Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

788. Is Marine So Shameless?

“This old guy Golden Lion is really tough...-_-||

Seeing that Golden Lion was still at his hardest, Ma Ma couldn't help but roll his eyes. The big-mouthed Marine just looked at him casually, and he felt that he had probably been discovered by the big-mouthed Marine.

Golden Lion has obviously been hammered and only one of his mouth is intact, but even if he is still talking hard, he doesn't know how long this old guy can hold on. If his guess is correct, this big mouth will be like that. Kizaru is probably also waiting for the moment when the Golden Lion loses its health.

Day eight.

"Immortal thing! (A+)"

"Boom boom boom...!"


ninth day.

"Die to me, old guy...(▼▼x;)o"

"Bang bang bang!"


Teacher Kaido was still whipping the Golden Lion hard, but he was about to burst into tears.

Nine days!

If you were asked to beat someone violently for nine days.

It was really enjoyable at the beginning, but as time went by, this person was clearly beaten badly by you, but he was always just short of dying, and he kept spraying incessantly. This person It's so fast that it's turning into mud and it just won't die. No one can bear this feeling.

He would rather eat Whitebeard's big elbow, and it wouldn't be so uncomfortable to stand with that Marine brat for 300 rounds.

Although that Marine brat has a meaner mouth, he can at least pick up a knife and fight with him.

Instead of like now, the old guy Golden Lion obviously has no power to fight back at his mercy, but no matter how many times he uses his ultimate attack, this old guy just can't die. This kind of disgusting thing from the spiritual level, he can't stand it. Almost vomiting.

Son of a bitch, this old guy is so lucky!

Before coming here this time, the old guy Golden Lion was too angry. Even though he was woken up by that damn Marine brat, and he just had a fight with the fat lady Charlotte, he didn't get enough sleep and was in the best condition. However, considering that Golden Lion Lion, so he didn't take it to heart. If he wanted to fuck a has-been old guy with a little blue bottle, he would be a fool.

Besides, when he fought with Whitebeard before, Whitebeard suspected that he had taken a small blue bottle, so he didn't want to make people suspicious, so he didn't go back to get it. It was just a Golden Lion, not a home run?

But who knew that Golden Lion was cheating on the special girl this time? After fighting for so many days, he began to feel dizzy and dizzy. This old thing just couldn't die, which really made him angry and annoyed.

He knew that the Marine brat was definitely peeking around. If he hadn't killed the old guy Golden Lion this time, he would have laughed him to death by that damn brat. He might have called him in two days to tease him. ....



There was another super tail flick of the giant dragon turning around. The huge tail slapped the Golden Lion hard with thunder and lightning effects. Like a fly swatter, the Golden Lion was hit hard on the ground and a huge deep pit was created below. The island has been beaten to pieces and is about to fall apart. Teacher Kaido is constantly reminding himself that he can't sleep. He must not sleep. If he sleeps this time, he will be laughed at by that damn brat for several years.

That kid has his phone number...

It affected the little devil's swish expression, and Kaido's mental state recovered a lot.

"Isn't it? Isn't it? What was Kaido doing before? Is he weak now? (O_O)?"

Leonardo, who was watching the battle with a telescope, saw that Teacher Kaido's movements were a bit slow. The sweat on the big dragon's head and the thick breath coming out of the dragon's nose were clearly visible, and he was confused. He recalled that Teacher Kaido had fought so many duels with Whitebeard before. God, after eating so many elbows, I still have the energy to hit him. Now, just beating Golden Lion for a few days is almost like a dead dog. This gap is a bit too big.

Thinking back to the time when he called Mr. Kaido to report, Mr. Kaido looked like he had just woken up from sleep...

Could it be that Mr. Kaido was practicing post-ups with fat lady Charlotte at that time?

Kizaru also frowned. Kaido's current situation is indeed a bit strange. It is completely different from what he imagined. According to Kaido's battery life, even if Golden Lion is not in normal condition, he will not be tired when he returns to Kaido's teacher.

"Get ready."

However, Kizaru didn't bother to delve into the issue of why Mr. Kaido's feet softened in advance. He saw that Golden Lion was now like a pile of mud, and his whole body was just the same as when his mouth was hard. With Golden Lion's current condition, even if I can't even keep my head and body irritated, so I put the thermos cup away and prepared for it and said to my little brother.

".]OK! I'll stop Kaido later, and you take the Golden Lion... By the way, I seemed to have seen Marco the Phoenix before. It's most likely that he's here for the Golden Lion. Whitebeard is still nostalgic."

Leonardo nodded and said as if he remembered something and turned his head to look in the direction where he had just unconsciously noticed that it seemed to be Brother Ma.

But now there is no trace of Brother Ma, but his feeling from just one glance in the crowd is unmistakable, that is Brother Ma. Who else in the world besides Brother Ma has such a unique hairstyle and beans? Pea eyes.

He also knows why Xiao Ma is here. Whitebeard is still very nostalgic. He most likely did not want Golden Lion to be beaten to death by Mr. Kaido...

"Well...that's going to be troublesome...I'll go first."



Kizaru's eyes flashed and he said trouble, but he had already disappeared on the warship. A series of huge explosions sounded in the pit where the Golden Lion was.

How can Marine Admiral appear without some special effects? Not everyone is so simple and low-key...


"Flash kid? You are looking for death!o(▼_▼X;)o

After a big explosion, the miserable figure of Golden Lion was no longer visible in the original giant crater. Kizaru's figure appeared in the air, holding something like a piece of rotten meat in his hand. If it weren't for that end, it would still be pretty. The golden retriever was not recognized by others as the Golden Lion. Kizaru did not stop for a moment and flew away with the Golden Lion.

Teacher Kaido, who had steeled himself and vowed to kill Golden Lion, suddenly saw Kizaru trying to snatch his head, and became even more furious.

Damn it, the labor and management have worked hard for so long, and you come here to steal my head.

Is Marine so shameless?

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