Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

731. The More I Watch Whitebeard, The More I Like It.

But after learning that "Fire Fist" Ace was fighting with Shichibukai's "Sea Hero" Jinbei, everyone knew that this story was almost over.

This "Sea Hero" Jinbei is very strange. He has been out for so many years and has no amazing achievements. But the strange thing is that when everyone sees him, they can't help but feel that this person is very powerful. This feeling is better than Shichibukai's. The big black "sand crocodile" gave them a stronger feeling, which may also be a matter of surprise between species.

Anyway, when "Fire Fist" Ace met "Hai Xia" Jinbei, who was very fierce in their impression, everyone basically believed that "Fire Fist" Ace had reached this point.

But even so, the number of fans of "Fire Fist" Ace has not only not decreased, but has actually increased. Even some brick-and-mortar fans who are full and have nothing to do have rationally analyzed the relationship between the Spade Pirates and Whitebeard. The gap in the lineup of the "827" pirate group can be said to be quite huge.

The Whitebeard Pirates include Whitebeard, the New World overlord who has been the strongest in the world all year round and has spanned the sea for decades and spanned two major eras. There are also "Phoenix" Marco, "Big Diamond" Jozi and others. Supported by big-name celebrities, it can be said that it is a New World super wealthy family with shining stars and gathering of big-name celebrities.

Looking back at the Spade Pirates, except for the "Fire Fist" Ace from beginning to end, there is no one else they can name. Look at the bounty offered by Uncle Marine, the entire Spade Sea There is only one "Fire Fist" Ace in the thieves group, which means that the rest are just a group of cheerleaders guarding the water fountain and waving towels. It is extremely difficult for such a lineup to reach the playoffs in the New World, compared with Whitebeard, who has been playing in the finals all year round. The distance between the Pirates is even further than the distance between New World and East Blue.

"Fire Fist" Ace can lead such a group of nameless water-cooler teammates to fight the Whitebeard Pirates to this level. It's amazing. As long as you give him some time and match him with some good teammates...

After all, people tend to prefer characters with some pathos!

"Tang Cao Wa's fist!"

"fire punch!"

"Gun wave!"

"Yan Shang Gang!"

"Seven thousand watts roundhouse kick!"

"Shenhuo Shiranui..."

"Captain in Paris, Shichibukai

"Come on Jinbei, beat this brat to death..."

On the beach of an uninhabited island in New World, a mighty-looking murloc was having a passionate fight with a young and childish puppy under the hot sun. On several pirate ships over there, a group of drinking-cooler teammates of the smoldering little dog and a group of godsons wearing Whitebeards were cheering for their own people.

The flaming little puppy's water-cooler teammates looked at the boss who was fighting a very powerful fish-man. They were several times more nervous than the boss, and their little hearts were about to jump out. This was the most critical thing for their boss. Fight, as long as they defeat the mighty fish-man in front of them, their boss can challenge the strongest man in the world!

Although they are rubbish and have no ability to help their boss, they still have sincerity and sincere hope that they can use their most passionate shouts to give the boss the most powerful power to defeat the opponent.

The two have been fighting for several days and nights. At this time, all strength and skills are fake. What they are fighting for is the willpower of both sides. Whoever fails to hold on and falls first, then the other side will be on the path to victory.


"Jinbei get out of the way, I'm going to challenge Whitebeard!"

"Firefly. Fire Bodhidharma!"

The little puppy, who was on fire and a little embarrassed, looked at the mighty-looking fish-man in front of him angrily. He gritted his teeth and refused to make the fish-man into a sashimi.

Damn it, labor and management have passed all the way and are about to fight the big boss. Why do you, a Seven Warlords of the Sea, come out to join in the fun?

Did Whitebeard give you money or do you want to be someone's godson? (~x)

A large number of fireflies were generated from both hands and finally gathered together and blasted towards Jinbei who was already scarred. It's hard to say how powerful this is, but the special effects are no worse than Kizaru.


"Stop talking nonsense, if you want to challenge dad, you have to beat me first!"

"Murloc Karate-Secret. Muraikan!"

The mighty-looking Jinbei looked at a large group of fireflies blasting towards him and was not to be outdone. Standing on the sea, he gathered a high-density compressed water ball in his palm and blasted it towards the gorgeous Great Fireball with powerful penetrating power. Compared to the fire damo with gorgeous special effects, the powerful-looking Jinbei, a high-density water balloon, is somewhat plain and simple.


"Hey! This kid is quite capable, he can fight like this with Jinbei."

"After all, he's the next red-haired guy. He defeated Lakyo. It's normal to beat him like this..."

On the Moby Dick in the distance, Whitebeard and a group of his sons were also watching the battle. Whitebeard's sons looked at the battle in front of them and did not feel hostile because their brothers were defeated. They reacted in amazement. After all, the sea is about fists. In a place where strong people are more or less respected.

Although they don't know why Jinbei is so famous, they also think Jinbei is very awesome based on Jinbei's appearance, so when they see the kid who defeated their good brother and Jinbei are inextricably linked, it makes sense. It's really amazing. You have to know that she is only 17 or 18 years old, and she is just a little puppy!

-_-||...Dad, don’t you want to give me some advice?”

The little boy next to Whitebeard looked at the dead child in front of him speechlessly.

When Ace entered the New World, his mission had been a complete success. He had just come back and was about to tell his father the good news. It was not sure whether the heir he chose was Roger's son.

But he is definitely talented. Just when I wanted to praise my dad for his good vision, this guy's challenge came.

Your second uncle, labor and management helped you get through so much traffic along the way. 0.0 Marine, why the hell did you dare to challenge my father? It’s so unethical!

I still want to inherit the inheritance in the future...

But considering that this kid doesn't seem to know that his father asked him to block those Marine uncles, and he hasn't accepted him as his son yet. This kid has been working with Jinbei for several days and nights and still hasn't given up. I can only say that this kid is really addicted. ...

"Gula Lala! Don't worry, this kid is really good [I like (^0^*)/*

Whitebeard waved his hand and looked at Ace with the eyes of an old father looking at his son. The more he looked at Ace, the more he looked at him. If he only pays attention to him because of his relationship with Roger, then now he likes this child from the bottom of his heart and has nothing to do with Roger. It would be better if this child has no relationship with Roger. This child is his Whitebeard's biological son!

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