Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

790. Teacher Kaido Regrets Not Bringing The Little Blue Bottle

"Ouch, you're really tough to beat, huh?"

"Senju Shin Su. Target the Buddha! Keep killing him! (▼△▼X)*


In mid-air, Leonardo resisted his nausea as he watched Teacher Kaido's mouthful of hot, thick phlegm from 1982 spurt out. Another Super Senju Buddha stood in front of him to resist Teacher Kaido's mouthful of hot phlegm from 1982. , and at the same time, countless big fists behind him hit Mr. Kaido again.

"Boom boom boom......"

There are still no gorgeous special effects. The big fist hits Teacher Kaido's ear dragon body and continues to produce a powerful impact that completely destroys the entire island.

"Mad brat, tornado!o(▼▼X;)o"

Teacher Kaido shook his big head again. This time he was hit by countless punches. The big dragon's head seemed to be swollen by a hammer. His eyes were blazing with rage. With a roar of the angry dragon, he summoned a series of thunder and lightning to strike at the super giant Buddha and Rai. Leonardo's body, then the dragon's body rotated crazily and at high speed to form a super powerful tornado and cut crazily towards the super giant Buddha.




The huge super Buddha was cut into pieces by this tornado with powerful cutting power.


"Yo yo yo, it's quite sharp!"

"True Several Thousand Hands. Become a Buddha on top!"



"Boom boom boom!"

"True Several Thousand Hands. Turn into a Buddha on top and keep fucking him!"


"Madeh, Jun Tu and Long Shengjun!"

"Boom boom boom...!"

“True Several Thousand Hands.….”


"I'm sorry...



The people in front of the big screen watched the battle on the big screen with bewildered eyes.

How can I put it, the battle between the Marine Immortal Admiral green fox and the big monster Kaido was exciting and exciting, and the style of the painting was countless times more shocking than the previous fight between Mr. Kaido and the Golden Lion.

But... Mr. Kaido is showing off his skills like crazy. This Marine Admiral is coming and going, summoning the Buddha with one move. No matter how you look at it, it feels like you are insulting your opponent.

(a kind of grass) [Can you change other tricks (small)

Sure enough, after transforming into a human-animal form and smashing a giant Buddha to pieces, and seeing this kid preparing to summon a giant Buddha again, Teacher Kaido finally couldn't stand it any longer and turned into a giant dragon and sprayed Leonardo with it. .

He was desperately trying to show off his operations and skills, but in the end, this damn kid kept coming back and forth just to summon the Senju Buddha, which made him so sick.

The most important thing is that I am so tired!

He had just finished a battle with fat lady Charlotte and hadn't had enough rest, so he was severely sleep deprived. Then he came to beat the Golden Lion for several days, which already made him a little weak. He had to brace himself to fight with this brat. The fight started, but it turned out that this kid didn't follow the rules and didn't play war with him. He actually played summons with him. Do you really think it's easy to smash these Senju Buddhas?

I don’t know how this kid’s giant Buddha was made. It’s obviously made of a pile of rotten wood, but it’s extremely hard and invulnerable to fire and water. His dragon’s breath is hotter than that of the lava kid. Still high, Hui Te's mother was stunned that she couldn't burn this pile of rotten wood.

Teacher Kaido now regrets that he was in a hurry when he came here and didn’t bring the little blue bottle with him.


"Are you stupid? Besides, as long as the routine is easy to use, labor and management are here to fight with you, not to show off your skills. No wonder you can't even survive the outdated Golden Lion. You are so useless. .”

"Coming, get ready, True Several Thousand Hands..."

Leonardo looked at O'Neal with a question mark on his face.jpg, and showed contempt for Teacher Kaido without any concealment. He did not stop moving his hands, and continued to perform a few blind knots in a very competent manner. After a few Indian moves, ten statues The Super Buddha appeared in front of Mr. Kaido for another double dinner.

The labor and management were so loud and angry just now but you didn’t listen. It’s too late to regret now! (^∇^)

"Damn brat...(▼Van▼#)"

Seeing another super giant Buddha appear in front of his eyes, the fire in Teacher Kaido's eyes almost turned into reality. He turned into a human-animal form, took out a big black stick, spun three and a half times in the air, and hit the super giant Buddha with five consecutive fake movements. .

"I asked you, can you use some new words? After all, you have been around for a long time, and your level of education is still so low. You just come and go with these few words. You are either damn or a bastard. My ears are getting calloused. , take the time to learn from Whitebeard, read more books and gain more knowledge, you are not required to take a postdoctoral degree like Whitebeard, at least you can get along with some new words when you are trolling."

...asking for flowers 00

"Hey! It's no wonder that fat lady Charlotte dumped you back then. It's really not new at all..."

Leonardo listened to Mr. Kaido's unsatisfying and annoying words, and shook his head with an angry, slightly disappointed look in his eyes, as if this son was not living up to expectations, and his father Very disappointed.

"Damn brat!!(#1)?"

"Boom boom boom..."

Teacher Kaido's eyes are shining red, and his face is completely covered with a layer of Haki due to his skin color, and it also has its own electric special effects.


However, Kaido-sensei exploded, but because he hit the Golden Lion too hard before, he is really a little weak now. In addition, he was punched in the head so many times by the super Buddha, and now he is starting to feel dizzy. The reason why he didn't fall down was entirely due to his amazing willpower.

"Ouch, look! You almost hit me! Keep going, keep going, True Several Thousand Hands...^^)"

Seeing Teacher Kaido gnashing his teeth and hammering another big Senju Buddha to pieces with all his strength, Leonardo smiled as another big Buddha popped up in front of him.

Give Mr. Kaido a cheering look.

I have to say that it’s a bit fun to see Mr. Kaido being so angry and unable to hit anyone.


"Damn bastard, don't let labor and management see you next time, let's go... ▼ dishes ▼ #)"

Teacher Kaido's teeth were almost broken. The huge anger emanating from his angry body made the whole sky dizzy with resentment. If he could, he really wanted to peel off this bitch's skin and tear his mouth open. I have never seen such a mean bitch.

Looking at the mean face in front of him, Teacher Kaido gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and roared quite powerfully, and a giant dragon turned over and flew towards the sky.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to fight this bitch, it’s just that after three consecutive fights, Iron Man couldn’t bear it anymore, so he should go back and rest first before going to fuck this bitch Zero!

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