Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

738. I Feel Like I’Ve Been Tricked.

"So you really stole Beasts Pirates?"

"What is that batch of goods that Beasts Pirates pays so much attention to?"

"Hahaha, hey! Ace, don't worry about that, let's have a party, have a party..."

On the Whitebeard Pirates' Moby Dick, the Beasts Pirates have assembled, but the Whitebeard Pirates still don't have the pre-war atmosphere. They still repeat yesterday's banquet and spanking. The life is still so cool, and there is no preparation for the Beasts. Pirates looks like it's dry.

It has been a while since Ace recognized Whitebeard as his father. The atmosphere of the Whitebeard Pirates is much better than he imagined. There is a father who treats him as his own son, and there are also a group of brothers and sisters who treat him as their biological brothers. The atmosphere was warm and family-like, making him feel like he had found the safest harbor.

In the Whitebeard Pirates, he felt the family affection he longed for most in his heart.

However, the reason why the big woolly elephant hunted down Karma and penetrated the Whitebeard Pirates has surfaced. It has only been a year since his debut. Ace is still a good and moral boy. Although he has to be loyal when he comes out to work, But Ace was still struggling with what was right and wrong, so when everyone was having a banquet, Ace couldn't help but ask about Karma again. After all, it seemed that the big woolly elephant was killed by a group of them because of him. Brother Haibo.

I don’t know what happened, but the big hairy elephant was originally chasing Karma, but when it saw him, it immediately changed its target and charged towards him with a big knife as if it had a deep grudge against him. , even when their people arrived, they didn't care, which made him agree with some doubts and feel a little guilty in his heart.

He was wondering what kind of grudge that big hairy elephant had against him. If I remember correctly, it was probably the first time they met in this life. As a result, the big hairy elephant wanted to fuck him as soon as they met. He asked himself that although he was a bit handsome, he had a pure nature, so he didn't try to take advantage of him, right?

And I heard that that guy likes little ghosts pulling big carts, and he likes girls with giant bloodline the most. His small body can't stand it, so he won't even give it to him...

I feel guilty because if the truth is true as reported outside, it was Kalma who robbed someone else's goods first, and then they beat him up. I always feel that something is wrong in my heart.

Others are also curious about what can make Beasts Pirates take it so seriously. To put it bluntly, with the current ranking of Four Emperors, wealth, power, and girls, they really can't think of what Beasts Pirates still lacks. They had heard about the deal between the Beasts Pirates and Doflamingo before, but it was so mysterious that they didn't know what it was. The Whitebeard Pirates and the Beasts Pirates didn't have to deal with it, so it was easy for them to find out.

They were really curious. As for the fact that Kalma grabbed Beasts Pirates' goods and the two sides started fighting, they really just blamed Kalma and didn't care too much. After all, it wasn't you who robbed me when I came out to mess around. I'll rob you, you hit me, I'll cut you off.

Over the years, the big wooly elephant has come to compete with them for territory. This kind of thing is normal in New World. There are so many right and wrong. Only newcomers like Ace, who have just arrived in New World, still don't do it. Just a habit.

"......=('0`*))) Alas, the news I got before was that Doflamingo prepared some rare treasures to give to the World government. I thought that my father was preparing for his birthday, so instead of letting Doflamingo loosen the things It's better to give it to the Celestial Dragons as a gift to dad. When the big wooly elephant came to find it afterwards, I found out that it was something they traded with Doflamingo, and it wasn't anything precious, just a dozen Zoan Devils. Fruit…”

Karma on the side said after taking a long sip of wine depressedly.

He felt that he might have been tricked, but did he have any evidence? After all, it was his own younger brother who got the news, and now that younger brother has been hacked to death by the big hairy elephant, he doesn't know who it is. The trick was done, and because of a dozen Devil Fruits, they had sex with Beasts Pirates, and all his little brothers died.

It’s really unlucky to be at grandma’s house.

Although Devil Fruit is considered a valuable thing on the sea, those few appear to be just ordinary Zoan Devil Fruit. The market price of each one is only one to two hundred million Baileys. This is because Kaido and Garp had an old relationship back then. When the gangster was PKing at the gate of Impel Down, Kaido's operation of restoring broken eggs caused the price of Zoan Fruit to fluctuate slightly. Even so, the total number of Devil Fruits is only 200 million, not to mention more than 200 million Baileys. Even he can take them out on the Whitebeard Pirates.

His little brother went crazy for these 2 billion Baileys, and the whole world knew that he was being chased by a woolly elephant for hundreds of miles. He was really at a loss...

"."Just a dozen Devil Fruits? What are the Beasts Pirates doing? (O_O)?"

Hearing Karma's words, Marco and others were also confused. You look at me, I look at you, and you can see the question marks in each other's eyes. Although there are quite few Devil Fruits, if it is Zoan Devil As for fruits, there are actually quite a lot. They get one or two every year, but they either throw them to their younger brothers to eat or sell them to passing merchants.

After all, unless it is a rare fantasy beast type, ordinary Zoan Devil Fruit is not even qualified to be auctioned in Sabaody. Although it is quite exaggerated to take out a dozen Zoan Devil Fruit at once, Doflamingo is still the largest in the world. It's not surprising that an arms dealer can bring out so many connections.

But it's a bit baffling for Beasts Pirates to pay so much attention to it.

With the strength of Beasts Pirates, it's easy to get a dozen Devil Fruits, right?

Everyone, including Bai (good) Beard, felt a little confused.

It’s just that they didn’t expect that the transaction between Beasts Pirates and Doflamingo is once a month. With the strength of Beasts Pirates, it is easy to find a dozen Devil Fruits, but it is very difficult to find a dozen Devil Fruits every month. The effects are all over the world. Marine can't do the first half of the Grand Line either.

Moreover... when people get goods from Doflamingo, they don't have to pay anything. They just sign and record the goods. Although it is artificial Devil Fruit, the technology is not yet mature and the risk is high, but this artificial Devil Fruit Fruit is much more stable in terms of ability selection. Kaido-sensei doesn't have many things but his younger brothers. Even if the success rate is one-tenth, as long as one younger brother survives after eating the powerful Zoan Devil Fruit, it will be the same as ten weak chickens. Brother Zoan is stronger.

Mr. Kaido wants to create the strongest army of iron-blooded animals in history. .

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