Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

791. Teacher Kaido Was Angry And Ran Away


People in front of big screens around the world suddenly fell silent...

"This... Kaido was so angry that he ran away?"

"Maybe this guy is too cheap..."

Watching Mr. Kaido's retreating figure, everyone was dumbfounded and looked at the figure standing on the head of the giant Buddha on the big screen, showing complete confusion.

Wasn't it impressive just now, and now he's gone?

This Marine Admiral's mouth is truly historic. People sprayed Golden Lion for several days but it didn't work. As a result, Marine Admiral only sprayed it for less than a day and made people angry.

Too special girl is invincible!

But if you think about it carefully, this Marine is indeed a bit irritating. If it were them, they would probably be pissed to death by this Marine.

"£=('o`*)))Oh...this guy."

Xiao Ma, who was originally teaming up with Huo Jin to rescue the Golden Lion with Kizaru, saw that Huo Jin had also fled away. He looked helplessly at the sky, sighed and then flew away.

It's not that he doesn't want to complete the task assigned by his father, but now that Kaido is pissed off by that big mouth, he can't stand it alone.

Kizaru suddenly came out and wanted to kill him just now. He was caught off guard and couldn't catch the Golden Lion, let alone asking him to fight two against two now. It's really difficult for him...

"This... this guy really... made Kaido angry. (O_O)"

Everyone else on the Moby Dick was fine. They knew how irritating this Marine's mouth was. Although it was strange to make Kaido angry, they didn't understand.

But Ace next to Whitebeard was confused. This was the first time he had seen such a thing. Kaido had been able to withstand the Golden Lion's spray for so many days before, but now he was actually pissed off by a Marine Admiral. Although Well, this Marine Admiral is quite mean. He wants to hit someone just looking at him here. But when he saw such a fierce Kaido being so angry with that Marine, he still looked at the figure standing on the head of the Senju Buddha as if he were an alien. .

How could someone be so mean?

"Just get used to it. When you encounter this guy, it's best to put cotton or something in your ears to try not to be affected by him...-_-||"

Big Diamond Jozi patted Ace's shoulder. He could completely understand Ace's current mood. When Marineford fought, even their father was sprayed a little, let alone Kaido.

"Huh...that's awesome!"

Ace's younger brothers also exclaimed. It turns out that you can defeat the enemy with your mouth. They finally saw it.

"Huh... Done, hey! Golden Lion, is he dead? (^∇^)"

Seeing Teacher Kaido leave, Leonardo also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He returned to the warship and looked at the Golden Lion who had been handcuffed with seastone and spread out on the deck like a pile of rotten meat.

Do you really think that unlimited power is not tiring?

If Mr. Kaido's mental quality were better, he would really not dare to play like this and run to fight with him. Senju's old and funny ultimate move is sharp, but it is too energy-consuming. Then he is now at the peak of his integrity and back Even if he could beat Gion to surrender in a single fight, he wouldn't be able to withstand such a game.

Looking at the dead look of Golden Lion, Leonardo always felt that something was missing and was a bit unaccustomed to it. He took out a large cigar, broke it in half, and then put one section into Golden Lion's mouth.


With half a big victory cigar, the black boss temperament is back...(^^)

"Bah! You brat, you have the guts to let go of labor and management and "challenge labor and management (~)"

These traditional big pirates are so dedicated. Even though they are already like a piece of rotten meat, their mouths are still as tough as ever.

The Golden Lion lay spread out on the deck and let the Marine boy bandage him to stop the bleeding. He still looked extremely arrogant, but he did not spit out the half of the Victory cigar that was forced into his mouth, showing off his bossy demeanor.

"Take the old guy down and take good care of him. Don't let him die. This old guy will keep his value while he's alive..."

Looking at Golden Lion who was still the hardest, Leonardo was too lazy to talk to him, turned around and waved his hand towards his younger brother.

"Sir, don't worry, the Golden Lion's vitality is stronger than that of ordinary people [it cannot die!"

The boy who was packing Golden Lion suddenly used too much force, causing Golden Lion to grin in pain. He raised his head and patted his chest to assure himself.

"Kuri Admiral, Kizaru Admiral, and Golden Lion made a lot of money, a total of three billion beli, most of which were made from Kaido's territory during this period. This old guy doesn't know what he wants to do... …”

After the boys carried the Golden Lion down, Uncle Rear Admiral came over and said to them...

......... Golden Lion, the benchmark of great pirates, the one with the most dreams, it is normal to want to do something big. "

"If you take out a few hundred million, you can divide it. The rest will be kept until you return and hand it over to the headquarters..."

Leonardo and Kizaru both looked at each other in surprise.

Kizaru: Fifty-fifty?

Leonardo: 50/50.

Then Leonardo glanced at the Rear Admiral uncle. The main reason was that these boys were brought from the headquarters and were not spiritual enough. If it were his boys from the Sabaody branch, there would be no need to report these "little things" to them. , you will know how to operate it yourself.

This wave of Golden Lion’s comeback is basically just to make money. Others don’t know about Golden Lion’s great plan of a group of animals to conquer the world, but Leonardo is very clear about it. This kind of small biological experiment is just like Small scientific experiments also cost money. In order to support the few big-headed scientists in Naval Headquarters' scientific force, Sengoku used his name to apply for funds from Wu Zai's father every year, and even used the gold that Wu Zai's dad gave him. It’s not even enough, so you can imagine how much money is being spent.

Golden Lion has no source of income after being eliminated by the times. It is estimated that even Whitebeard cannot afford this small biological experiment, let alone him in 1.0. It is already a miracle that he has come out to make money now. I don’t know how many decades ago it was. Where did Golden Lion make money in 2017?

This battle came to an end as the MVP winner, Mr. Kaido, left without even taking the trophy, and the Golden Lion was kidnapped by Kizaru.

Although the Golden Lion was beaten by Uncle Marine, his almost pathological stubbornness and pride moved countless young people. In this battle, everyone saw the stubbornness of the traditional pirates and the pride in them. Even if they were beaten by Teacher Kaido Even though I have done so well, I still haven’t given up mentally.

Of course, Kaido, who won the MVP, performed well, but the spirit he showed in this battle was still far behind the Golden Lion. The scene of being stunned by the Marine Admiral Green Fox in the end has become an eternal classic. ...

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