Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

760.Their Youth Appears

"What do you think is going on with this red-haired guy? What's he doing here to start a fight? Isn't he a big pirate? (O_O)?"

"Who knows what these big guys are thinking, if I knew, I would be one of the Four Emperors..."


When the red-haired Haki appeared on the stage, people from all over the world were first shocked by the effect of the red-haired entrance ceremony, and then became even more excited~.

The New World Four Emperors are finally alive after many years, and this battle is even more exciting and exciting.

As a result, this red-haired guy didn't come to fight but to start a fight, which made people confused for a while.

When did this big pirate come to play Uncle Marine's job of maintaining law and order?

"Could the redhead be an undercover agent sent by Marine? I heard that Marine and World Government like to play this trick the most."

"Your undercover agent was able to join the Four Emperors. Besides, the origin of the red-haired man is well-documented. Before he debuted, he was an intern on Roger's ship, the pirate king. How could he be an undercover agent?

"That's right, besides, you're already a member of the Four Emperors, and you're still a stupid Marine!"


But then some people refuted it, they were all involved in the Four Emperors, they wanted money and people, and they still acted like a stupid Marine!

"Ahem․․Hey, hey, hey!"

"Moses Moses...oh hey yo...yachda baa da baa..."


Just when the three Whitebeards were fighting passionately, the younger brothers did not take action because they were trying to save the red-haired man, and they all cheered for their boss or maintained order on the scene.

A strange sound familiar to many people came from a distance.

People who were familiar with this voice were all confused.

Brother Xiao Ma and others looked like I had expected this guy to show up.

Those who had not been knocked over by Shanks's shocking Haki all looked in the direction of the sound. Suddenly, a group of pirates stepped out of the way, and a small and medium-sized warship slowly came in from the outside. The small warship His hair is a little messy, and his unshaved beard cannot hide his handsome face. He is wearing a white green-edged suit with an Admiral-level justice cape behind him, and a knife in his waist that looks like he can't afford the series. With a big sword and a wireless microphone in his hand, the once Marine pretty boy has a mature, steady and proper young breast killer in his temperament.

"This guy is indeed here."

After Brother Xiao Ma saw the figure clearly, he rolled his eyes and said without any surprise.

"Big... big mouth... bah! Hai. Marine Admiral Green Fox?! (000)!"

The other pirates clearly saw the figure of the incoming man, and Huo Jin froze, but he was wearing a mask, so others could not see his expression, but the little fat man who had been plagued by the epidemic seemed to think of some not-so-beautiful memories, and almost lost his feet, and hurriedly He held on to the two younger brothers beside him.

What is this despicable Marine doing here...

"This guy is the Marine "Immortal Admiral" green fox, right? What an awesome aura!"

"Yes, everyone seems to be afraid of him..."

Ace's younger brothers who were lucky enough to still be alive looked at Uncle Marine who was enjoying the attention gift among a group of pirates. This was the first time he discovered that these big pirates could be so polite.

It is unimaginable that a Marine Admiral can make so many unruly pirates pay attention and salute. How many immoral things must be done to achieve such an effect.

Look...even the three big guys have stopped...

"This guy is the Marine Admiral Green Fox?(⊙_⊙)?"

Even Roger's son was dumbfounded and came to Brother Ma to ask him.

As soon as Marine appeared on the scene, he felt the difference in the atmosphere around him. Even the big woolly elephant who had been quarreling with him for some reason was as quiet as the village chief's son...

It's better to be famous than to meet.

"Who else but this guy...come behind me. As soon as this guy makes a move, we will go to Dad's side."

Ponyboy stepped forward and stood beside Ace with serious eyes, nodded and said.

He knew that the big-mouthed Marine would definitely come back for such a big scene, but unlike what he imagined, the big-mouthed Marine didn't come in disguised as a pirate and come in to fuck people in the muddy waters.

However, Ace is not only his father's successor but also the nominal grandson of the old gangster Garp, which makes him have to be careful.

"Ahem... Listen to the pirates around you, you have been surrounded by me. From now on, men are on the left and women are on the right. Both men and women stand in the middle. The three of you are in a row. Otherwise, I will call you an illegal assembly." Arrest you in name.”


"And you three old guys, together, you are almost two hundred years old! You just work hard at home and collect protection fees, and you are doing things for labor and management day by day. I don't know that Uncle Marine is very good. Are you busy? (~X)"

"Hey Dasha, tell Uncle Marine what's going on. We've only been in love for a few years, why did we start having sex again, and what kind of grievances did you suffer? Uncle Marine will make the decision for you. (???)?"

After Leonardo finished his audition and spoke to the Mr pirates around him, he pointed at the three Whitebeards and scolded them in annoyance. Then he smiled and said to Teacher Kaido, who was glaring at him with his big eyes.


"Hiss! It still hasn't changed at all. Just start spraying when you come up."


"What a Haki! All three Four Emperors were squirted!"

"Squirt, spray..."

People in front of the big screen stared at Uncle Marine who had just appeared. Although he was more mature than a few years ago, he was still so handsome and still so jealous of evil.

So excited!

This is the Marine handsome boy in their impression who dared to criticize the big pirate Golden Lion when he just debuted. This is their youth!

They seemed to have returned to more than ten years ago...

"Damn you brat, just stay here today and don't leave! (Van▼#)"

Teacher Kaido went completely crazy and instantly hit Leonardo with a huge black stick in his hand.



He just wanted to find Whitebeard to avenge his little brother and make him angry. From that fat bitch to the redhead and this damn Marine brat, all these bastards came to bother him one after another!

Especially this brat, his mouth is really bad. You are the one who is so stupid, and your whole family is so stupid! (▼△▼ㄨ)

"Hey, hey...why did you start taking action now? The first verbal warning, if you do it again, I will sue you for assaulting the police."

"But speaking of it...have you been doing ironwork in the past few years? Why haven't you made any progress..."

Leonardo held Teacher Kaido's big black stick on his head, and gave Teacher Kaido a look of understanding as if he was nothing. .

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