Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

774. Akainu Was Unhappy About Being Upstaged By The Golden Lion.

In just half a month, news spread to the sea one after another. Whether it was Mr Pirate or Uncle Marine, they were stunned by the news. What was Golden Lion going to do?

Have you become a good person?

Although you are now outdated, you are still a legendary pirate, a former tycoon, and the last great swordsman in the world!

With such a high card, now he is going to play with these Karami whose total bounty for the entire ship is less than three small targets?

This is a bit too much...

"What on earth does this guy Golden Lion want to do? Is it because the end is approaching and he has become enlightened? E?

Naval Headquarters, Garp The old boy has now forgotten to eat donuts and senbei, and looks at his good friend with a question mark three in a row.JPG.

He has known Golden Lion for decades. For a pirate like Golden Lion, who has a big heart and is a benchmark in the pirate world, it can be said that even Kaido now is not as dedicated as Golden Lion back then.

Such a benchmark pirate suddenly came out and fucked these little pirate garami. It was really a downgrade.

It's hard to connect with the Golden Lion he's familiar with. Even if he forcibly recruits a younger brother, with Golden Lion's previous vision, he wouldn't be a pirate worth more than 500 million in the New World, right?

Thinking back to the days of the Sky Pirates, the pirate Karami, who was worth over 100 million, couldn't wash the toilet there, right? 463

Sengoku nodded in agreement and said, Garp, the old boy said, although he also felt that the words "good gay friends" were a bit ridiculous, would the Golden Lion realize it?

This is just like Commander Kong not competing for the top spot in the rankings, and Celestial Dragons not researching dolls. It's completely impossible.

Moreover, his big golden Buddha has not received any followers.

But judging from Golden Lion's behavior in the past half month, this old guy does have this tendency.

I feel that I committed too many sins when I was young, and now that my time is approaching, I am afraid that I will go to hell and suffer the consequences, so I run out to accumulate more virtue while I still have time, hoping to make up for my mistakes.

From a Buddhist perspective, this makes sense...

....... Is it possible that Golden Lion has been secretly plotting some plan over the years? This plan was thought to cost money, but now that there is no money, it is targeting these pirate groups. I have done an investigation and found out that these pirates The regiment has looted villages or towns of all sizes within this month. "

Vice Admiral, the crane next door, rolled his eyes at these two innocent "big boys". Garp was simple, so forget it. After all, I haven't seen him in so many years (biei), when has he ever been complicated?

When did Sengoku become so simple?

"He Vice Admiral's analysis is right. Dogs can't change their ways of eating shit. I think this old guy Golden Lion must be plotting something! I'm going to kill him now.

Crane Vice Admiral had just finished speaking, and while wondering if it was the reason why he had been snatched away by Golden Lion in the past half month, Akainu, whose face was not very good-looking, said murderously.

I think he is the leader of MarineF4. He has been out of the industry for so many years and has been on the screen for several months. Now he is being overtaken by a has-been old guy. This is a great shame for Akainu!

He wouldn't feel uncomfortable if someone else, even a little traffic dog, stole the limelight. After all, he had been browsing the screen for several months, which would cause visual fatigue to some extent. This is also understandable. During this period, he I did have the urge to vomit when I read my own news every day, but I suppressed it with my amazing endurance. It is actually good to read other news occasionally.

But he would never tolerate being stolen from the limelight by a pirate who was already past his prime!

"Don't worry, Leonardo and Kizaru are already on the way to track the Golden Lion. Now the appearance of the Golden Lion will inevitably cause the sea to appear again. Will the waves still need to be suppressed by your deterrence? The Golden Lion is no longer what it used to be. Leonardo and Kizaru are enough."

Looking at the murderous Akainu, Crane Vice Admiral persuaded with a smile.

...Xiao He is right, no matter what Golden Lion wants to do, Leonardo and Kizaru will just follow him. A washed-up old guy can't use our top three Marine Admirals. "

Sengoku nodded and agreed with his friend. He had received the order from the Five Elders to kill the Golden Lion, but there was no way the Golden Lion could die so easily.

If it were so easy, he would have been killed N years ago and still have to wait until now. The Golden Lion can fly, and the flying altitude cannot even catch up with Kizaru. If it flew into the atmosphere, Kizaru could only look at the sky and shed tears.

Letting Akainu go is just a waste of manpower. It is better to use the deterrent power of Akainu's soaring personal leave to deter impetuous pirates.

Although the Five Elders praised Akainu so much that he felt a little confused, but it cannot be denied that Akainu is a very dedicated girl. No matter Leonardo, Kizaru or Aokiji, they didn't think highly of such a high-ranking pirate in the first half of the series. Eyes, so when they were asked to clean up the first half of the pirates, they always failed to work hard, even if they were given overtime pay and bonuses, it was useless. He felt helpless about this, but there was nothing he could do.

After all, Marine Admiral, the dignified Marine Admiral, spends his whole day fighting monsters like this. Let alone them, he wouldn't be able to stand it.

But Akainu is not so entangled. Every task assigned to Akainu is completed satisfactorily. Although the methods are a bit excessive, these are all minor problems.

Red Hair Pirates, since the last New World War, Red Hair Pirates have once again started traveling around the world. They eat and drink every day. If they don't consider financial problems, their lives are so happy and free, and they are basically aware of the outside world. I don't care too much, as long as the sea is stable, Teacher Kaido doesn't come out to cause so many troubles, and the big-mouthed Admiral doesn't expose the secret of his national hero, he doesn't have time to care about so many things, even if he sees the Golden Lion come back again I only took a brief glance at the news, and then continued to play music, and then...

However, today the Red Hair Pirates are not in the mood to have a party at all, because today they met a man, a man who Shanks was most afraid of meeting except the old boy Garp, and who was also Shanks's confidant. In order to be able to meet Marine A fair fight between the Admiral green fox and the world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye, who is gradually drifting away on the road to find the twelve skills of the supreme sharp sword.

The eagle-eyed handsome boy is a principled person with great perseverance. He initially agreed to help Leonardo find the Twelve Skills of the Supreme Sharp Sword and then went to fencing with him. Therefore, before he found the Twelve Skills of the Supreme Sharp Sword, , the eagle-eyed handsome guy really never went to find Leonardo to fencing.

This operation made Shanks, who had been annoyed by the handsome eagle-eyed boy for many years, dumbfounded. He wished he could slap himself. If he had known that the handsome eagle-eyed boy could be dismissed so easily, he would have secretly hidden the big sword without taking it. It smells bad...

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