Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

749. He Is Just A Child After All, Too Innocent.

"Ace! Attack his anus!"

While Leonardo was thinking about it, the screen changed again.

When Ace looked at the thick-skinned long-haired elephant below and frowned, not knowing how to fight, a voice came from not far away, and Ace's ears instantly magnified to receive the message.


"Attack Juju Department?"

"What bastard is so shameless and can come up with such bad ideas?"

Ace looked towards the direction where the sound came from. Isn't this Marco, who is so gorgeous with beautiful flames all over his body?

I saw the gorgeous Marco, who was fighting in the air with his body covered in flames and a flaming sword in his hand, and raised an eyebrow at him.

After confirming that it was Marco, Ace became confused again.

Although he didn't want to admit that his dead ghost father abandoned his wife and son, he was the son of that dead ghost father, the serious king from the Second Generation.

If this was placed in ancient times, he would definitely be a proper prince. Both the old man and Makino have taught him since childhood that he must be upright and upright.

But now Marco is trying to persuade him to teach him how to do it... Although he doesn't know if it will work, but something like this is too vulgar.

But the little fat man who was fighting Qiaozi suddenly tightened his anus. He didn't know what happened...

"Asshole Phoenix, big brother, help me chop him to death!o(▼ dishes▼X;)o"

The long-haired elephant who also heard Brother Ma's voice was instantly inflated.

Not only did the tragic situation of his second brother come to mind in his mind, but now he still walks like a baby, with his feet never closing together.

The mighty and unyielding second brother now feels weak when he hears the word "green fox"...

Now this despicable and shameless "Phoenix" actually let the Fire Fist kid explode his anus. He is confident enough in his own defense, but he is not very confident that the defense of the anus can withstand the attack of the Fire Fist kid. After all, there is But it's quite fragile.

..... If the boss still wants this brat, please stop hacking him to death. -_-||

"Whoosh whoosh..."

"Bang bang bang..."

Huo Huojin also had a black line when he heard what his third brother said. Didn't you see that the boss was cutting him, but it was ineffective!

Huo Jin looked at Marco who had been stabbed several times by him and recovered in less than half a second. He was so damn good that he almost vomited blood. Every time he faced this guy in a one-on-one fight, he could feel how the boss faced Marine Admiral. Green Fox, how others feel when facing his boss.


It's my mother's disgust.

It was obvious that he had hit the vital point, but this guy was stunned that nothing was wrong. Instead, his chest was stuffed and he was worried about it. Now his chest feels tight, "It's like a piece of old phlegm is stuck in the chest and can't be coughed out."

That is because his offense has little effect on this guy, so he has time to pay attention to the Fire Fist kid.

However, he still had to remind the murderous third brother that the boss is very fond of this kid. The third brother really wants to kill this kid. It would be strange if the boss doesn't get angry...

The injuries from being slashed a few more times were only recovered. Xiao Ma looked at Ace's troubled face and looked up to the sky helplessly.

He is still a child after all!

The reason why he dared to pay attention to Ace when he was dueling with Huo Jin again was because he and Huo Jin were old rivals. , Huo Jin's vitality and recovery ability are not bad either. If we really want to decide the winner, it will take at least ten days and a half to see who is exhausted first.

So being slashed by Fire Ember from time to time is not a big problem for him.

Secondly, Ace is dad's heir, and everyone also likes this little brother. This little brother is participating in such a large-scale team battle for the first time and has no experience. If there are shortcomings, nothing can be done.

When the woolly elephant rushed towards Ace, he kept staring (bicj). Although this woolly elephant was a bit strong, it was rough-skinned and thick-flesh, and it was weaker because it had been around for so many years longer than Ace. It's not something that Ace, who just joined the Whitebeard Pirates and has been taught by his father for a few months, can handle.

During the observation process, it was indeed as he expected. Although Ace was a little smart and knew how to fly in the air to avoid the attacks of the woolly elephant, he was still a teenage boy after all. If you don't advance, you won't know how to calm down and think of a solution, but you will keep fighting fiercely.

This made him have to fight with Huo Jin while helping him find a way.

In fact, he had no good way to face the thick-skinned and thick-skinned woolly elephant. The woolly elephant lacked offensive means, but Te Niang's defense was high, and she couldn't break it with a punch or a kick. Defense, but he has read a lot of books and knows where the most vulnerable parts of the human body are...

In the end, he thought of a way, but Ace, the little brother, got confused...

After all, he is a child who has never been beaten. He is so innocent!

"Hahaha! This kid Marco is really smart! You can even imagine that the little fat guy from the Beast Pirates was fucked like this by Curry not long ago, and now he still walks like a baby...(^ ∇^)"

Naval Headquarters, Garp The old boy also heard what Brother Ma said, ate the last piece of senbei, and laughed heartlessly, putting the surrounding Marine uncles to shame.

Isn't it good to act like an outsider? The one you are fighting against the woolly elephant is your eldest grandson, and the woolly elephant has a reputation for being an expert!

Is this your biological child?-_-||

"Vice Admiral Garp, Fire Fist Ace is your grandson! Aren't you worried at all? That's too much (area)"

Behind Vice Admiral, Aunt Marine, who didn't know the relationship, saw the careless look of the old boy Garp, and her maternal love suddenly overflowed, and she couldn't bear it anymore.

Although it is true that the handsome boy "Fire Fist" Ace is a pirate, because of Vice Admiral Garp, they have never regarded this boy as a real pirate. Because he is the grandson of Vice Admiral Garp, they reluctantly regard him as a semi-pirate. As a person, she looked worried, but Vice Admiral Garp really didn't take it seriously and laughed heartlessly.

With such a grandpa, no wonder he wants to become a pirate...


"Ah?..Uh...this...that...don't I have confidence in Ace..."

The old Garp boy saw the complaining looks on the faces of the little girls around his friends. He stopped laughing and clasped his fingers in embarrassment to explain.

These little aunts are not easy to mess with, and they are much scarier than Sengoku when they get angry.

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