Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

742. There Is A Marine Who Likes To Do These Sneaky Things.

"Marco, is this kind of battle very intense? What should we pay attention to? For example, positioning, movement, etc.? (O_O)?"

On the Moby Dick, it has been learned that the BIGMOM pirates are also going to enter. Various large and small pirate groups in the New World are also taking action. The atmosphere of the Whitebeard pirates has also begun to heat up. Everyone needs to sharpen their knives. Sharpening their knives and cleaning their guns when it's time to clean them, they are just waiting for the war to come. They are all people who have participated in at least one such large-scale cultural and sports sensation. It can be said that they have experienced hundreds of battles. They can't let them go in a big war. What waves are set off in a hard heart.

Isn't it the duty of a pirate to eat, drink, and fight?

Everyone is used to it. Only Ace, who has just entered the New World, is excited and nervous at the same time. This is the first super battle in his career. There are so many pirates. If the group fights in a big fight, if you are not nervous or excited, it is fake.

During this period, he would catch someone and ask him endless questions. Many people were annoyed by his questions and immediately took a detour when they saw him 185 meters away.

Little Ma, who hasn't woken up today, can't escape. However, little puppy Ace is nervous. Those boys who came to visit the pier with him are even more nervous than him. "Ten of them are holding paper heels and looking at Little Ma like good babies. elder brother.

You may not believe it, but they have never killed anyone since they have been with Ace in East Blue. Every time they encounter enemies, Ace fights in a group. All they have to do is cheer and cheer. If they win, they will share the wealth with the captain. If they lose, they will live and die with the captain. Now the first battle at the dock is the New World brawl. It is obviously impossible for them to cheer and cheer on the side of such a battle.

The sea is a place where big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimps. In this kind of chaos, the captain has no way to protect them like before, so they can only rely on themselves, but their strength is too weak, let alone a big pirate. , even those peripheral boys may not be able to do it!

Not to mention that they have no experience. The last time such a big brawl happened was a few years ago. Many of them were just teenagers a few years ago, and in poor rural areas like East Blue, there was no way to see live broadcasts. Just listening to the old man bragging makes me happy.

...Okay, it depends on the situation, but just gather together and don't let the other side defeat each other one by one. It should be easier this time without Marine participating in the battle. "

" have to be careful if someone sneaks in and takes advantage of the chaos. There is a Marine who likes to do this kind of sneaky thing...

Xiao Ma said listlessly. To be honest, he was the one least looking forward to this kind of war. From the time he followed his father to now, he has fought this kind of world war countless times. In the last era, the three major pirate groups dominated New World fought several times with Roger and Golden Lion during that time. Although he was still a kid at that time and not very famous, after so many years, to put it bluntly, he was beaten to the point of vomiting.

Now when he hears the word "fight", he feels a little sick and wants to vomit...

Moreover, Dad's physical condition is not very good. Although he still believes that Dad is the strongest in the world, and Dad is not invincible, a battle with the intensity of Kaido and Charlotte's fat lady will only make him lose his temper. Dad's body was worn down.

It wasn't as if he had thought of something as he spoke, but his face instantly became serious to remind Ace.

He doesn't care about the other boys. That bastard Marine also fucks based on price. Ace and other water cooler boys don't even have a net worth. If that bastard Marine gets in, he won't look down on these boys, but Ace is different.

Although Ace's current net worth is not very high, Ace's status is different. He is the nominal grandson of Garp, the old gangster, and Roger's child, and he is also his father's successor. If he was fucked by that bastard Marine, what would happen? That would be troublesome.

Ten years ago, my dad would probably have been able to just grind down Impel Down. Now my dad’s body can’t sustain a protracted battle...


"How dare Marine sneak into this kind of battle?"

Looking at Xiao Ma's serious expression [Ace Ten Faces O'Neal jpg.

This is a big brawl in the New World. Almost all the pirates in the New World are fighting, and they are very angry. The New World is a place for pirates. Marine sneaks in to fish at this time. Isn't this looking for a gang fight?

Even his nominal grandfather, Marine hero Garp, probably couldn't do this kind of thing, right?

You are very sharp in a one-on-one fight, but you can't beat the Four Songs with just two fists, not to mention you have so many hands...

...Other Marines may not dare to do this, but that bastard is different... That bastard cannot be killed, and his vitality and resilience are stronger than Kaido. You may have heard of his name, Marine." The undead "Admiral" green fox was once split in half and couldn't die. Even his father couldn't do anything to him... This bastard has no bottom line, is despicable, shameless and has bad breath. He took advantage of our New life on more than one occasion. World War disguised himself as a pirate and sneaked in to masturbate. The fire embers of the Beasts Pirates and some of the big pirates in the past were all taken advantage of by him..."

The guy who talked about the big-mouthed Marine also had a look on his face that made him vomit.

They all say that Kaido is pretty slutty, but in fact that bastard Marine is even more slutty than Kaido. Relying on his pervert-like vitality and resilience, he dared to make Golden Lion and Pluton Rayleigh look like dogs when they first debuted in their teens. That’s it. Kaido's record of 747 is incomparable. When Kaido was a teenager, he dared to spray Golden Lion?

Not afraid of being turned into a dead dog....


"Si Guoyi! Marine Immortal Admiral, I've heard this name before, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful and despicable! (O_O)"

"You can't even die even if you're split in half. It's even more powerful than Kaido..."

Ace and his former water cooler boys listened to Brother Ma's words and instantly sucked in the air-conditioning around them until they were out of stock.

Marine Four Admiral, although they have never seen it and are not familiar with it, they have all heard of the name. After all, they came from East Blue to New World. If they have not heard of Marine Four Admiral, they don't need to know it.

"Sounds more powerful than that Marine Admiral named Red Dog!"

However... they had heard of the name Marine "Immortal Admiral" Green Fox, but it was very unfamiliar. In the first half of the period, the one they heard most about was the Marine Admiral named Red Dog, which was a feudal burial system. successor.

If Marine raises the white flag when encountering other players, the most he will do is get beaten up and sent to Impel Down for further education. After he comes out, he will be a hero again.

But if you meet this Marine Admiral named Red Dog, all members will have to eat...

In the first half, this Marine Admiral named Red Dog is the devil. .

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