Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

789. So Exciting! Uncle Marine Is Also On Board

"True Several Thousand Hands!"


Just as Mr. Kaido was chasing Kizaru, a super giant Buddha stood up right in front of Mr. Kaido.

"Hello, Kaido-san, long time no see!"

Leonardo stood on the head of the Buddha and waved to Teacher Kaido with a smile.

"Ouch! Marine Admiral appears!"

"It's time to do it, it's time to do it!"


After seeing this giant Buddha that covered the sky and the moon, the people in front of the big screen instantly became excited.

It’s not that it wasn’t exciting when Mr. Kaido beat the legendary pirate Golden Lion in a fancy way. On the contrary, it was very violent and exciting. But to be honest, if you watch this kind of tailwind game too many times, you will really get tired of it. Golden Lion is not only the hardest My whole body was weak. I was beaten by Teacher Kaido to the point where I had no power to fight back. And I was beaten like this for several days. I had no skills at all. I couldn't learn anything useful after watching it for several days. To be honest. They had long been tired of it, and the reason why they didn't leave was purely to give face to Teacher Kaido and the legendary pirate Golden Lion.

After all, Golden Lion has been retired for decades. It’s hard to see such a character more than once...

Originally, everyone thought that if the battle was to continue like this, and the Golden Lion would be killed, the battle would be almost over.

Who would have thought that two Marine Admirals would suddenly come out to grab people's heads?

The excitement continues!

Marine Immortal Admiral and Kaido of the Beasts are much more exciting than Kaido-sensei beating Golden Lion!

"You little brat, how dare you stop labor? (▼趼#)"

Teacher Kaido came to the Super Giant Buddha and looked at the big fists raised behind the Super Giant Buddha and made an emergency stop. He stared ferociously at Leonardo on the head of the Senju Giant Buddha with dragon eyes as big as copper bells. He should have done it long ago. He guessed that this damn brat would come. After all, it was this damn brat who was giving him a snitch. K Golden Lion was a little over the top so he forgot about it.

But he didn't expect that this damn brat would fight for heads with Kizaru.

"Don't say that. Aren't I doing this to maintain world peace and stabilize law and order on the sea? Golden Lion is a fugitive and one of Marine's ten most wanted criminals. There's nothing wrong with us arresting him, right? Besides, aren't you the same? Have you been raping him for several days? Have you vented enough anger?"

Leonardo ignored Mr. Kaido's cannibalistic look and waved his hand.

"No, labor and management must kill this old guy today. Do you really want to stop labor and management? (▼_▼X;)o"

Teacher Kaido was furious. This old bastard, Golden Lion, took advantage of his absence to come to his territory to cause trouble and blew up several of his arsenals and several casinos. If he didn't dare to lose Golden Lion, Kaido of the Beasts would still do it in the future. Make a fool of yourself!

"Ai! I'm doing this for your own good too. Golden Lion was considered a fellow student with you in the past. Although your relationship was not harmonious at first, you still burned incense together. Not to mention that you did it for several days. Immortal Golden Lion, even if Golden Lion makes you die, won't you still have to bear the name of being a fratricidal fellow? Think about it, being criticized for carrying such a name for a has-been old guy, how much It’s not worth it, who in the whole world doesn’t know that you, Kaido-san, value love and righteousness, your righteousness is as high as the sky, and your heroic spirit is as high as the sky, you think I’m right?”

Leonardo analyzed Mr. Kaido with a smile.


"Boom boom boom!"

"Ouch! Marco the Phoenix, captain of the Beasts Pirates 1st Division!"

"It's so exciting! (≧▽≤)"

Just as Leonardo had finished analyzing it for Mr. Kaido, there was a rumble next door, followed by gorgeous special effects that blinded people's eyes.

I don’t know when, Xiao Ma was already having sex with Kizaru. The gorgeous special effects of the two lit up the entire sky. When the people below saw clearly who was coming, they couldn’t help but scream in surprise (biej) .

"Oh haha! Beasts Pirates' fire is also on fire!"

"Exciting! It's so exciting!"

"Come on! Ganba dad, Lord Jin! (②)!"

Xiaoma Ge ran out. He had been competing with him for many years in the Four Emperors. Naturally, Fire Jin couldn't stand it any longer. He moved towards the big flaming sword and teamed up with Mr. Ma to fight against Kizaru. , causing another exclamation.

"Made that stinking brat, let the labor and management die! o(▼▼X;)o"

His younger brother had sex with Whitebeard's eldest son. Teacher Kaido, who was still thinking about whether it was worth the reputation of being a fratricide for a washed-up Golden Lion, couldn't help but take action.

Although, this kid’s analysis is correct. It’s really not worth letting him be criticized for a mere Golden Lion, but he has been sprayed by this old guy Golden Lion for so many days. If he doesn’t kill Golden Lion, he will The majestic leader of the Four Emperors, how can Kaido of the Beasts have the nerve to survive in the ocean?

The next time someone comes to him to cause trouble, he will just mention that he was with Rocks back then, and he will just let it go?

Teacher Kaido turned around with a dragon and launched a dragon tail flick towards Leonardo...

"Hey! We are from the same roots, how long will it take to retaliate against each other!"

"Become a Buddha on top! Kill him for me!"

Leonardo said angrily, and without stopping the movements of his hands, countless pairs of big fists behind the controller's Super Buddha were like raindrops, hitting the big tail thrown by Teacher Kaido.

"Boom boom boom!"

Countless big fists hit Mr. Kaido's dragon body, and Mr. Kaido flicked his tail wildly, using his head and tail simultaneously. "The ten fists also fell apart as Teacher Kaido's tail flicked, and bits of sawdust scattered from high in the air.

"Oh my god! It's the end of the world!"

"Run! It's going to sink here!"

"Oh my god, it's so scary..."

Unlike Kizaru’s gorgeous special effects,

The big fist of the Super Buddha and Mr. Kaido's fist exploded with a powerful impact, which overwhelmed the island that had been hit by Mr. Kaido when he beat the Golden Lion. The sky seemed to be sunk by the two of them, and the island below Under the impact of this wave, it began to fall apart. The people on the island looked at the countless huge cracks on the ground. The sea water surged out from below, and the urinating rats ran towards the port one after another.

"You stinky brat, die! Hot breath...! (▼Van▼#)"

He is not as good as the mature Kaido teacher. Under countless big fists, although Kaido teacher has a lot of fist marks on his body, a big Buddha was also washed away by Kaido teacher. Kaido teacher shook the big dragon's head, although this smelly The kid's super giant Buddha was knocked to pieces, but his head was hit by so many punches that he was a little dizzy.

However, when he saw the figure falling in the air, his eyes changed, and he opened his mouth to prepare for the hot mouthful of phlegm from 1982... 3.

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