go find Whitebeard for a duel, and also test Whitebeard's current physical condition...

"Big news! Big news! "Fire Fist" Ace is heading towards the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates, suspected to challenge Whitebeard!"

"Big news! "Fire Fist" Ace officially battled with Whitebeard's Dallas Pirates. The captain of the Dallas Pirates and Whitebeard's godson, Dallas Page, was knocked out by "Fire Fist" Ace."

"Big news, big news! "Fire Fist" Ace battled with Whitebeard's DeKalbane brothers, and the DeKalbane brothers were defeated and defeated..."

"The captain of the 7th division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Lark, is about to fight "Fire Fist" Ace..."

"Big news, "Fire Fist" Ace is fighting with Shichibukai "Sea Hero" Jinbei..."

Leonardo has already set off to the New World. When he is preparing to trick Mr. Kaido, the New World, where every day is a song of fire and blood, has gone crazy. Especially the die-hard fans of "Fire Fist" Ace, every day is happy. , their idol, "Fire Fist" Ace and the Whitebeard Pirates, who have been keeping a low profile for a while after entering the New World. The story they had to tell made the whole world excited just like Wang Zha.

"Fire Fist" Ace is another man with the appearance of a superstar after the red-haired Four Emperors. His net worth has exceeded the 200 million mark before entering the new century. Many people are quite optimistic about his future. As long as he gives a few years, It will definitely be the next redhead. Even the world's largest gaming company has already started trading. It will take several years for "Fire Fist" | Ace to take over Four Emperors.

You must know that it took almost ten years for the red hair of Four Emperors to officially debut as the New World Four Emperors. The momentum of "Fire Fist" Ace seems to be stronger than that of the red hair. Although the red hair was at the peak of his debut, In the first half, he kept a low profile for several years before entering the New World. However, "Fire Fist" Ace rode the wind and waves all the way from the small East Blue to the New World in less than a year, which can be called the miraculous light of the East Blue.

However, after the Spade Pirates entered the New World, except for the battle at the gate of the New World, there was no news about the "Fire Fist" Ace for a long time. When everyone thought that the East Blue Miracle Light needed to settle down for a while, It’s time to adapt to the pace of life in the New World.

Good guy, the news that this kid fought against the Whitebeard Pirates and defeated them all the way has impacted people's souls time and time again.

……Please give me flowers…………

Not to mention anything else, "Fire Fist" Ace's courage alone made many people give him a thumbs up.

That's Whitebeard!

Whitebeard, the strongest in the world, is a title coveted by many people on the sea. Ever since Whitebeard held the title of strongest in the world, many young people with dreams have come to challenge Whitebeard and want to take over this title from him.

It's a pity that so many years have passed, and there are not many people who can truly stand in front of Whitebeard. The last time they were able to stand in front of Whitebeard, the one who made Whitebeard use the knife was the Seven Warlords of the Sea who are now licking their wounds. "Sand Crocodile" sand. Crocodile.

Counting on the fingers, it has been several years since now. From that time on, there has never been a decent challenger who can stand in front of Whitebeard and let him use the knife. These people either died on the road or even Whitebeard's godsons. The first line of defense has not been crossed, and some have even given up their unrealistic ambitions after experiencing the cruel reality.


And now this "Fire Fist" Ace, who is destined to become a super star in the future as long as he survives, is actually so courageous that he immediately went to eat Whitebeard without taking a break into the new century. The key is that he has already won several games in a row. .

Although many people think that "Fire Fist" Ace is in a hurry to challenge Whitebeard in such a hurry. Even if he doesn't summon his parents and the whole family, it will be difficult to win, but with this pride and courage, It has already turned many passers-by into fans.

The most important thing is that they have indeed won several games in a row, so the one they are fighting is not Whitebeard, but those are Whitebeard's godsons. Especially when Whitebeard's seventh biological son Lakyo is also defeated, it is really disappointing. Startled.

The captain of the 16th division where Whitebeard sits is Whitebeard's biological son. Due to Whitebeard's strong aura, except for the eldest son Xiao Ma and the second son "Big Diamond" Jozi, the other sons are famous. It's not very big, but these people have been with Whitebeard for so many years, and they are the captains of the division where Whitebeard sits. Their strength is not just a joke. "Fire Fist" Ace can defeat a seventh division captain, so it proves that this kid is really good. Spoon!.

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