Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

748. Vice Admiral Garp Teaches Well!


“Vice Admiral Garp teaches well!”

"Yes, yes, he was able to dominate Jack the Drough just one year after his debut. Vice Admiral Garp's teachings are truly unprecedented..."


The Uncle Marine around looked at the old boy Garp's sullen look, with a black line on his head. His grandson had already gone to become a pirate, so there was nothing to be proud of. -_-||

But this flattery should be filmed, who should be the boss...

"Shut up! (▼△▼#)"

Sengoku on the other side really couldn't bear to see the old guy's stinky look. Others didn't know it, but he knew that this guy was Roger's son. The better Roger's son performed, the more headache he felt. What's more, this kid has now become Whitebeard's successor.

Nowadays, there are more and more outstanding new pirates. Their Marine has not produced excellent varieties for many years. The only one with Admiral qualifications is Lucy, who is only in her teens. This makes him a little worried. If this continues, what will Marine do when they are all old?

The big brother, Commander Kong, pulled Marine up from the trough and trained a group of outstanding newcomers for him. Seeing that his term of office is coming up in a few years, has he cultivated a group of outstanding newcomers for the next term? When they are old, will Marine still be able to defeat pirates?

Thinking of this, Sengoku glared at his good friend angrily.

This old bastard is really good at supplying talents to the enemy. Drago went to be the leader of terror, and now he has raised Roger's son as a Whitebeard, and his own grandson still talks about One Piece all day long.

I'm so impressed...

"Huh...huh...this ugly monster is really thick-skinned..."

"fire punch!"

The general audience marveled at the extraordinary talent, and the old boy Garp was so proud at Marineford.

But Ace is so tired now that he almost spits out milk. This is from psychological to physical fatigue. No matter who has been holding a piece of steel against his skills, he has not seen any effect for a long time. His mental quality has almost collapsed. .

In addition, he has to keep flying at high altitudes, and he is still a child!

He is still a child whose body is still developing. This half day is more tiring than the days and nights he spent fighting Jinbei. Although fighting Jinbei is also tiring, his skills can at least cause damage to the opponent, more or less. At least there is some psychological comfort,


"Hahaha! Damn you brat, can't you do it? Are you out of strength?"

"Come down and chop me twice! (^∇^)

The long-haired elephant, who had taken countless fire punches from below and was still jumping around and slashing impatiently, gasped loudly when he saw Ace in the air. When he came back and saw the giant girl he had longed for, his waist was sore, his legs were numb, and he couldn't breathe even after carrying a bag of rice several floors up.


Ace in the air almost exploded when he heard this. A little blue cutie in his mind kept tricking him into going down and fighting the big woolly elephant openly and openly. "Fortunately, his smart little head kept him calm." calm.

This big stupid elephant is too thick, and its attack methods are not very good, but at first, its defensive power seems to be comparable to that of Jozi who turned into a big diamond.

He has never encountered such a thick-skinned character, and he finally saw it today...

"Admiral Curry, the Fire Fist kid can't seem to hold on anymore, this Jack the Drough's skin is too thick..."

Toss Berry frowned and looked at the big screen, worried about Vice Admiral Garp's eldest grandson. Although this kid ran away to become a pirate, he was the eldest grandson of their Marine hero. If he was hacked to death here, Vice Admiral How sad Garp is.

.....This kid is now Whitebeard's son and Whitebeard's successor. Whitebeard could have let this kid be hacked to death by a woolly elephant, but this kid is really not as clever as his father..."

Leonardo rolled his eyes and looked at his little brother who was frowning. The emperor was not in a hurry, but the eunuch was not. Didn't he see that Whitebeard, who was dueling with Kaido, looked at Roger's son from time to time?

He bets that if this big woolly elephant really hits Roger's son twice, Whitebeard will come over and start fighting.

After waiting for so many years for an heir, how could he let the big woolly elephant kill him?

But to be honest, judging from his many years of fighting experience, this little fire fist has indeed not inherited the fighting IQ of his biological father Roger. He knew that this big hairy elephant could withstand his little fire fist, but he still Damn, you have to fight hard, now you have no blue, right?

No wonder this kid was raped by the strongest dreamer two years later.

To be honest, although the Dark Fruit of the strongest Dream Chaser Teach has some restraint on all Demon fruit powers, if this kid really ran away at that time, the strongest Dream Chaser Teach and his few friends would I really can't stop it, so I just use my butt to breathe fire and fly into the sky. The strong dream chaser can only look at the sky and shed tears.

It turned out that this kid was a stubborn guy, he couldn't think straight and didn't understand the principle of leaving Qingshan without fear of running out of firewood, and he still insisted on fighting to the death, and finally got the entire Whitebeard Pirates into the trap.

You must know that the strongest Dream Chaser who had just obtained Dark Fruit at that time was really not very strong. Just look at how much effort he put into fighting against this little fire fist in a PK.

Although the strongest dream chaser has a record of leaving three stripes in the eyes of the dragon rider, he doesn't know what the situation was at the beginning, but it is certain that the strength of this strongest dream chaser has not reached the level of single-handedly with the dragon rider. The level of choice is certain. With that kind of strength, you don't have to be ugly in the Whitebeard Pirates for so many years.

In order to wait for a Dark Fruit, if you stay in the Whitebeard Pirates, you might as well go up and become the overlord of the New World. The chances of getting the Dark Fruit are high. Moreover, although this guy's acting skills are not bad, but in the eyes of Leonor, who has read countless times, In many eyes, the acting is still a bit too deliberate.

On the big screen, you can see how this guy and Whitebeard's fourth son, Sage, teamed up to fight against Kaido. This guy's strength is only slightly better than that Sage's, and his physical skills are pretty good. , Haki can still be regarded as a Grandmaster, but it is not enough to leave three stripes on the face of the Dragon Riding Warrior with a frontal hard steel, to be honest.

So in the original book, if the kid wasn't too easily fooled and brainless, it would be really impossible for the strong Dream Chaser to lull him.

Just like now, if you can't hit it from the front, just change it. There are so many fragile parts of the human body, such as the lower third road.

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