Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

804. Kaido’S Son Hero Saves “Beauty”

"Huh? Bastards! What do you want to do... let the labor and management hack them to death! (▼Van▼#)"

Kurozumi Orochi, who was standing in the C position in the crowd and commanding but had never made a move, saw the Beasts Pirates' younger brother suddenly went berserk and chopped down his own younger brother. He was mentally certain that this brat who dared to compete with him for territory in Wanokuni was Kaido's relative, but Kurozumi Orochi did not He didn’t stop, I don’t know what he was thinking, but instead ordered his younger brother to chop down the Beasts Pirates younger brother as well.

Then he took two steps back with great momentum and without leaving a trace, and then took two steps back, keeping a safe distance between himself and his younger brothers, as if this battle had nothing to do with him, and he knew at a glance that he had come to watch the battle with knowledge. ..

"Fire...huh??? What is going on?? (O_O)?"

In the field, Fire Fist Ace was back to back with his big brother with broad chest muscles. Suddenly he saw Beasts Pirates' younger brother rushing forward ferociously. He thought he was coming to chop them. He was about to open his weapon when he saw Beasts Pirates. The younger brother slashed at Wanokuni's warrior fiercely.

This made him a little confused. What kind of background did his big brother with broad chest muscles actually allow the Beasts Pirates to turn around and promote teammates.

So amazing!(O_0)

"Why are you so dazed? Run away now!"

The younger brother of Beasts Pirates swarmed up, and the scene was quite chaotic. The big brother with broad chest saw Ace in confusion, so he didn't talk nonsense. While the younger brother of Beasts Pirates and Wanokuni's samurai were slashing at each other, Kurozumi saw the big snake. He was also blocked, so he just put Ace on his shoulders and ran away.

This kind of fight and run is really cool! (^∇^)

"Big news, big news!"

"Kaido, his "son" was chopped down!"

"Holy shit! Isn't it? Who is so brave to kill Kaido's "son"? Don't want to mess around anymore? (⊙∀⊙)!"

"You don't know yet? Yesterday, in Wanokuni, Kurozumi, the talker of Wanokuni, originally led people to hunt down "Fire Fist" Ace, but then, for unknown reasons, Kaido and his "son" suddenly appeared as a hero to save "Mei" , and this Kurozumi snake is also brave enough, knowing that the opponent is Kaido's "son", he still cuts it without mistake. Yesterday in Wanokuni, Beasts Pirates and those Wanokuni samurai were fighting, you didn't see that scene, it's called a cruel........…"

"Oh! I didn't expect this Kurozumi snake to be so powerful and powerful!"

"By the way, does Kaido know about this?"

"Probably... I don't know yet (biec). It happened yesterday, so it probably didn't spread so quickly. It just so happened that my cousin called me yesterday in Wanokuni to tell me that 89..."

"Wait! You mean... Kaido has a "son"??"

"Nonsense! Auntie already has a lot of children, why can't Kaido have a "son"?"

"That's right..."

The news that Kaido's "son" was killed in Wanokuni was like a gust of wind. In just three days, it spread across the entire sea, especially in the New World. It shook the entire New World like a nuclear bomb explosion.

The expression management of the people who heard the news was very uniform and gave a confused expression.

Ever since Mr. Kaido killed that Whitebeard brother, Wanokuni's strongest and second richest Second Generation, although Wanokuni still has a high degree of autonomy on the surface, everyone knows that Wanokuni is already the territory of the Beasts Pirates. Back then, the Whitebeard Pirates still had a high degree of autonomy. I worked with Beasts Pirates for Wanokuni for almost two years, and in the end it ended in a draw.

And now.

Teacher Kaido actually has a "son", and he also performed a hero to save "Beauty" in Wanokuni. This "Beauty" is also the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the popular little hottie "Fire" Ace who has become popular in the past two years. ?!

Is it poisonous in here?

Haven't the Beasts Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates always been against each other? Why did Kaido's "son" save "Fire Fist" Ace?

But thinking about the young face of "Fire Fist" Ace, and the previous battle between the Beasts Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates, Kaido seemed to like this "Fire Fist" Ace, and people seemed to understand that Kaido's "son" "There may be some story with "Fire Fist" Ace.

Although there is a huge difference in body shape between the two, if they truly love each other, height, body shape, etc. will not be a problem...

But speaking of it, Kurozumi is really brave. Who doesn’t know that Mr. Kaido defended his shortcomings and bravely braved the Impel Down for a younger brother? He almost opened the Impel Down in a hand-to-hand fight with Garp.

He was so unscrupulous for the sake of a younger brother, not to mention that it was his son who was being chopped down now.

Kurozumi, the snake's brain was caught in the door, right?

"How did this brat get together with Kaido's "son"? Isn't it a honey trap? (O_O)?"

Sabaody, Leonardo was confused after hearing this little story. He knew that Kaido had a "son" with well-developed chest muscles. This "son" appeared in the Wanokuni plot of Garp's grandson in the original book, but in recent years, I really haven’t heard any news about this “son”, how come he is getting together with Roger’s son now.

Teacher Kaido seemed to be quite attracted to Roger's son before, but now they bump into each other while out for a walk?

Regardless of whether Mr. Kaido's imagination could come up with such a brilliant script, he doubted whether Mr. Kaido had tampered with it...

"Kaido actually has a son! (⊙o⊙)!"

Dominic, Toss Berry and others were also shocked by the news. It had been decades since he debuted, and this was the first time he heard that the big monster Kaido actually had a son. He must have hidden this well. ?

You must know that Beasts Pirates are not just kittens and puppies. They come from a super wealthy family. The whole world knows clearly what kind of configuration this super wealthy family has. For example, Whitebeard is the captain of the 16th division, and BIGMOM's three dessert generals. ..No, now there are the four dessert stars, a group of top 3D players from the Red Hair Pirates, and the three disasters from the Beasts Pirates. Each of these people are all-star starters, and as the son of Kaido, the real crown prince of the Beasts Pirates, his identity , whose status is much higher than that of the Three Disasters, but has always been unknown, at least he has never heard of it, Feng Liang is really too special.

"(O_O)?...Didn't I tell you that Kaido does have a "son", but this "son" is a female. Based on genetics, it is very likely that Kaido and Charlotte The crystallization of a fat woman......"

Leonardo said while looking at the shocked Dominic and others.

I also started to make up my mind. Kaido's "son" seems to be quite beautiful. Kaido is so ugly that he can give birth to such a beautiful "son". The woman has made a great contribution. Charlotte, the fat woman, was famous as the "Sister of the Sea" when she was young. Flowers, ranging from Golden Lion to Rayleigh, cats and dogs, no one is greedy for her body. If this beautiful "son" of Kaido is the result of Kaido and Charlotte's fat woman, then it would make sense.

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