Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

737. Teacher Kaido’S Century-Old Plan

"Nani?! That bastard is so arrogant? He dares to touch our Beasts Pirates goods! Is Doflamingo a waste? (▼_▼#)"

The long-haired elephant, who was busy sharpening his knives and was in a very unhappy mood, completely exploded after hearing his younger brother's report.

The transaction between their Beasts Pirates and Doflamingo has always been complicated by him. This project is related to his boss's century-old plan. There must be no mistakes. The past few years have been peaceful. As long as they hang the banner of their Beasts Pirates, who can How dare you move?

But now, their goods have been robbed?

"They were from the Whitebeard Pirates. The people from Doflamingo said that those guys started robbing each other as soon as they met, and most of them were killed or injured.

Seeing the boss waving a big sword, the younger brother said tremblingly for fear of being accidentally injured.

"Damn it! It's the Whitebeard Pirates again, swaying people, copying guys, kill these bastards! (▼△▼X)*

Hearing that it was the Whitebeard Pirates again, the Big Hairy Elephant was even more furious. The news that the brat "Fire Fist" had become Whitebeard's son was really blowing up the surrounding circle of friends. 18 took all the limelight out of him. It's not enough to rob them, now the Whitebeard Pirates dare to touch their goods.

This is taking advantage of Captain Jack's wool!

Beasts Pirates Jack the Drough chased Whitebeard Pirates Karma for hundreds of miles!

Beasts Pirates Jack the Drough vs. "Fire Fist" Ace, the captain of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates!

Beasts Pirates Jack the Drough was severely beaten and seriously injured by Whitebeard's captains, and the Beasts Pirates' mammoth fleet was completely wiped out...

Everyone is paying attention to "Fire Fist". Ace believes that Whitebeard has a bright future when his parents become the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates. Several battles completely caused the sea to explode.

Everyone is stupid now. What is Drought of Beasts doing? Is it grabbing headlines?

First of all, Jack the Drough, one of the three plagues of the Beasts Pirates, had sex with Karma of the Whitebeard Pirates for unknown reasons. Karma is just Whitebeard’s peripheral godson. This kind of person uses the name of Whitebeard to cheat people everywhere. Naturally, the little caramel that is cheated to drink is incomparable to Jack the Drough. Jack the Drough's name as "one of the three disasters" is more or less attributed to Mr. Kaido, but after all, he is also the third one under Mr. Kaido's seat. One of the big-headed horses, his strength is not comparable to that of a peripheral godson like Whitebeard. It is normal for him to be slaughtered bald by Jack the Drough and chased for hundreds of miles. No one cares about such a result.

Later, Jack the Drough met the super rookie king of this generation, Whitebeard's new son, "Fire Fist" Ace on the way to chase Karma. The news of the battle between the two made many people interested, "Fire Fist" Ace's talent and potential are there. As long as he doesn't die, he will definitely be awesome in ten years.

Although Jack the Drough, one of Kaido's top three heroes, is a little sluggish, he has been in the New World for so many years, and his strength is not comparable to that of Cat and Dog. The battle between the two attracted a lot of attention, but the result has not yet been achieved. When they came out, there was another big news about Whitebeard's sons beating up Jack the Drough.

This explanation goes without saying. Jack the Drough is Mr. Kaido’s most beloved younger brother. It can be said that he went to fight Impel Down with Marine hero Garp in the first half of the game because of this younger brother. Now his beloved younger brother was severely injured by a group of Whitebeard’s sons. Teacher Kaido didn’t It's so weird that it exploded on the spot.

However... the four major New World giants have been very calm in the past few years. Although there is a little friction between them, everyone has been very restrained and there will not be such a situation where they chase the enemy for hundreds of miles and penetrate into the enemy camp. There was a group fight, let alone a war between the two sides.

But now that Jack the Drough actually fucked him until he was bald, it wasn't enough. He had to chase him for hundreds of miles, and so did Whitebeard and his sons. It's just a one-on-one duel according to the rules of the river and lake. The other party is not Marine. What the hell are you? It's a bit unethical to actually force a group start.

Although Mr. Kaido's brain is not developed, he has been taking melatonin on time and cultivating his character for many years. He is not as impulsive as in the past. He always explodes on the spot, takes a big hammer to hammer this, smashes that, and runs away if anything happens. Go wander.

But now that my beloved little brother has been so humiliated by Whitebeard's people, everyone is 100% sure that this time the two super wealthy families are going to have a big fight.

However, the origin of this incident, and why Jack the Drough is so persistent in leaving Whitebeard, his peripheral godson, Karma, is really puzzling... the explanation.

As the saying goes, nothing is difficult except for those who are determined. Thanks to the unremitting efforts of some dedicated people who are not afraid of sacrifice and overcome all difficulties in order to seek the truth, the truth has finally emerged.

It turns out that there is a business relationship between Beasts Pirates and Doflamingo. Many people know about it. Although they don’t know what this business is, the fact that Beasts Pirates can cooperate with them by “condescending” them instead of trying to grab them directly shows that this business is very important to Beasts Pirates. That's right.

However, just some time ago, in the monthly trading center between Doflamingo and Beasts Pirates, Whitebeard, the peripheral godson, didn't know if his brain was caught in the door or he was crazy because of poverty. He actually led people to rob Doflamingo's cargo ship. It was such a coincidence that the cargo on the ship was the cargo of Doflamingo and Beasts Pirates.

The person in charge of the Beasts Pirates and Doflamingo deal is Jack the Drough.

After knowing the truth, a group of people nodded in understanding and stood on Jack the Drough's side.

There's nothing wrong with the woolly elephant!


"Whitebeard, this dead old ghost, bastard... Jhin, let's go! (♥ plate▼#)"

Teacher Kaido, who has been practicing low-key for several years, just as everyone guessed, was furious when he saw his beloved top horse being brought back by several younger brothers who were so injured and bloody that he couldn't even open his eyes.

However, today's teacher Kaido is no longer the teacher Kaido of yesterday. For his "hundred-year plan", Teacher Kaido repeatedly emphasized that his little brother should not cause trouble before the plan is successful. For his "hundred-year plan", I didn't see it. Hasn't he practiced dueling with fat lady Charlotte all these years?

So when his beloved top horse was fucked like this, he suppressed his anger and figured out the whole story. He, Kaido of the Beasts, always made clear rewards and punishments, and convinced people with "virtue". If his beloved top horse didn't listen to him, he would go and cause trouble. First, he would first kill the gang of brats who bullied his leader, and then set up some drinks for Whitebeard.

But now it is clear that the dead old man Whitebeard did not give him face, his godson robbed his goods, and he did not follow the moral principles of the world and allowed so many sons to beat up his beloved horse.

Even for the "hundred-year plan", Teacher Kaido couldn't bear it anymore.

Gan him!o(Dan▼X;)o.

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