Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

775.The Eagle-Eyed Handsome Boy Also Sets His Sights On The Golden Lion

"Hahaha! I didn't expect to meet you here. It's so fateful. Beckman, that old craftsman asked me when will my sword be repaired?"

When Shanks invited the handsome eagle-eyed boy on board, he hid his big sword with lightning speed, then tried his best to put on a sincere smile on his face, patted the handsome eagle-eyed boy on the shoulder and laughed, and then seemed to Remembering something, he turned his head and winked at Beckman and asked.

How could it be such a coincidence?

He seriously suspected that this guy had given up on finding another supremely sharp sword after searching for so many years, so he continued to come to him for fencing.

Otherwise, how could we meet this guy by such a chance in such a mountainous place that is not even marked on navigation charts...

"Ah...ah...yes, the old craftsman said that the project is relatively complicated and cumbersome, and the large amount of mithril required for repair is not readily available, so it is necessary to hire someone to mine and refine it, and only after the mithril is obtained can the repair be carried out , they have now found the mithril mine. If it is mined successfully, it will probably take two or three years to completely repair it...C

You know, Beckman is an extremely good second-in-command.

As the brain of the entire Red Hair Pirates, he knew what Shanks wanted to express with just one look. After a short delay of 0.003 seconds, he could start talking seriously without blinking, slowing down his reaction by half a beat. The friends were confused when they heard this.

When did the boss's big sword get repaired? Wasn't it still being used with chicken wings just now? (O_O)?

"...The golden lion appears."

The eagle-eyed handsome boy still looks like a trousers-and straightforward person.

Too lazy to pay attention to the nonsense of these two bastards. Originally, he was not interested in people with disabilities, but as the world's greatest swordsman, he still has great ideas about the previous world's greatest swordsman, Golden Lion. , his goal back then was to challenge Golden Lion, the world's greatest swordsman, but unfortunately he was born at the wrong time. He hadn't even made his debut yet, and Golden Lion had already been beaten. His subsequent appearance was just a glimpse and then disappeared again. , this is more or less a small regret for him who has been pursuing the supreme peak of swordsmanship all his life.

As a swordsman, he couldn't actually fight against the world's greatest swordsman. Even if the Golden Lion was old and disabled, he still wanted to fight against the Golden Lion, so when he knew that the Golden Lion appeared again, he temporarily gave up the search. The Twelve Workers of the Supreme Fast Sword came to look for the Golden Lion.

But the whereabouts of Golden Lion are very strange. He has been wandering on the sea for so long, and even encountered the Red Hair Pirates, which is the most difficult thing for Uncle Marine to find, but there is still no trace of Golden Lion.


"That old guy is even more disabled than me now. Just let him go. It's not easy for him to live to this age...-_-||

Although the handsome guy with Eagle Eyes didn't explain it very clearly, as a confidant and friend, Shanks didn't know what he meant. After all, he was also half a bitch... Bah! As a swordsman, he naturally understands the psychology of these players, especially people like Eagle Eyes. This kind of person can even sneak into the finals just to find someone to compete with.

Although he used to be a member of the Roger Pirates and was considered hostile to the Golden Lion, but now that the Golden Lion is very old, if he is targeted by such a stubborn guy, he will not only silently mourn for the Golden Lion for three minutes. , it can be described as a miserable old age!

The guys from Red Hair Pirates also nodded. They have two Golden Lion swords tied to their legs. You still have to go to someone to compete with someone. Isn’t this bullying the disabled? How can someone fight you if they don’t have any weapons? ?Use your feet?-_-||

Then you might as well fight our captain! (^∇^)

Shanks: A bunch of white-eyed wolves#¥%......@¥%%!( Dis▼#)

The eagle-eyed handsome boy took a sip of wine silently and ignored the jokers. There are only swordsmen in the world who can fight with him except Shanks, who is the Marine Admiral green fox. Shanks has fought him too many times, and he also He had fought against the Green Fox without the supreme sword. The Green Fox without the supreme sword could not display his strongest swordsmanship at all. Such a sword competition was of little significance to him, and the previous world's greatest sword, Golden Lion, Although there is no such thing as a harmless sword, it is a very rare two-sword style among great swordsmen, which makes him look forward to a lot.

"Is this guy Golden Lion really out to make money, as Vice Admiral Crane analyzed? (O_O)?"

In a certain sea area of ​​​​the Grand Line, on the vast sea, Leonardo looked confused as he looked at the wreckage floating on the sea and the "victims" who had just been pulled out from the sea with only a pair of big bottoms left. Forced to Kizaru.

...asking for flowers 00

They are late again. This is another group of "big" pirates who encountered the Golden Lion and were looted by the Golden Lion. These pirates' pockets are cleaner than their faces now... No! The clothes of these pirates are weird. He was ripped off by the Golden Lion, and he didn't even have a pocket on his body.

Although he hasn't taken a confession yet, he has basically agreed with He Vice Admiral's statement that Golden Lion is here to make money, and this is so cruel, even more insane than when he went to New World to make money. Pirates also have dignity!

When he went to New World to have sex with people, at most he just brought them back to collect bonuses, leaving them with dignity.

But Golden Lion really went too far. It wasn't enough to rob someone. They even had to strip off their clothes. What was even more outrageous was that they treated men and women equally. It wasn't very harmful, but it was much more insulting!

I received a call from Sengoku earlier and based on the analysis of He Vice Admiral, he said that Golden Lion was probably coming out to make money. At first, he didn't quite believe it, even the analysis of their Marine chief adviser He Vice Admiral was the same. After all, like Golden Lion This kind of big pirate will not be like Roger, Rayleigh, and the Dragon Riding Warrior, who still stick to their moral bottom line even if they are so poor that they eat soft food.

He knows what the Golden Lion has been doing somewhere in the sky all these years. Isn't it a small experiment in biological hybridization? Although such a small experiment would cost money, it is indeed possible that the Golden Lion ran away because of a broken capital chain. He wanted to make money to support his little scientific experiment, but he didn't believe that Golden Lion would be so brainless or would come out to make money in this way. Has Golden Lion done many evil things in the past few years?

In order to make money to support his younger brother, he did many things like plundering gold from the sky, slaughtering cities and annihilating countries, and selling the king's horses to old black slaves. If Golden Lion just wanted to make money, there was no need to be like him. He just comes out to show his face and casually goes to a small country to make a big move. No matter how much money he wants, the property of a small country is completely enough to support his small scientific experiment. After all, it is just a small experiment of biological hybridization. It's not some high-end scientific research project with Nobel Prize in mind. It shouldn't cost much. .

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