Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

786. Golden Lion Seems To Have Made A Lot Of Money


Ace spread his hands, forgive me for my lack of education, I don't know how to express myself.

After all, Golden Lion is as famous as his father and that damn old man. His father is still suppressing Kaido and feeding him crazily. Even if Golden Lion's maintenance is not as good as his father, he should still have a fight with Kaido. ?

But now it is all Kaido's unilateral show of actions from beginning to end. Golden Lion has no power to resist except his mouth. He admits that Golden Lion is indeed a little more resistant to being beaten. If it were another person, Kaido's strongest three consecutive attacks would be enough. was taken away, but Golden Lion’s voice is still loud and clear to this day..

"Gu la la la la, Golden Lion is no longer the same Golden Lion since the defeat in that battle. It's not surprising that he was beaten by Kaido. 17

Whitebeard, who had drunk more wine than Ace had eaten, understood what Ace was thinking and explained with a smile.

For people at their level, maintaining their best condition depends entirely on the courage in their hearts and their breath.

Ever since Golden Lion's naval battle at Etwall, although Golden Lion still had the courage in his heart to try again no matter how many times he failed, that spirit was gone. Ever since he had that piece of rotten wood stuck in his forehead After Conqueror's Haki affected him, Golden Lion began to lose confidence in himself. In addition, he lost his legs in Impel Down, and his tone was even worse. Otherwise, he would not have been so easily blasted out by Kaido with a stick. New World has been struggling for so many years.

Although the current Golden Lion still has ambitions, he no longer has confidence in his own strength. The foundation for everything he comes out to do is based on his fists. Without relative strength, all ambitions are in vain. The once mighty and powerful one is in vain. The Golden Lion died twenty years ago.

The current Golden Lion is afraid of wolves and tigers, and he doesn't even have the courage to fight with the big-mouthed brat and the flashing brat in the Water City. This may seem to others to be flexible and tolerant, but in the eyes of Whitebeard, It's just that the hero is late and is a coward.


Although he doesn’t recognize that damn old man as his father, it is an indisputable fact that Ace is the son of the damn Roger. Ace is naturally not bad at understanding. After hearing what his father said, he immediately took out a small book with a decent look. Use a red pen to record it and highlight the key points, nodding from time to time, as if you have understood something.

No wonder those fierce men always like to play hand-to-hand combat. His father is like this, and so is his nominal grandfather. His emotions are caused by the word "brave" in his heart!

On the first day he came to New World, he felt that the fighting style in New World was different from the first half of Grand Line. Before, he thought it was because almost everyone in New World could play Haki, so the awesome skills were not as good as simple ones. No flashy hand-to-hand combat, and in the first half of the chapter he had never heard of the word Haki. Most of the pirates in the first half showed off all kinds of messy skills. He was the same before, but in the New World, he was a different person. This kind of gameplay made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Now he finally understood why people like his father had to choose hard steel when they could avoid the opponent's attacks by moving.

You can lose the fight, but you can't lose the tone. If the momentum of moving forward is gone, then it's not a game!

.....Marco, take Bailey with you, who you have prepared, to see if Golden Lion needs anything, and let him leave New World..."

"After all the waves are gone, how many romantic figures still look forward to the present..."

Whitebeard looked at the Golden Lion who was being yelled at by Teacher Kaido on the big screen, and he felt melancholy in his heart. Although his relationship with the Golden Lion was not that good, they were in the same school at that time. What he was most taboo about was being in the same school. He was disabled, which was why he ran away to start his own business.

The scene where the Golden Lion was defeated made Whitebeard feel very uncomfortable. He was the only one who was supporting the king of the old times. For the sake of everyone being in the same school in the past, it would be helpful if he could help. I hope that the Golden Lion would be more clever. He's out to cause trouble...


"What a beautiful mood! Dad is so talented!"

"Hmm, good sentence, good sentence..."

The group of sons behind Whitebeard seemed to be shocked by Whitebeard's words, and they decisively sent a few rainbow farts.

When you follow your father, it doesn't matter whether you can fight or not, the main thing is that you have to be able to lick...(^▽^)


"Yeah! Kaido kid, are labor and management going to kill you! (A)?"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

"Damn bastard....▼Van▼#)"

"Bang bang bang, Duang!"

"You deserve to die..."

"Duang! Duang! Boom!"

"Hey... Golden Lion is really miserable! Brother, how about we go up now? (O_O)"

On the warship, Leonardo looked at the Golden Lion and said something good, but was punched three times by Teacher Kaido. Even his own mother probably didn't recognize the tragic situation. He couldn't help saying with sour teeth...

Although I don’t know if Golden Lion is really so old and can still unleash a wave of potential, and his spray is still sonorous and powerful, but Golden Lion is really miserable like this!

If this wave of Golden Lion's attack doesn't have enough stamina, it will just attack the street, and the chance of being killed is as high as 99%. Wouldn't it be a waste?

The Golden Lion will still be very valuable to Wu's father, at least more valuable than Whitebeard and Kaido-sensei combined.

"....Well, don't worry. Look at the way Golden Lion looks like he's about to be beaten to death. Just wait."

Kizaru took a leisurely sip of the wolfberry vegetable and said slowly. He was not worried at all that Golden Lion would be beaten to death by Mr. Kaido...that's weird!

But now the Golden Lion seems to be very strong-willed. If they intervene to snatch people's heads, they will most likely let the Golden Lion run away. He did not expect that the Golden Lion would be so stubborn and was beaten to death by Kaido Hai. So, there was actually no sign of residual health in 1.4, which was puzzling to him.

Originally, he planned to let the Golden Lion realize the reality after being beaten by Kaido's teacher. After realizing the reality, his mentality became unbalanced. When the explosive power passed and they were about to take action, the little brother stopped Kaido and took the Golden Lion away. Then it would be done. Perfect deal.

But now Golden Lion and Kaido have obviously got the upper hand. Kaido's attacks are neither gentle nor heavy, and Golden Lion is also tough-talking. They have been fucked like this. Their mentality has not changed at all. They were fucked so miserably by Kaido, but if you don't use your eyes to see Just listening with his ears, it seems that he still has the upper hand.

This gave him a headache. If they went up now and Golden Lion flew away with his last breath, it would be difficult to catch Golden Lion in the future. Golden Lion seemed to have made a lot of money here in Kaido.

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