Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

761. Zhu Yuan: Your Father Has A Tough Life

"You bastard, you will die for the labor!?(*`Dis'*)??"

"Bang bang bang"

Seeing this unconcealed look, Mr. Kaido immediately raised his head and slammed the super-large black stick with lightning effects in his hand. Whitebeard, his goods, the Fire Fist Imp, and his beloved Jack are not important now. Now, he just wants this damn bitch to die!!

"£=('0`*))) Sigh! They say that Shibie Sanri should be looked at with admiration. Kaido-san, you have let me down. There has been no progress at all for so many years. I am standing here and letting you hammer me. You It can't be beaten to death, it's useless!"

Leonardo let Teacher Kaido's big stick hammer him without any defense, while his father shook his head in disappointment when his son failed to live up to expectations.

Every blow Mr. Kaido gave was very powerful, and every blow hammered him into a piece of meat. "Qiujiuqi" [But in the next second, he appeared in place intact with green light all over his body.

"Hiss... It's too much of a foul, can this be recovered?! (000)!"

People who are familiar with Leonardo's operations are not surprised. After all, this is Marine who can fight Kaido of the Beasts for ten days and a half without getting hurt. If he doesn't have any ability, just his historical level Mouth, why did someone kill it?

But behind Brother Ma, Ace and a few of the water cooler guys who were still alive were stunned.

What did they see?

It was obvious that this Marine had been smashed by the big black stick of the big monster Kaido, but every time the big monster Kaido retracted his stick, a green light flashed, and the Marine immediately stood in place intact, with nothing wrong and no blood. Saw a drop.

This is such a special foul!

"Otherwise, why do you think this guy is still alive now with such a mean mouth? His recovery and vitality are even more terrifying than Kaido's. I'm afraid his recovery flames can't even catch up with this guy."

Brother Ma said helplessly looking at the sky.

As for this guy's big mouth, if he doesn't have the ability, he doesn't have to wait until now. He was hammered to death by their father more than ten years ago. It was the first time that he saw his father being so angry more than ten years ago.

"Hmm...this guy's words are indeed unpleasant, but can't he be killed?"

When Ace heard what Brother Ma said, he nodded with bean-eyed eyes and agreed with Brother Ma.

He finally understood why Ponyboy would say big monster Kaido got mad when he saw this Marine.

This Marine's mouth is really mean, even their dad sprayed it on him.

"Theoretically, it can be killed, but no one has thought of a way over the years. This guy's resilience and vitality are even stronger than Kaido's. Marine executed dozens of executions on Kaido more than 20 years ago and was unable to kill him. Kaido, let alone this guy..."

Brother Ma spread his hands and said, even Shock Fruit, which their father claims to be the most destructive, can't kill Kaido. You can imagine how difficult it is to kill this big-mouthed Marine who is even more disgusting than Kaido.

"Hey! It's too exaggerated...O_O)"

Ace's eyes nearly popped out of his head when he heard about Teacher Kaido's glorious achievements.

Good guy, I was executed dozens of times by Uncle Marine. This girl’s truth is too exaggerated!

"Mom, is this really okay?"

In Marineford Plaza, two beauties, one large and one young, watched the face-changing on the big screen. The eleven or twelve-year-old girl’s little hands were flashing with electric lights as she watched her father on the screen being attacked by a pirate who looked like a big monster. She clicked the hammer and her eyebrows jumped. Although her father usually had a mean mouth and a weak mouth, he was her biological father. She could not bear to be beaten like this with a stick. Anyway, her daughter couldn't bear it.

"Don't worry, your father is very tough. Even a fool like Kaido can't beat him to death in a year."

The plus-size beauty looked at the big screen with a calm expression, as if the person being beaten by Teacher Kaido on the screen had nothing to do with her.

Just so calm!

"As expected of Momousagi Vice Admiral, he is so calm!"

The surrounding Miss Marine watched the plus-size beauty and her man being hammered on the big screen, but she was so calm and amazed.

Watching Curry Admiral give a blow while being hammered at the same time, to be honest, their psychology was a bit weird. Curry Vice Admiral was so mean-mouthed, and they all felt great being hammered by Kaido, but from Marine's perspective, they were a little bit Worry..…….

"Why did this brat come out so well? Doesn't this make Whitebeard suspicious? -_-||"

In the Naval Headquarters conference room, Sengoku looked at his eldest nephew playing house with Kaido on the big screen with a pained face. He was not worried at all when his eldest nephew ran to the pirate lair alone, even if Kaido was beating him eighty, eighty. I didn’t take it to heart, it was just a routine operation. Not to mention him, even Uncle Marine around him was very calm...

What hurts Sengoku is that he repeatedly told this kid not to come out, otherwise it would not be good for Whitebeard's smart little mind to associate this matter with their Marine. It might be him, The Resourceful General. His reputation is too obvious. Ever since he took over the position of Marine's first brother, whenever any conspiracy theory appears in the world, people will more or less think of him. "He has taken the blame for others so many times over the years."

Whitebeard still has the strength to fight. He is really worried that Whitebeard will think that their Marine did this, and then suspect that their Marine wants to do something to him or his son before or after he wears his braid, and then sneaks to Marineford. Or maybe Mariejois throws a few punches, that would be very bad.

Since he saw Whitebeard's condition declining more than ten days ago, he was still able to eat, sleep and play Kaido, so he felt that it would be better to comfort Whitebeard now.

But now that the eldest nephew has come forward, isn't he just going to make Whitebeard suspect them?

He had received a phone bug from Five Elders before, asking him to send people to New World to stop this war. If he wanted to, he could just ask his eldest nephew to take action. The eldest nephew's phone bug was not in the service area, and Thomas Berry's phone bug was not in the service area. The phone bug is still here, but considering this reason, he would rather let New World beat him to death than let his eldest nephew get in, but now what is this brat running out of?

"Haha, actually that's not necessarily the case. I think it's only normal for Leonardo to enter. If New World is played like this and our Marine doesn't move at all, it will be bad for our Marine's reputation. Secondly, it's also in line with the situation. Our Marine's style of doing things is more suitable for Leonardo's previous love of getting involved in New World affairs. If he doesn't show up this time, it may be easier for people like Whitebeard to doubt our Marine."

Crane Vice Admiral The old god shook his head and said.

The so-called authority-obsessed, bystanders know clearly. She also knew about Leonardo's simple and crude plan, but she did not get involved. Sengoku was the planner, and Leonardo and Toss Berry were the implementers, so she, an outsider, could see it more clearly. . .

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