Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

785. Is Golden Lion Too Weak Or Kaido Too Strong?

Kaido is brutal enough now, but it is still not as good as the Golden Lion back then, especially since many of the old Vice Admirals in their Marine were cut off by the Golden Lion and retired early, among whom he has the best relationship. Duncan Vice Admiral.

Although Kaido's methods are cruel, the damage he has done to their Marines over the years is really not as good as one-tenth of what Golden Lion did. Perhaps Curry has risen too quickly. Anyway, Kaido has really not done much harm to their Marines over the years. As soon as the second war started, Kaido became a little Curry.

So for the old boy Garp, Kaido is now at his peak, and Golden Lion is already a thing of the past. But in terms of annoyingness, the old guy Golden Lion is still more annoying.

"Will Kaido be hammered to death by Kaido if this continues? (O_O)?"

A group of marine uncles and ghost spiders even felt a little unbearable when they saw Kaido's violent output.

After all, he is also a legendary pirate. It is not easy to survive until now. Now that he has been hammered into this state, it is really miserable!

...It would be better if this kind of monster is dead, but after being beaten to this extent, this old guy's voice is still so loud, I find it difficult. "

The flying squirrel looked at the picture on the screen with a calm face and said.

The Golden Lion is really miserable. In the picture, the Golden Lion is beaten violently by Kaido with all kinds of words. To be honest, if he had transformed into someone else except Admiral Curry, he would have died without any accident. Teacher Kaido is most famous for his defense power and The ability to recover does not mean that Kaido-sensei's attacks will cause diarrhea. There are no great pirates who can become the overlord of the New World.

Kaido had blasted the Senju Buddha summoned by Curry's Admiral with a hammer. Its attack power was average. Although it was not as good as Whitebeard's own critical hit, his powerful and heavy attack was not something everyone could do. At least in the entire Marine, except for his idols Vice Admiral Garp and Curry Admiral, he really doesn’t know who else can withstand Kaido’s ferocious attack for so long. To be fair, Golden Lion is in this state. He should be dead already.

But the Golden Lion was not dead, and not only was he not dead, he was also cursing like crazy. This is so unscientific!

"Xiaohe, inform Kizaru and Green Fox that the bonus will be doubled and the Golden Lion must be captured no matter what this time, so they can seize the opportunity."

Sengoku said to his friend with his heart surging.

Catching the Golden Lion is a very difficult task. If the Golden Lion hadn't been mentally retarded and came to Marineford alone to start a group, and he and Garp fucked him hard all the way until he vomited milk and didn't even run away, to be honest, they would have wanted to Marineford. It is much more difficult to capture the Golden Lion than to overthrow the Roger Pirates.

Although the Roger Pirates are cunning and treacherous, they run on waterways after all, but Golden Lion is different. Once upon a time, they had a lot of headaches because of Golden Lion's Lion Fruit ability.

Flying into the sky with a group of younger brothers, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to find the Golden Lion. [The reason why Golden Lion was able to escape from prison and break the myth of Impel down seal was because of this float.

Fruit ability.

So when the Five Elders ordered him to send people to capture or kill Golden Lion before, although he agreed, he was not sure after all. He originally thought that his immediate career was about to end, and he basically had no chance of capturing Golden Lion.

But who would have thought that this idiot Golden Lion would be so clueless that he would go to the New World to feel uncomfortable when he was so old. When he was almost fucked by Kaido, he would be able to give his eldest nephew a chance to have sex with Kizaru.

He, Sengoku, has led Marine for nearly twenty years and has single-handedly brought Marine to its current glory. If he can win the Golden Lion, then his career as a marshal will be complete!

"X! Since when did Kaido become so fierce? (O_O)"

Golden Lion was beaten up by Mr. Kaido in a fancy way, which left many people stunned. On Whitebeard's Moby Dick, Ace couldn't help but be speechless.

Although he is still a newcomer to the New World, he has heard a lot of old stories about the sea around Whitebeard. Whitebeard, a great pirate who has spanned three eras, blows water more vividly than others after drinking it. More talk.

Whitebeard told him all day long about the past of his dead father Roger. Naturally, his old rival Golden Lion also mentioned it. After all, in the story of his dead father, there were two big men. One of the supporting characters is his nominal grandfather Marine Hero Garp, and the other is Golden Lion. In his words, the story of his dead dad would be wonderful without the important supporting role of Golden Lion. The degree should be reduced by at least half.

…………Please give me flowers 00

According to Dad's evaluation of Golden Lion, Golden Lion's leadership ability and talent have been proven. If it hadn't been for bad luck when he encountered Marine and the super tsunami, he might have been the Pirate King.

On the contrary, Dad didn't think too highly of Kaido. He was a reckless man who could only rely on his body. Although his body was top-notch, his skills were a bit poor. The key was that he didn't use his brain. If he didn't use his brain, he could only masturbate for the rest of his life.

One is the Golden Lion who nearly killed his damn dad back then, and the other is Kaido who only relies on his body and has no brains. His smart little head can tell which one is stronger and which one is weaker.


Moreover, although Kaido was very impressive in the last battle, especially his historically terrifying muscles, which were even more exaggerated, he was still given a big meal by his father at the age of seventy, so Kaido’s teacher’s reputation In his heart, he has more involvement than his father.

But this Golden Lion was a big shot who was as famous as his dead dad and his dad. Now his dad can treat Kaido to eat his elbow. "But Golden Lion is treated like a dead dog by Kaido.


Is Golden Lion too weak or Kaido too strong?

"(O_O)?(O_O)? When didn't Kaido become so fierce?"

The people around Ace looked at Ace with question marks on their faces, wondering how this guy judged that Mr. Kaido was not good.

Don't look at Mr. Kaido and their father who have never defeated you in a duel. Uncle Marine alone has executed dozens of executions on Mr. Kaido but still can't kill him. He can only turn a blind eye and close one eye and let him run away, and he has already killed everyone in an instant. Ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent of the people at sea.

What's more, strictly speaking, no one can really defeat Mr. Kaido, not even their father. Every time their father challenges Mr. Kaido, he basically plays a protracted battle with Mr. Kaido to defeat Mr. Kaido. If his physical strength is exhausted, the Holy Immortal will not be able to defeat him completely.

Just like that big-mouthed Marine, why did that guy from the last New World war dare to come single-handedly and rant in front of so many pirates?

Isn't it just that bastard special girl who can't be killed......Zero.

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