Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

803. Ace: This Big Brother With Broad Chest Muscles

"Heaven falls... No! Thunder Eight Trigrams!"


A figure who looked exactly like Mr. Kaido, with a similar shape to Mr. Kaido, and even the guy on his hand was the same style as Mr. Kaido, descended from the sky, swung the bat at the large army of Haki behind Ace, and hit home runs again and again with the same style as Mr. Kaido. The terrifying power of the money made the troops behind Ace give in.


"Big... Yamato-sama!"

With the terrifying power, the familiar combat mode, and the same style as Kaido-sensei, when they saw the person in front of them, the boys of Beasts Pirates couldn't even give up. Isn't this their guy who could inherit the family business? Is it the "Prince of Beasts" who just ran out to start a business from scratch?

The younger members of the Beasts Pirates stationed in Wanokuni are all veteran cadres. Even if they are dim-sighted, the pair of big horns on the opponent's head are almost the same style as the elder's but are a few sizes smaller. They can't be mistaken. Except for their "Prince" Besides, who else can inherit such a perfect inheritance.

But... didn't the "Prince" go to start a business? Why did he end up in Wanokuni? (O_O)?

Beasts Pirates had three disasters. They knew that "Prince" was starting a business in Wanokuni. Many of the Beasts Pirates' younger brothers only knew that "Prince" was starting a business but didn't know where it was. Many people even didn't know that there was another one in their Beasts Pirates. "Prince", after all, this "Prince" ran away from home to start a business N years ago. Beasts Pirates has had many younger brothers over the years.


When the warriors of Wanokuni saw Beasts Pirates' younger brother looking like he had seen a ghost, they also had questions on their faces. Who is this guy? He thought he was Kaido wearing one more piece of clothing than Kaido.


But when they saw the Beasts Pirates boy looking like he was scared to death, they didn't dare to move. What if the other party was really Kaido of the Beasts and was playing Coslpay?

Are you looking for death if you rush forward?

The key is that this person who fell from the sky looks so much like Kaido!

"You guys have crossed the line. This is the territory of labor and management, so get out of here. (▼△▼ㄨ"])"

This "Prince" did not respond to the Beasts Pirates boys. Instead, he carried a big stick of the same style as Mr. Kaido's but a few sizes smaller. Haki shouted at a group of Wanokuni boys in fancy clothes and the Beasts Pirates boys. The whole body exudes an aura that one man can stand against and ten thousand men can't stop, sweeping the entire audience.

"Wow! (⊙o⊙)!"

There was a little blood at the corner of his mouth, but Ace couldn't hide his cute temperament. He almost bit his tongue when he looked at the figure of Haki falling from the sky.

This brother with broad chest muscles is so handsome, I really think he is dressed like a big monster. Kaido is a big monster..

"Boy, where the hell are you doing? What's your territory? The whole Wanokuni is the territory of labor and management! (▼_▼#)"

At this time, Kurozumi Orochi, who turned into Yamata no Orochi, finally arrived. As soon as he arrived, he heard that this kid who looked like Kaido really thought of himself as a big monster threatened that this was his territory. Kurozumi Orochi was instantly upset, although he didn't know that this guy dressed like him Kaido even has the same big Kakuzu on his head. What does it have to do with Kaido? He even knows Kaido's moves.

But Wanokuni is his territory, and this kid is so arrogant in his territory. Do you think he, the person who talked about Wanokuni, is the dead man of Te Niang?

Don’t labor and management have any respect for face?

"It's none of your business where labor and management go. If you do something on labor and management's territory, have you asked labor and management? (^x)*

The "Prince" looked at Yamata no Orochi who was disgusted to death, and faced a group of Wanokuni samurai who were copying him and started to fight without any fear.

This arrogant and Taoist family tradition is fully displayed.

"My god...give it to the labor and management! Hack these two brats to death!o(▼_▼Xi)o"

Kurozumi Orochi, who had returned to his human form, was almost furious. He originally wanted to criticize his uncle, but the opponent's appearance and weapons were the same as Kaido's. The Beasts Pirates man looked like he had eaten several kilograms and couldn't recover. It seems that if the other party is a relative of Kaido, wouldn't he be slandering Kaido's uncle when he criticizes his uncle? If Kaido finds out, he will die.

Although you can't make random comments, but as the old saying goes, those who don't know are not guilty. If you don't know his identity, you can always kill him, right?

And he didn't take any action. If something happened, he would have to hand over his little brother.

I'm so smart! (???)

"Come on! (A)?"

"Kick him to death!, (A)?"

Following Kurozumi Orochi's order, the Beasts Pirates boys did not move, but Wanokuni's samurai boys drew their swords. They were not blind either. The other party's appearance was 80% similar to Kaido's teacher, plus the Beasts Pirates guys were also With a ghostly expression, some people had vaguely guessed that the other party might be a relative of the big monster Kaido.

But who asked them to eat with the boss? [The boss asked them to come and they had to come.

You have to be loyal when you go out to hang out!

"."Looking for death! Falling from the sky..Bah! Thunder Eight Trigrams!"


This "Prince" perfectly inherited the character of Mr. Kaido. When faced with a group of Wanokuni warriors who rushed up, he did not show any fear at all. He rushed into the crowd with a big stick like a humanoid tank and every time he swung the stick, it was full. Base hit.

"fire punch!"


Although he is also confused about the origin of this big brother with broad chest muscles who looks like the big monster Kaido, but this big brother with broad chest muscles just came to help, and now that he is being chopped down, he naturally cannot sit idly by and cover the group of leaders who are rushing towards him. The sword samurai fired several fire punches in a row, fighting back to back with this big brother with broad chest muscles.

"Captain of the ship, Lord Yamato was killed, what should we do? (O_O)?"

The boys of Beasts Pirates also looked at the leader in the C position in bewilderment. The current situation is very complicated, and their simple heads have not yet fully understood it.

First of all, they were sent to Wanokuni by Boss Kaido to take care of the ordnance factory here. By the way, they joined forces with Kurozumi Orochi to prevent the remnants of the Kozuki clan and prevent them from making a comeback. If you think about it, they and Kurozumi Orochi should be teammates. There's nothing wrong with that.

But the man opposite him is the "son" of Boss Kaido and the crown prince of the Beasts Pirates. But judging from the prince's behavior just now, it seems that he is hostile to them.

So the question is, should they help Kurozumi, his teammate, kill their prince, or should they help their prince kill their teammate?

"Fuck! What nonsense are you talking about? Didn't you see that Mr. Yamato was chopped down? Come on! (#A')?"

People who can be the leader have a complicated mind. Although he is a little confused between his teammates and the prince, he knows who he is hanging out with.

If they still sit idly by while the prince is being chopped down, they will go to the sea to feed the Sea Kings.

At this time, don't worry about the messy teammates, go rescue them first.

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