Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

741. The Red Hair Made A Lot Of Money Again This Time

"Now that the BIGMOM pirates have set off, there is no point in saying anything, but this time should be able to let us see Whitebeard's physical condition clearly..."

Crane Vice Admiral said calmly.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with Leonardo detonating the New World War this time, and there was nothing wrong with Leonardo's previous plan. It was indeed the best choice to let Kaido test Whitebeard, but no one thought of BIGMOM. It just suddenly gets involved.

....Any news on Red Hair Pirates?”

The friends all said this, and Sengoku could only nod. Although the atmosphere in New World has been ignited now, Marine was unprepared and was too lazy to get involved this time. He sent his eldest nephew to New World for the same purpose. It was just to inquire about Whitebeard's situation. Although the process was a bit tortuous, we should be able to see Whitebeard's condition in this "980" battle, which can be regarded as achieving the goal.


Three of the New World Four Emperors had entered the stage, leaving the Red Hair Pirates without any movement, which made him mutter a little in his heart. After all, the red-haired guy's ability to make trouble was no weaker than that of his nephew.

My good friend’s grandson was fooled into becoming a Straw Hat Third Generation project by him, and I couldn’t even try to persuade him...

"Since the last war, when Rayleigh returned to Sabaody, the Red Hair Pirates have disappeared. However, we have received several reports from West Blue about the whereabouts of the red hair..."

Crane Vice Admiral shook his head. Among the New World Four Emperors, the news about the red-haired ones was the most difficult to find out. This group of people is different from other pirate groups. All big pirates with some reputation have their own people and territory in the New World. Every time The operations are all large-scale operations. Even if you don't deliberately inquire about the information, you can still receive their information. However, the entire Red Hair Pirates team only has one ship of people. They are flexible and changeable. In addition, there are two ADCs on the ship. The sky is high. They are flying, and the water feels cold when they are close to them. It is really difficult to find this group of people, just like the Roger Pirates back then.

But back then, Garp had a fate with Roger, and he would meet Roger's pirates from time to time. Now, among them, Marine, who else has such a fate with the red hair? [This is a headache.

..... Let the bases be prepared. "

Crane Vice Admiral said Sengoku's head also hurt and he said helplessly.

He had a premonition that this New World war would make the New World pirates steal the spotlight again, which would trigger a wave of young people going to sea. All they could do was to suppress the impact to a minimum.

There is a super large villa in the wilds of a bustling city in West Blue. It has mountains and the sea behind it, and the scenery is beautiful, just like a paradise.

The red-haired Shanks and his friends were holding toothpicks in their mouths and burping from time to time. The red-haired Shanks was pale and had some sweat on his forehead. It was obvious that he worked very hard last night...

After sending Rayleigh back to Sabaody, they came all the way to West Blue, firstly to avoid the limelight and avoid the pursuit of that old gangster Garp.

The second is to make money to repair Shanks' super artifact. In the previous battle, his super artifact was smashed by the old gangster Garp because he was too bossy.

Naturally, San is here to work for the rich eldest sister and auntie to make money. That big-mouthed Marine is a really special thief. I originally thought that the big-mouthed Marine’s gold card can be used by him at will, but what happened? There is actually a limit. It must be the handiwork of that big-mouthed Marine. After buying a boat, he went all the way west to find a rich elder sister and younger aunt. Fortunately, they were quite lucky. They met a super big aunt here. In the villa, the kind-hearted elder sister fell in love with Shanks "at first sight" after her husband had been cold for more than 20 years.

"Captain, New World is ready for war again!"

At this time a boy ran in with a newspaper.

"Oh! Whitebeard's godson robbed Kaido's goods, and then killed the big elephant named Drought..."

"East Blue's first shot," Yasopp said lazily while looking at the newspaper in his hand.

He was not surprised at all about the cause of this incident.

Anyone who has come into contact with Whitebeard knows that Whitebeard is a person with a strong sense of family values ​​and no ambition. He will basically not take the initiative to initiate wars. However, almost every New World war involves Whitebeard, and it is all caused by Whitebeard's godsons.

The so-called nine sons of a dragon are all different. Whitebeard’s godson is dozens of years old, not counting those peripheral godsons. Once there are more people, their temperaments become mixed. There are all kinds of people, and they have to be different every time. Whitebeard helps wipe the butt...

So this time, it's not surprising that Whitebeard went to the Beasts Pirates again because of the issue of his godson.

"Huo! This time the BIGMOM pirates have also entered the scene, and another New World war has begun."

Lucky, the most flexible fat man in the world, looked down while chewing on his thigh, and finally showed a surprised expression. After all, after the establishment of the New World Four Emperors, New World has not held any large-scale cultural and sports activities for many years. .

It was originally a matter between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Beasts Pirates, but now that the BIGMO Pirates have gotten involved, things have changed.

..... Whitebeard is so old, and I heard he is not in good health. It would not be good if there is a war in New World now..."

Holding Huazi's big head in his mouth, Beckman read the newspaper and pondered for a while, then said to Shanks, who was a little frustrated.

Although Shanks didn't say it, he probably guessed the purpose of his captain's choice of Straw Hat Third Generation. Although the selection was a bit tortuous, he had already chosen it, so there was no way. Luffy would go to sea in a few years, so it was better not to It's better to let the sea get too busy.

"Hmm... let's go to New World."

Shanks nodded immediately after hearing Beckman's words. Although he didn't quite understand what Beckman meant, why it wouldn't be good if there wasn't a war in New World in 5.5 now. However, after working overtime "working" day and night during this period, he finally got him The big sword was repaired and he made a lot of money. "He has long wanted to leave this place full of nightmares.

As long as he can leave, Beckman can do whatever he says. He really can't hold it any longer!

"Oh! Let's go!"

"New World War..."

Although they were about to leave, these friends were a little reluctant to leave. After all, these days of drinking fine wine and living in a big bungalow did not happen all the time, and not every rich big sister would fall in love with their captain at first sight.

However, when they thought of returning to the New World to participate in the war, everyone's blood started to boil again under the influence of horse urine.

A free and unrestrained life occasionally requires some passion and blood...

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