Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

740. Sengoku: This Guy Is So Big

But this eldest son was different. After standing there for three hours waiting for his mother to eat and drink, he felt better and his IQ was online before he started to report.

...It's none of my business if they beat them. "

Charlotte's appetite was obviously better today. She usually ate three hours of cream desserts, but today she was only half full. After hearing her eldest son's report, she waved her hands impatiently.

That bastard Kaido hasn't come to her to maintain a relationship for several years. Now that the relationship has faded, it would be best to be fucked to death by Whitebeard~.

"But Mom, we haven't had any big news for many years. The latest news is either the "Fire Fist" brat or the Beasts Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates. If this continues, no one will know about our BIGMOM Pirates... ………”

Seeing that my mother looked troubled, and feeling the eager and eager eyes of the brothers and sisters who had just grown up around her, Katu, who was extremely silent, could not resist the pressure and stood up to say something.

It has been several years since the last time the BGGMOM Pirates made a big move. It doesn’t matter to him. He is considered “successful and famous” anyway. Who on the sea doesn’t know that he is the most powerful person in the BUGMOM Pirates, but Last time the New World eldest sister had more wolves and less meat, the younger brothers and sisters who participated couldn't get a head at all. If they couldn't get a head, they naturally didn't do well. There were also a group of younger brothers and sisters who had just grown up that they had never seen in the world. Uncle Marine was better. I didn't even bother to give the quotation to my younger siblings because I found it too troublesome.

They are all at an age where they want to be famous. Although they have made a lot of small noises in the New World in the past few years, after all, they are small things and cannot make headlines. This time the Whitebeard Pirates and the Beasts Pirates fight against these people who want to be famous. It is indeed a good opportunity for the younger brothers and sisters, and if their BIGMOM pirates also come, the news will only be bigger and they will receive more attention.

Those who come out to be pirates do it all for wealth, sex, and fame. They are the New World Four Emperors BIGMOM pirate group. Money and sex are easily available. The name is given to their mother, and they have to fight for it themselves.

However, the status of these children in BIGMOM is not high, and they are not qualified to speak in front of their mother, so they can only place their hopes on their awesome second brother. After all, it is their second brother who is responsible for such things. Okay, my eldest brother is in charge of logistics...

"...You are right. With these two bastards making such a fuss, no one will know who I am anymore. We will set off in three days."

The fat woman Charlotte nodded while eating the cream dessert. Although the second son spoke a little more bluntly, he was right. The BIGMOM Pirates have indeed not made any big moves for a long time. If Kaido and Whitebeard continue to cause trouble like this, they will get headlines. Well, then isn’t she a bit shorter than these two bastards?

"W.T.H? The BIGMOM pirates are also taking action?"

"Wow! Isn't that the New World War?"

"The only thing left is the Red Hair Pirates... No, we have to prepare well this time. During the last world war, there were too many special girls, and the labor and management didn't even get a Marine head. This time, the labor and management must be Show your worth..."

"Just the Red Hair Pirates..."

News of the BIGMOM Pirates' big move spread across the sea, and pirates all over the New World were so excited!

New World has not had such a large-scale cultural and sports event for many years since Four Emperors took over. I originally thought it was just Beasts PiratesVS Whitebeard Pirates, the big monster KaidoVS the world's strongest Whitebeard, but now Four Emperors has entered the scene, so this war The meaning has changed.

The war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Beasts Pirates is a matter between both sides. They can only watch and not come close. But when an additional Four Emperors group begins to enter the scene, it is no longer a matter between Whitebeard and Teacher Kaido. The New World Four Emperors All three of them have entered the venue, except for the one with red hair. This is already a big event and big news that affects the entire New World!

So excited! They finally have a chance to show their faces!

The pirates who participated in the last Uncle Marine VS New World pirate war are also gearing up. Last time, there were too many teammates and too few monsters. They couldn't even grab a few monsters and Uncle Marine left the game. Let them go. They didn't dare to fight with the Marine bosses, and they couldn't grab the mobs. All the benefits were taken by the boss's younger brothers.

...Please give me flowers...

Especially Marco, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, because the special effects are so gorgeous and he can forcefully play with Marine Admiral Kizaru for half an hour. Over the years, girls have been secretly giving them room cards. I am really jealous of him. !

This time it’s their New World brawl. Uncle Marine shouldn’t be attending. For the room card... ah! In order to get ahead, they have to fight! (-_-)/

...This brat. "

Marineford, Naval Headquarters, Sengoku's head was buzzing and he had a headache, and his fluffy hair became looser.


Sengoku now wants to give himself a slap in the face. How could he let his eldest nephew do such a highly technical thing in the first place?

He just wanted this brat to figure out Whitebeard's current physical condition, and this brat was going to cause a New World brawl for him...

When the eldest nephew made a plan to find him, he felt that this kid had finally grown up. Although this plan was a bit simple and crude and required a certain level of operation, but thinking that this kid could make such a plan, then the operation should be fine. questionable.

It is indeed difficult for cats and dogs to test out Whitebeard's current depth. Kaido, a silly big guy, is indeed the most suitable, but what will happen now that the fat lady Charlotte enters the scene?

The entrance of fat lady Charlotte means that the New World Four Emperors have entered the third round. Now the whole New World is extremely noisy. Only one Red Hair Pirates has not entered. However, the atmosphere has been enhanced here. The Red Hair Pirates cannot enter. Admission is actually no longer important.

He originally planned to find out Whitebeard's physical condition, give him time to prepare, and then give Whitebeard a gorgeous funeral at the minimum cost for the sake of his old friend.

The current stable situation among the three parties at sea is also what he wants to see, but now that this brat has made such a big deal, doesn't this brat help the pirates in New World to gain fame?

If I had known, I should have let Kizaru go...

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