Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

773. Whitebeard: I Won’T Chase Anyone Away This Time!

"This guy ran out like this, and he still has these clothes... He hasn't changed them for decades, right?"

Who can do it for several tanks, be drunk and still stay sober, who else in the whole Sabaody can be other than Rayleigh.

No. Rayleigh said with some disgust after looking at the two comparison photos on the headlines for a long time.

He had no desire to read those old things about Golden Lion. He knew those old things better than the news media. His focus was on why this old guy suddenly appeared.

And how did this old guy get here all these years? The clothes this old guy is wearing now are exactly the same as those back then. It is very likely that they are the same set. In other words, this old guy has been so poor that he has not had the money to buy new clothes for decades. It's really miserable.

Could it be that this old guy has been living in a mountain nook for decades?

Back then, after this old guy escaped from prison, he ran to find Whitebeard, and then was kicked out of the New World by that stupid guy Kaido... It's quite pitiful when you think about it.

"Aren't you going to meet old friends?"

Just when Rayleigh was feeling sympathy for Golden Lion, Shakky, who hadn't done a lot of business throughout the year but was cleaning wine glasses all day long, spoke up.

Seeing her man staring at the photo of an old guy for more than half an hour, she thought the old guy missed his old friend.

"Ahem... let's forget it, I have nothing good to do with him."

Rayleigh almost choked to death, going to see Golden Lion?

The Golden Lion was beaten down by them back then. When the Golden Lion saw him, it would be weird to get angry and fight unparalleled. The Golden Lion is not like Whitebeard who can sit next to you after a fight. The anger of drinking and punching...

At the same time, the atmosphere on the highest floor of the World Government office building was also quite depressing.

Wu's father looked at the information in his hand with a headache.

"Why is this bastard Golden Lion not dead yet? Why would he come out to do this even if he doesn't die?"

"It's definitely not good for this bastard to escape. Let Leonardo and Kizaru arrest him directly. If he can't be caught, he can just kill him...々"




Originally, just having Garp's son gave them a lot of headaches. Now that the careerist Golden Lion has appeared, Wu Zai's father feels as uncomfortable as eating shit.

The appearance of Golden Lion stimulated them greatly, even more than Garp's son.

After all, Golden Lion is a veteran careerist. I think back in the day, this bastard used the slogan of conquering the world, and his methods were more direct and ruthless than Garp's son.

The danger is much higher than that of Garp's son. Although the organizational ideas established by Garp's son are very dangerous and the threat is much higher than that of Golden Lion, the methods of Garp's son are not as cruel as Golden Lion's, and Golden Lion's ability is too great. It's disgusting, not only can I fly but I can also fly with my little brother, and aerial combat is something that World Government and Marine are least good at. It's sheer nonsense to let the people below have aerial combat with Golden Lion.

Moreover, the Golden Lion has been hiding in the dark for so many years, and now he suddenly appears. Who knows if he is planning some shocking plan again. Now they are tired of fighting with Garp's son. How can they have so much time with the Golden Lion? Lion plays house.

It's better to kill this bastard directly.

Although they are hostile, they have to admit that Golden Lion is really dedicated to his work. Golden Lion has all the things that a good pirate should possess.

It's not like Kaido, who only thunders but doesn't rain. He shouts that he wants to commit suicide all day long, but in the end he doesn't die...

"Gu la la la la, this bastard is not dead yet...Marco, go and prepare one or two million. If this bastard comes, just throw it to him..."

On the Moby-Dick, Whitebeard said to his son after laughing heartily while holding a bottle in his hand while reading the newspaper.

Regarding the sudden appearance of Golden Lion, an old friend, Whitebeard's mentality was completely different from the past. Maybe it was because he was really old, and he began to miss the past. He recalled that when Golden Lion had just escaped from prison, he came to him to share his unreliable big plan. Unlike when he was soliciting investment, he sent people away without saying a word. There were not many old guys of the same era, and they met once less. Now that he thought about it, it actually didn't matter that he was so persistent for the goal like Golden Lion. No, at least always so passionate.

Whitebeard didn't have any big goals in his life, so he looked very cool, but deep down he was somewhat empty. Perhaps his eldest son was infected by him because he had been with him for too long. He didn't have a clear goal, so he didn't grow up to his expectations. .

If Golden Lion comes to him for investment again this time, he will definitely not chase people away. He doesn't have much. After all, he still has a big family to support, but if he can still get one or two million, he will treat it as... Buy his original shares...

"Boss! The Golden Lion appears again!"

New World Onigashima, the woolly elephant took the newspaper and ran to Mr. Kaido who was a little sleepy after playing a friendly match with the fat lady Charlotte.

"."Don't worry about an old guy who has passed away. If he dares to come to the labor management, give him a stick..."

Kaido-sensei waved his hands without interest and then went to sleep. An old guy who had passed away and had a disability could not arouse Kaido-sensei's interest at all.

Does this old guy still want to come back and conquer the world?

When Charlotte received the news from Golden Lion, her behavior was similar to that of Teacher Kaido. After all, she was not interested in Golden Lion when he was young, let alone now that he is old and disabled.

Strengths from all over the world had mixed reactions to Golden Lion's appearance. Some, like Mr. Kaido and fat lady Charlotte, were not interested. After all, if Golden Lion had their father, a washed-up old guy had nothing to do with them.

But there are also many people who pay attention to Golden Lion. After all, the legendary pirate of the previous generation is dead and old, but he is not a fuel-efficient lamp (Zhao). Just like Roger, he still has to pretend to be a good person before he dies. The big waves made the sea go crazy.

Who knows if the Golden Lion showed up this time because he had a premonition that his time was running out, and he was ready to make an impromptu attack like Roger did, to contribute to the great pirate era.

However, just when everyone was guessing what the Golden Lion wanted to do when he showed up at this time, he stood up.

Another series of news updates about Golden Lion have confused everyone.

On May 2nd, the great pirate Golden Lion single-handedly destroyed the White Shark Pirates with a total bounty of 230 million.


On May 4th, the big pirate Golden Lion defeated the Fitch Pirates with a total bounty of 190 million.......


On May 15th, a big pirate attacked the Red Widow Pirates with a total bounty of 240 million at night.

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